Manlets are only good for one thing which is being a trap and servicing MILES of CHAD cock...

Manlets are only good for one thing which is being a trap and servicing MILES of CHAD cock. You manlets should start ordering HRT today so you can be cute and finally get loved. Why not get a chad BF who will fuck you senseless day in and day out and give you multiple prostate orgasms. Take the pink pill and start today the sooner you start HRT the cuter you will look for your chad BF. HRT also helps clear up your probably rancid skin(Estrogen clears up achne). Dont you want to be a smoothed face, clean, smooth, girl and not a Hairy ugly male?

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Stop with these retarded threads encouraging people to become traps, you're mentally ill. Get therapy

Fuck off trap shill, go back to Reiko

i lost my job today im done im worthless i will do whatever you want just tell me what to do and how to contact you.


Fuck off, Chad is not gay.

I have nothing against trannies, but they tend to be a bit deranged.

emailed.... what now?

Now you have to stop samefagging, tranny nigger. No one is falling for this bullshit.

exactly, why these homosexuals believe they will attract the same guy that a real vagina will is wishful thinking at best, delusional and pathetic at worse.

these traps so want to be female but nobody wants them

Watcha doing there
>R A B I

ill do whatever there is nothing to fall for.

Where should you go for more quality content like this, if Jow Forums is so inhospitable?

Your LGBT agenda is backed by (((them)))

I'm a young trap hurting for money, if you install cashapp with my code we'll both get $5! XVTNXSP

My cashapp name is $5kc5 if you'd like to donate instead

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Don't even bother with that gay HRT shit, just put them in a skirt and line them up to get dicked.

>tfw asians and blacks would make better traps but there are almost zero

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>black traps
Fucking disgusting.

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Black trals look more like black girls because black girls look like guys.

>Zero Asian traps
Kek are you kidding?
And blacks tend to go full flaming gay instead of going for trap stuff

Be a girl it's fun ^~^

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