Watching shrek at 5:30 in the morning

>watching shrek at 5:30 in the morning
who else /broken/

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Haha wow dude you are so le epic and funny and memey im literally rolling on the floor laughing

Good early morning fellow east coast user. Not watching shrek, but I'm playing vidya at the moment. I'm actually feeling pretty relaxed right now because in my opinion, 12 at midnight until 5 a.m. are the comfiest hours of my day.

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>Shrek at 5:30am

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the early hours of the morning are magical. so deeply quiet.

maybe i didn't explain enough you fucking chuckle fucks i have been up all night and i haven't seen this movie in years it is the only thing that is helping my constant depression fuck you my life is over everything is gone i lost

good morning user. i am glad that you are having a good morning

Right, no you're just a faggot trying to get mr cool internet dude points. get on with your life retard.

oh yeah so cool watching fucking shrek at 530am trying to think about not suicide i'm the coolest kid in school


you have just been baited by the master-baiter.


So let's do it, fucker


Shrek isn't funny anymore, faggots like you ran it into the ground with your "dank meme" shit. Go to hell.

Shrek is a Reddit meme, maybe you'd have more success back on me_irl or wherever you came from

Summer ended, go back to study kid.

>drop out
>not underage

go back to r eddit you fucking cancerous tumor


>watching it for dank meme
>not watching it because it makes you feel better fuck you

>shrek is re ddit meme
no one cares faggot this isn't pleddit you fucking snob

yeah you're totes reddit or found Jow Forums recently. Go home

>watching youtube nursery rhymes at 5 am
>unemployed and living with parents out in the sticks
>most of the people I grew up with are graduating college around now

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While it may be the most common meme right now, I love the jonhy jonhy meme. It's Majestic. I need more.

Like duuude i'm so fucking depressed like woahhhhhhh please gib me upvotes thanks :)

This is really epic and really random but also deep and insightful but still pretty epic. Also this is random therefore funny and filthy frank is funny. Do you happen to be an ifunny and reddit user?

What the fuck are you doing you fucking retard? Stop trying so hard, why the fuck are you greentexting like that? Lurk for a good fifteen years before you post, holy shit.

>watch a cartoon


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>4:30 am
>watching Lilo & Stitch
>laughing, then start crying because I will never be a kid again, innocently enjoying everything about life
>look up Nani r34 and jerk off then fall asleep.