Girls love bald guys bro

>girls love bald guys bro

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They don't mind bald people, what they do mind are bald people who think they still got hair in the head and refuses to shave it all off.

Monk and moon haircuts are disgusting.

I don't like his face so I don't like him either way

ahah, I had almost forgotten if I should kill myself soon
many thanks friendo

He's look good if he went chrome dome. Atm he's doing the equivalent of a teenager growing out his face pubes

Literally no guy looks better of even equivalent without hair. Hair always makes anyone look better zero exceptions, even the chaddiest bald chad

Low quality post. If he completely shaved he'd still be Chad.

>girls love bald Chads, bro

pretty much this
doc from z nation is like the only dude i can think of who can pull this off, but dont even attempt desu
when your like full white hair maybe you got a chance if u got a beard like this nigga

Attached: znation.jpg (650x366, 47K)

Jason Statham deserves a mention I feel.

>tfw no balding insecure bf

He isn't fully balded, the few patches of hair he has left give him a bad feeling, go full bald.

This. He has the skull, the height and the looks. He can just go clean-shaven and still be attractive to women. Possibly moreso.

Shaven heads are ugly, I don't get this meme of full hair or completely shaven.

Only because he has a nice bushy beard.

It's because it upsets their feelings hearing about how being bald is unattractive. They're in denial.

Reminder, that everything is relative

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very dishonest shop; the top of his bald head on the right is the same height as the top of his hair on the left

A lot of men are bald, but you sometimes see the guy who just can't accept that his hair has gotten too thin. He tries to hide it with shitty haircuts or just don't do anything at all, and end up looking ridiculous in the process. I know it fucking sucks to admit that you're losing your hair, but at some point you have to bite the bullet and either find an appropriate hairstyle for your amount of hair or just keep it extremely short, if not shave it entirely.

Bald is not a good look for me. I have a huge bump on my head which hair hides.

I can never shave it clean enough to hide the hairline. My hair is too deep and dark. I would have to dye it AND shave it.

Why does everyone have to sport the chromedome? Just work what you have left and be a man about it.

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