How does it feel being excluded from the magical world of stress free hookups and casual sex that drives 90% of human...

How does it feel being excluded from the magical world of stress free hookups and casual sex that drives 90% of human culture? How does it feel to know that you are cut out from the most essential human pleasure: to be desired and lusted after for who you are?

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Most people especially millennials dont get laid. Social media and pornography have clouded your mind

How does it feel to project your own insecurities on a tawainese shit painting messaging board?

As an ugly man the most beautiful parts of being alive are sealed off from you. You are to live as a pariah in your own community until the day you die.

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>people believe this

Its true, millionals are the highest rate of celibates of any other recent generation.

But any girl can get laid, maybe it's just millennial guys

can you imagine this guy making this post? Haha just think of the state of this guy to actually type out those words. Man, I can't even fathom it.

Feels good, man. I'm a human, not some primal animal.

all others shall yield for the betterment of my own well-being

Paying for sex from 10/10's.

It's 1000x cheaper than hooking up with some 4/10 Becky in the long-term.

gives me no stake in life.
why should i care about hillary or trump.
why should i care if anyone dies.
why should i care if the ocean or land is ruined.
i could go on. you get it. there is nothing to invest in this place.
sometimes i sit here and think the world is so fake.
the very fabric of reality is fake.
my hands go through the air as i try to tear at it.
i dont get why i am here.
world passes me by and im just watching
watching people hold hands, watching people socialize.
i am an outsider. an observer.
like the rotten apple or spoiled berry.
something used to contrast against beauty

I'm not excluded.

>Drives 90%
Got it inverted, especially for men
There are people living that life, but it's a pretty constrained percent of the population, even for 18-30yos.

For every chad getting laid with a new girl every week there's two complete incels and 5 normies with a gf or on/off medium term relationships

Feels good man. Hookups are awful.

> the most essential human pleasure
fuck that I like being celibate. Did you know STD rates are at an all time high in the USA? It's a filthy hedonistic society. To not participate in the orgy porgy of brave new world should be a point of pride.

I'm not excluded, but I don't want herpes and other infections, so I only fuck my bf.

>spend an evening putting effort into dealing with creeps and risk being murdered to possibly get laid
>binge netflix

I know what my stepsister chooses.

I'm not excluded. All my life I have only ever had people inviting me along and trying to help me, including building relationships and having sex.

I'm the one who is turning them all away.

Damn nigga if I were sitting behind these bitches I would eat their asses with the jeans still on because fuck that I dont have time to pull em down. Shit, Id have them both cumming before next period. Bet.

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It doesn't feel great user... For the last 2 hours I've been looking at escorts again but years ago I made a vow to myself I would never pay for sex again, as soon as i cum I'm filled with an unexplainable despair and hated for myself and the whore I just paid, nevertheless I'm so lonely right now and close to caving.

It feels bad having to pay someone to fuck you because they have absolutely no emotional connection or physical attraction to you, I won't enable that behaviour anymore.

i thought they are friendly?

They are friendly user but it's not real, it's a veil, they don't actually care about you nor are they attracted to you, they're just doing it for money.

Of course you know what you're getting but I don't want to support degeneracy and I can't deal with my emotions after I nut I lose my mind for a short period of time I think I could kill someone if I saw a whore again

I'm a black man living in blue ruled NY. All I need to do is put aside my autism and laziness and go outside.

>How does it feel being excluded from the magical world of stress free hookups and casual sex that drives 90% of human culture?
I'm fine with it.
It's the exclusion from the loving, committed marriage part that gets to me.

I have a long term gf that fucks me probably 7 times a week.

>STS rates are at an all time high
Source or you lie.
it's not hard to understand. hookup apps both hetero and homosexual have increased the amount of promiscuity within the society by a massive margin. Sex has become another form of empty pleasure seeking on par with drug use.

>the veil
is it something you can see in their faces and the way they speak? or is it something you just know is real.
>support degeneracy
the thing holding me back from escorts
>I can't deal with my emotions after I nut I lose my mind for a short period of time
i only feel that way to bad porn, good porn i'm on cloud9 for a few minutes


It's not that high, is it?

That's what happens when you cut funding for sex education and preach abstinence.

Only in the west, where the spell of decadence pervades all things.

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Feels the same as every other day, bad.

Your argument is invalid as it's the corporations and media pushing the message of it into the minds of the masses. It has nothing to do with sex education or blaming conservatives for "repressing" so called progressive values.

bad news, scientists have found new ways to fight antibiotic resistant bacteria
only thing we can hope for is a herpes strain that causes more outbreaks
>normfags can receive multiple herpes infections
>herpes bypasses condoms

The message of what? The amount of sexual partners keeps decreasing with younger people. Weird how that goes against the rise in STDs.

Grass is always greener on the other side

I have old friend who have kids and fucked so many girls he said he got tired of sex

today hes depressed, alcoholic, shitty job and childsupport

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oh, good. so they can continue to fuck eachother until they die of disillusionment or disease.

I have no intention to have sex ever in my life.
I am just not into that.
Why do you think sex is everything?
For me religion and friendship is very important, art and vidya are things i like.
Why is sex such a center for you?

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Is she dead yet?

Also fug her - she's not blood related and you can stop being an incel.

have you a source on that claim?
surely you can provide. ill do yours, you do mine. :^)

Sex is blown up in to TV cult as being the peak of social success, as the ascent into manhood.
It's become a cheap commodity to be sold among hedonists to whomever suits their immediate lust.

think of it as the mainstreaming of pornography bleeding over into the world as a futureless generation gives into godless perversion with one another

Are you new here? Plenty of sources easily found they get posted all the time.

irrelevant article
the immediate statistics show whats going on

>I don't like the proofs that go against my incel beliefs
>therefore the proofs is wrong
Why do you refuse to accept the truth?

