What!? You aren't dating a trap, user? Why not? You don't want to be a virgin incel forever, do you? Traps love nice guys unconditionally you know, not like cis women.
What!? You aren't dating a trap, user? Why not? You don't want to be a virgin incel forever, do you...
Traps love anyone because they're desperate. I dated one and it was a total nightmare. Fuck your propaganda, I fell for it and it was awful.
This would be the only reason I would date a fucking faggot, so I can feel another person next to me. But I still have some pride and dignity left for some stupid reason. If I ever get that low ill probably end up an hero
That is because I'm not a faggot
One bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch, user. Just try again!
I did. I attempted to date 3 more but the first dates all had them moaning on and on about all their problems and talking about society. Never ever again.
>went on a date with a trans
>had a whispy gay guy voice
>and them hair man hands
nope nope nope.
traps are men.
Where in the literal and absolute FUCK do I meet a trap?? I've seen 1 tranny on my campus and (((she))) looks like a dude in a dress.
Sounds like your problem is that you're dating normies, in which case roasties would be equally bad.
If you really want to go for a horrific ride and meet one, then try Tinder. They're the ones that pass best but are truly mentally ill. If you want pretty badly passing and a lil crazy but with guaranteed sex, go on Grindr.