What!? You aren't dating a trap, user? Why not? You don't want to be a virgin incel forever, do you...

What!? You aren't dating a trap, user? Why not? You don't want to be a virgin incel forever, do you? Traps love nice guys unconditionally you know, not like cis women.

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Traps love anyone because they're desperate. I dated one and it was a total nightmare. Fuck your propaganda, I fell for it and it was awful.

This would be the only reason I would date a fucking faggot, so I can feel another person next to me. But I still have some pride and dignity left for some stupid reason. If I ever get that low ill probably end up an hero

That is because I'm not a faggot

One bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch, user. Just try again!

I did. I attempted to date 3 more but the first dates all had them moaning on and on about all their problems and talking about society. Never ever again.

>went on a date with a trans
>had a whispy gay guy voice
>and them hair man hands
nope nope nope.
traps are men.

Where in the literal and absolute FUCK do I meet a trap?? I've seen 1 tranny on my campus and (((she))) looks like a dude in a dress.

Sounds like your problem is that you're dating normies, in which case roasties would be equally bad.

If you really want to go for a horrific ride and meet one, then try Tinder. They're the ones that pass best but are truly mentally ill. If you want pretty badly passing and a lil crazy but with guaranteed sex, go on Grindr.


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>two non-mutually exclusive attributes

A mentally ill person can still be a normie

just stop dude. a lot of people already say trans are trouble and you've got an actual person thats had experience telling you its trouble.

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Ive been told by friends that grindr is just fat gay dudes. I matched with a trap once on tinder but she lived like 2hours away so it was kind of infeasible

Traps and trans are different.
And if you go by what "a lot of people" say on this board, then you'd get nowhere in lfie.

A far away trap is a good thing since you can easily avoid them if it doesn't work out. The ones I went on dates with would become really clingy fast and the one I actually dated at the start was messaging me as soon as the first date had ended.

Grindr has a lot of gross gay dudes but theres a few trans on there. They're just bottom of the barrel usually.

It's not my fault that the traps don't like me!

where the fuck do you find traps anyway?

Discord you retards.
Traps are autistic shy boys they're not going to be on Grindr

>implying roasties (male) are any different from regular roasties

Got any trap discords for me

God damn I love the way this artist gave Felix such a fucking plump ass

Give me a trap then!
I will take care of him nicely. He will be happy and safe and get a lot of dickings too!

date a Jow Forums trap, not a normie transfag


They post them all the fucking time on this shitty board, lurk more faggot.


Tfw no trap gf(male) to cuddle from behind, kiss them on their neck and whisper how much I love them.

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>get a boner just from looking at that picture
it's over for me

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