A bit of both user, they try to be sweet but I'm sure I'd be sweet too if I got paid more than some people get in a day for an hour to have sex

Those girls im the picture are getting laid, and they're getting laid with men. You just aren't one of them. Keep flossing, though.

leftypol faggot confirmed. disregarded.

This one is funny in a sardonic way.

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Yeah, totally not like East Asia. Where there are literal blowjob cafes and red light districts galore.

I mean they literally hand out condoms by the bucketful at literally every school so...

Holy fuck this is deep

Absolutely retarded and unfunny. You have to be a literal retard to think that is funny. Just another brainlet incel high school dropout NEET who thinks he is a MD.

Triggered, femen?

It's pretty funny when even cartoon drawings are having sex and you aren't.

Only in third world shitholes like Thailand. You want to live somewhere that immoral? Go ahead.

Your cartoon is retarded and so are you, brainlet incel.

>what are soaplands in Japan

Changing the goalpost aside, how does it benefit a society to have those sorts of things in it?

I don't mind at all tbqh.

>How does having options to get a better and nicer life benefit society
Why are incels always such brainlets?

>stress free hookups and casual sex

>risk catching incurable infectious diseases for some quick emotionless release, when I can just get the job done in ten minutes alone including cleanup

I would bet most of us could have and maybe still could get with some girls. The problem at least for me is the quality of the girl. Do I want to fuck ugly girls? Do I want to fuck fat girls? Do I even want to fuck any so-so looking nerdy type girls that might have mental issues?

Answer for me is no to all of that. I have watched too much hardcore porn filled with really hot sluts to ever want to settle with way less. I'd have to put in a lot of effort just to get with girls below what my cock truly wants. It isn't worth it. Retro games more than make me happy enough. Also Spider Man on PS4 is looking pretty damn sweet. In fact if I could make a choice I'd probably choose games over chasing pussy. A lot more fulfilling, fun and challenging without it effecting my social standing and without me potentially getting embarrassed badly.

Get lost fucking degenerate. Who in his mind would love hookups and casual sex, if he has triple digit IQ?

It feels S.T.D. free.

Feels normal

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You'll never find a good woman as a porn loving loser. Just give it up, stick with your depraved fantasies and never tell anyone what you do with your spare time.

fine i got vidya and porn and i don't like talking with people

STDs and disgust won't make me less lonely

I can't do it unless it's real, user. I've tried the whole casual sex thing. It always feels empty and gets weird. I don't think it's as great as people imagine.

virgins overemphasize benis in vagina because they've seen it and heard it referenced all their life as the most important thing in existence since commercial society uses it as a marketing tool.
they see it exaggerated in porn and get distorted perversions in their mind about it.
They get bitter when they perceive everyone is getting it but them. etc.

is this truly original?

>You want to live somewhere that immoral? Go ahead.

Where the fuck do you live lol. You are hardly a saint to be talking about immorality.

immorality exists anywhere but he was referring to a place where open sex markets and brothels exist

So incels like you can get some pussy and stop being edgelord autists.

nice slave morality, incel ideology

human history consists of incels getting mad at chads for fucking any woman they please, and inventing contrived notions about what sex should be that just so happens to align with their own inability to fuck, as to elevate themselves from a position of natural weakness

in a world with billions of people, and only a handful being born as chiseled, testosterone-infused gods, the masses will do anything to cock-block those at the top to ensure that they can get a piece of the pie

ain't like it used to be with tribes of

yup. you got me.
fucking roasties

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whatever. reddit spacing doublenigger. get AIDS from unwashed dickgirl

How would i know if i am excluded and never experienced it? I can't know if i am missing something if i never tried it.

fuck, man

triples of truth

Why do white American girls act like negresses

>the magical world of stress free hookups and casual sex that drives 90% of human culture
more like 20% of western culture and 2% of human culture

There are no good women in this dystopia.

pretty good for an user, user

feels like life bro

good one brother

Feels good to know I'll never get an STD

>why are young men doing so poorly in school?

I'm over it drugs and masturbating are more than enough

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Nah, I'm a complete social outcast and I'm not entitled to people, I use to act like a incel, but I think I have gotten better. The only people I have felt natural attraction to cut me out of their lives, and don't want anything to me, so my chances are over, I'm not entitled to them and they don't want to do anything with me,

I've been cuddling with a 5/10 lately, kissing her too. We're probably going to do sexual stuff soon. It's kind of nice, after a lifetime of celibacy, but I'm not sure I feel good about myself.

I want to relate to my robot brethren, but I guess I'm not one anymore.

Complete bullshit. 90% of men have sex. You are the bottom 10 percent. Deal with it nigger.

my brother is uglier, dumber and shorter than me and he gets laid all the time while I'm still a virgin. you wanna know why? it's because the women he's hanging around with are cheap sluts, it's about your standards, if you wanna have something much better you're gonna have to work for it hard, that's why I don't even bother

do another one please

That was pretty gud *Soft finger snapping*

I kinda know the feeling. I want to talk to other wizards in a certain place because I'm a 24 year old kissless virgin but I have some friends and I'm still attracted to 3d women so I feel like I don't belong. Yet this place is full of normoniggers. I hope at least when I turn 30 i can learn magic missile and use it to kill myself.

you're right, now get out n*rmalfag

I just want some intimacy
with anyone

Easy. Go to a prostitute.