Damn I wish a girl would look at me like this. Being 6'0 with brown hair sucks. Fucking hell...

Damn I wish a girl would look at me like this. Being 6'0 with brown hair sucks. Fucking hell. Wish my mom never met that Jewish looking motherfucker. He didn't even stick around to raise me ethier. May aswell been born black.

Attached: o-ALEXANDER-SKARSGARD-AWE-facebook.jpg (1536x2302, 654K)

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I bet you're cute, stop being so down on yourself. You'll find a girl one day, user. I believe in you.

pictures like this give elliot rodger perspective

At least your not fat, right? I think im to convert to a mormon, they seem to have no problems getting set up with a girl within the church. Idk, this loneliness is killing me... idk even know what keeps me going anymore

Shut the fuck up cunt, bet you feel so good after posting that.

90% of men will never have a girl look at them like that. And for most who do, that level of admiration fades really fucking fast

Well, at least you're not 5'9" with brown hair...

Attached: 1533699251411.jpg (633x758, 121K)

Being anything less than manly is basically a death sentence on your dating career these days. Girls don't actually like cute. Only girls who like cute guys also happen to like that they are rich guys also.

It's the same thing though. Even at my height it all is meaningless when some 6'2 Joe McCuckernaught exist out their willing to try and front you whenever he can.

>all these brainlets thinking height means getting more pussy
Every study shows taller than average men are perceived as less attractive by females.

Then why don't you explain what is the deciding factor then?

Nonphysical thinga have a lot more weight in general. But in the end every girl has different tastes, some value different things than others.

Kek truly a genius.

Attached: 1536134530095.png (755x708, 31K)

>Every study shows taller than average men are perceived as less attractive by females.

Most delusional shit I've ever heard. First results from google uk for height and attractiveness

>females did rate a photographed male as more attractive when he was depicted as tall than when he was depicted as short relative to an adjacent female.

>Females' sexual attraction towards males may be determined by the height of the man.[94] The online dating Website eHarmony only matches women with taller men because of complaints from women matched with shorter men.[95]
>Other studies have shown that heterosexual women often prefer men taller than they are rather than a man with above average height. While women usually desire men to be at least the same height as themselves or taller, several other factors also determine male attractiveness, and the male-taller norm is not universal.[96] For example, taller women are more likely to relax the "taller male" norm than shorter women.[97] Furthermore, professor Adam Eyre-Walker, from the University of Sussex, has stated that there is, as of yet, no evidence that these preferences are evolutionary preferences, as opposed to merely cultural preferences.[98] Still, the cultural perceived attractiveness preferences for taller men are powerful and confirmed by multiple studies. One study by Stulp found that "women were most likely to choose a speed-dater 25 cm taller than themselves."[99]

>What women really want: How strong arms, a muscular torso and being 6ft tall are considered the most attractive

All debunked memes. Actually google it and you will find the reality of things:


You said
>Every study shows taller than average men are perceived as less attractive by females.
The first 3 results were stating the opposite.

And to top it off this is dumb clickbait shit, it's actually "the most-swiped right" which is obviously going to be the average height. Post scientific studies or something not a single clickbait article

didn't reply right kkekek

All those links are completely flawed because they are based on asking women what they want. Women are fucking clueless. The reality is that average/below average height is the most attractive because that is what women actually go for instead of what they say.

Why are you so bitter and denying the truth?

Imagine being 6' with normal hair color and complaining.

Women go for average cause it's the average, it is the most common height. Absolute brain damage. Same way the most common marriage is 2 white people in a white country, average married woman is the average height and so on

I donate sperm as a side hustle and this is what women want, according to the manlet doctor who works there.

>degree and impressive academic record
>blue eyes
>brown/black hair

I cannot grasp how you could possibly think being short is desirable.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (3077x1101, 245K)

Look at how dumbstruck that femoid is lol.

>Being 6'0 with brown hair sucks

As you already well know, women are obsessed with height. 6ft is passing for them. Now if you were say, 5'7, then that would be a different story. Much different.

Attached: MDvW81S.gif (1600x1057, 327K)

Stuff in scientific journals have been reviewed by loads of people. That article is clearly flawed cause it's not adjusted for how common the various heights are, and hence would be immediately rejected.

