Reminder that college/University is no place to meet women

>>be a skinny white 5'6 (168 cm) 22 year old 140 pound white male

>>Attempt to start a conversation with a nice looking woman all alone on campus

>>Say hi

>>Woman immediately gets pepper spray and chants autistically "no means no!"

>>Get reported to campus security for an attempted sexual harassment charge for saying the English word for a greeting

>>Either get expelled from campus or sent to prison and raped

College campuses are a Mecca for whores and feminists looking for a reason to get rid of all non Chad looking males. Even the fucking immigrant and the Muslim women are the same way if not worse.

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are betas safe from this?

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Is this another tranny psyop post?

Chad's and brown men and black men can get away with raping women because women with a clitoris really enjoy rape, just as long as it's either a Chad or a black guy. If youre skinny and white and no muscle and young, You're fucked.

Who cares. They can get raped, beaten, or even murdered for all I care.

>50% of cases involve alcohol
>it's the worst date rape drug
then maybe tell females not to conciously and voluntarily consume date rape drugs, if they don't wanna get raped
noone blames society when someone conciously and voluntarily swallows cyanide
if you do that, you expect to die
but when women swallow alcohol, they somehow shouldn't expect to be raped
that's retarded
also gotta love the statistics about how many cases go unreported
how would you know it's 80-90%?

>women with a clitoris really enjoy rape
This might sound like a broad statement but it's true. I fucked a girl with a rape fantasy I had to tie her up and shit.

what about the girls with no clits?
what do they enjoy?

My girlfriend is a mulatto and she is 30 and I'm 22. She has a fetish for white boys and just over the weekend I sort of did anal to her and she asked me to violently force it in their to simulate rape and some cum came out and I just did what she told me. Feels good being a white boy and having a brown woman fetishing white skin violating her bum.

Well women without a clitoris don't have as much of an orgasmic feeling as intact women do, meaning that they are less likely to cheat or be whores. I say the only women who are real victims of rape are the ones who are circumcised and then raped because they can't feel as good as pleasure as intact women.

>Attempt to start a conversation with a nice looking woman
Found the flaw in your actions, you don't talk to a girl unless you do want to be reported for these kind of things and get a criminal record.

You don't waste the authorities time over a boy saying hello and walking up to you.

Why is it that if you hope to meet women you have to be into degeneracy as much as possible? If you aren't into drinking alcohol and going to degenerate parties than it is going to be a lot harder to simply meet women unless you know some from friends.

>5'6 140lbs
Pick one, american

yeah, yikes. I'm 5'6" and I feel fat when I get above 115-ish.

Irony is the fear campaign against men is creating more incels, in turn more killers.
The sign is not protecting stacys

That is why i do not talk to women in my uni,i just focus on studying and everything is going well

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>black men

oh no no no no

you were rayped

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This. Unless you work out, in which case that BMI mean's you're still a dyel faggot.

Because youre a skelly. Get some fucking muscle you puny bitch

Woah guys weve got a fitness expert here.


Kys attentionwhore.

ok bucko, tell me what press/bench/squat/deadlift you would expect for a 5'6" 140lb male who describes himself as skinny and unattractive to women.

if the 1 in 4 that studied abroad was sexually assaulted why didnt she just study in the states???

>retard LARPing as a fitness expert gets called out

I'm not calling myself an expert. I'm calling myself knowledgeable enough to know when someone is weak compared to their BMI.

I feel like this picture is utter bullshit. I'd be surprised if the number was 1/50. I went to college and didn't see any kind of sexual misconduct, unwanted advances, mistreatment, or even a woman telling someone to go away in a forceful way. Literally nothing at all. Where is all the sexual assault happening? Does this include third world countries?

>Didn't go to social gatherings
Yeah user I'm totally wondering why, just joking but majority of those happen to drunk whores in parties.

My sister posted "#metoo" somewhere, and when I asked her about it, she told me about how some guy catcalled her then followed her to a grocery store. Very troubling and worthy of alarm to be sure, but it's not sexual assault. Maybe they're counting stories like that where they were "targeted", but not actually assaulted.

Almost everyone in this thread should be sprayed down by the kikes holy bullets. You motherfuckers went from from misandry and racism being a legitimate issue on college campuses (valid) to "all women enjoy/deserve rape" and "FGM is a good thing". How could you ever expect to be taken seriously in the real world when you unironically believe sadistic shit like that?!

This kind of a thing was a lot more prevalent when I was in college (during the Obama administration), when Title IX laws were enforced without any checks and balances. I had a friend face a Title IX hearing, where I was ask to sit on and vouch for him as a character witness. And, according to the hearing, all he did was ask a girl out to coffee, who still reported him for sexual misconduct (asking someone out = unwanted advances under campus policy). He wound up suspended for the rest of the year (and broke down crying for the rest of the day), and never went back to finish his degree.

And one of the more interesting, yet not entirely unexpected, ironies of this is that I've known the same women since there, and they've been complaining about men no longer making the first moves anymore, and wondering why.

They are in such danger, yet women still decide to go to college. Deep down they know this is just a joke. Everyone does. This is a game, nothing more.

>Attempt to start a conversation with a nice looking woman all alone on campus
>Say hi
>Woman immediately gets pepper spray and chants autistically "no means no!"
This literally never happened you fucking autist.
This kind of shit is aimed that the normies who go to college parties and try to take advatange of drunk sluts, not your average robot who stays in the dorm listening to nightcore remixes.