How do i learn basic hygiene and stop smelling like fucking armpit all the time...

how do i learn basic hygiene and stop smelling like fucking armpit all the time? serious question i cant do what a nigger can.

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anyone? help a stupid fuck idiot out.

just be yourself, nigger! if she can't love you for who you are then she doesn't deserve you.. somehow people got along just fine before jew sold us soap meme

bro i smell like shit.

>buy some soap
>buy some shampoo
>get a clean towel and washcloth
>take a decent shower with these items
>don't do stupid shit to fuck up your clean condition afterward

deodorant retard

I haven't taken a shower in 5 months.. females are still paying attention to me when I go to the store.. I put fresh clothes in when I go out of the house but could care less about washing my body besides my teeth, face and dick.

your natural smell is what tells opposite sex if your genes are compatible.

>your natural smell is what tells opposite sex if your genes are compatible.

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tea tree oil soap and a loofah. you are welcome

you think I am joking..

but there was researched published recently that birth control and other body products have been messing with females thus they pick incompatible mates which leads to failures in relationships.

Stop showering regularly because it makes you smell like cat piss longer than not, wash your pits and apply deodorant before going out, learn to clean your butthole properly, maybe clean behind your ears sometimes.

is this why nerds smell like shit? vro no lie every time im around a nerd they smell like a diaper. do men even smell women to know? shit how could i even know women be altering their stench with chemicals all the time

>but there was researched published recently that birth control and other body products have been messing with females thus they pick incompatible mates which leads to failures in relationships.

It'd still be the pareto rule so nothing would change. The Chads would still have have basically all of the women in his harem.

>take a shower daily
>use shampoo & conditioner
>scrub yourself thoroughly with soap/bodywash
>wear deodorant
If you do all these things, then I have no idea and I want to sniff you, no homo.

Please tell me I'm not the only person in the world who has baths everyday instead of having showers

>wake up in the morning
>shit and wipe
>have a 15 minute shower, shampoo hair & wash body with soap
>apply deodorant to armpits
>brush teeth
There you subhuman

Cut all of your body hair below the neck off or trim to almost nothing. Hair absorbs sweat and dirt. Painters use hair brushes because it sops up paint and holds it so much more than plastic based brushes. So just cut all of your armpit hair and trim most of the rest or your hair down or shave it off.

Next wear cloths that breathe. If you get too hot you sweat. Buy some inexpensive exercise shirts that are breathable and have micro holes in them to let out heat and quickdry.

If you are going to work out a little or move around a ton have some underarm deodorant nearby and put a bit on before you go out. Spray deodorants work well too.

Just spray some axe on your body. Spray some febreze on your cloths, put one hat and chew some gum.

You are now ready for the day.

Me too op. Don't be discouraged if that thick shell of dirt doesn't come off in the first shower and remember to wash your towel.

no one thought you were joking
I fucking hate quirky fact posters like you especially when it's old fucking news

shave armpits.
it works and no one will know.

>and no one will know
is shaving or trimming your armpits not normal or something?

not him, but even my chad dad shaves his armpits