Why do you keep spreading the "women like tall men" meme? You're tall and a kissless virgin. The only way you can breed is by sperm donation.

Why are all the biggest pussy slayers around 5'7" while most virgins are taller than 6'?

Women HATE short men. They find short height repulsive. Not only are taller men more valuable in society, but women pre-select for them, even though they make up the minority of the population.

is no one else going to point out that the girl is like 12 years old
>inb4 doesn't matter

I'm tall and gay. I donate sperm cause it's the only way I'm ever going to have kids. I'm not delusional to what women want though, you hear "wow you're so tall" loads but never "wow you're so short" or "wow you're the perfect height". I don't think you can even donate sperm in some countries if you're 5'9" or under

How do you explain ? Hint: you can't. You are wrong.

>Why do you keep spreading the "women like tall men" meme?

Lol. You know exactly why:

Attached: kUJkBbH.png (601x700, 114K)

>Wow, you're so tall/fat/hairy
She doesn't want to fuck you
>Wow, you are so handsome/smart/funny
She wants to fuck you

Haha. Such blatant denial. You don't fool me, though.

Attached: f8b1a8c9d7ae3b532f0cd30065a55015.png (587x538, 54K)

>Wow, you're so tall/handsome/smart/funny
heard commonly

>Wow, you're so short/fat/hairy
never heard

It doesn't matter though. Even if she is that age,you know the rule: number on the clock,ready for the cock.

>hy do you keep spreading the "women like tall men" meme?

Women select against short height.

Attached: height and female nature.png (513x667, 116K)

you fags are missing an important point. there's a difference between preferring x over y, and rejecting y. if the choice just boils down to tall vs short, of course women are going to choose tall. like why the fuck wouldn't they? but that doesn't mean they would literally only date tall men. holy shit just get out of your houses once in a while. you will see literally every kind of man dating an "attractive" woman, cuz big surprise, every person has different tastes, and real life isn't a meme where everything is about stats. it's not that fucking hard to comprehend.

>Damn I wish a girl would look at me like this. Being 6'0 with brown hair sucks

But the guy in your picture is probably about 6'0 and as brown hair

Can anyone look at that picture and NOT sympathize with ER? He was crazy, but he was a product of his environment. The Chadsexual looks-based sexual market made Elliot Rodger the freak he turned into in his final years.

Attached: 1534752270437.png (424x426, 18K)

>"The female is apt to demonize and dehumanize those she does not find suitable for breeding."

Attached: SHORT MEN ARE EVIL.png (602x1072, 296K)

>there's a difference between preferring x over y, and rejecting y

In the female mind, they are one and the same. Automatically reject the bottom majority, automatically accept the top minority. Only when it is time for her to choose a provider for her children will she choose Y

>falling for such obvious b8
you would think being on Jow Forums would make you better at avoiding b8, but guess not

Not bait, pure, unadulterated, female hypergamy for all to see. These are your oneitises. These are your high school crushes. These are your sisters.

They are the cherrypicked trash tier females that will be rejected by all but the lowest quality males.

>Data from badoo
Yeah, it totally represents the real world...

no, no they aren't. there's a fucking thing known as selection bias. 99% of women are just having normal conversations, or posting random normie stuff on twitter. but obviously that's not gonna get screenshotted and shared. so you're not proving anything by a showing random screenshots, especially when it's anons

>tfw 5'3
Is there any hope for gf

you're fucked, anything under 5'10 is hopeless if you don't have god tier aesthetics.

Oh shit. 5'3? Kek. Maybe at 5'6 or so you'd have a chance but you probably can't even ride all the rides at amusement parks, little tike

Except these people aren't in person, but over a social media outlet. Meaning they are broadcasting these things over the internet for others to see, intentionally. It must be difficult for you to accept the truth of female mating patterns. If you've never observed them before.

>They are the cherrypicked trash tier females that will be rejected by all but the lowest quality males.

In an ideal society, yes. In our society, no. I understand your anger, but don't let it blind you to the harshness of natural selection.

Why are you projecting your anger on others?

Just pay a hooker to look at you like that

I was mistaken then. Sometimes the initial reaction of men who begin to understand their place in this monkey show of a civilization tends to be that of rage. Anger at the unfairness of it all. Like another layer of reality was peeled away.