Types of R9K robots

>the loser
-went to school and faced rejection from peers, maybe because autistic or not normal
-is a man child
nearly all posters are a bit of this type, it overlaps with the otehr types.
>the mentally ill
-cant function like normal people due to mental health reasons,maybe a schizo or perhaps a hikki most of them have some type of serious depression.
there is a lot of cross over with the other types
>the incel
-feel they are incapable of love and relationships due to being not good enough in some way and often it is not their fault they claim
-often feel if they could get laid life would be better,they often dont have mental health issues like depression
there is cross over between the other types but this type makes it his personality that he is a virgin.

>a hikki
for example is an incel because mental health issues that stop them going outside.(but he doesnt base his persona off being incel)
>the loser
is often a virgin and socially retarded and incapable of having sex or getting a mate BUT they dont make it their entire personality.
Incels often shit up the board and falsely think if they get any sex tehy will be better.
>the mentally ill
can be a combination of all of these but often people who have a lot of issues dont even think about getting a GF ect or they do but have so many problems tehy never bitch about it for example.

>what type are you?

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The dude that has a savior complex and has wasted years trying to help efeminate, fatherless men start living instead of rotting away.

This board has morphed into tranny central though, so I barely browse anymore.

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>This board has morphed into tranny central though
I browse all day every day and you learn to mentally block out the 100's of tranny threads

sucks I know

Loser v2 reporting. Im more of a failed normalfag but oh well. Grew up fatherless spending most of my time online due to living ibn a neighborhood with no kids to play with. Grew accustomed to playing alone and having fun by myself so I never sought out friendships outside of school, leading to my social skills declining by the year. By the time I had graduated HS I had one friend and was an anxious, depressed child in a mans body. Went off to college and got destroyed by leaving my comfort zone so drastically, the anxiety and stress of deadlines, and the awful reality of being surrounded by people 24/7 for weeks at a time. Due to anxiety, I have a fear of telling people anything as to keep the status quo. So by the time I dropped out of college, I was suicidal, severely depressed, and socially isolated. My life has been a rollercoaster since then and Im in a valley right now probably not going to hit a hill ever again. Back in school but I just dont care anymore, I just want to see winter one last time before I off myself. Thanks for reading my blog post

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Hikki + a mix of both losers. I wish this pain upon no man.

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>5'3 manlet struggling with everything in life

if you reach a little harder, you might be able to get the toothbrush off the counter one day.

Loser 2.0

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>Grew accustomed to playing alone and having fun by myself
I grew up alone living with my mum alone all day OR my dads but I lived in a caravan park so any kids I met where tourists who left after a few months...
we both learnt to be alone.
have you posted in the hikki thread?
Hikkis are the most fucked man, we are
>incapable of love with 3DPD
>mentally ill
>literally cannot go outside...
tell me your Hikki story?


>all the above
any hope for me anons?

None, because I come here to laugh at you faggots.

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Same situation here on the dot. Only thing is im 19, should i just kms? Im an utter loser and nothing good will ever come from me

The robot definition annoys me so I'm just gonna Jow Forums users

>The weirdo
-browses out of habit, gets into unintentional drama for their "Weird behavior" overshares because of their no filter, is seen as weird IRL too, but no one believes them since they just assume they're a generic attention seeker.

I guess I'm a loser. Fucking hell.

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you are a Hikki bro?
fuck me man, hikkis really are all of the above.
>frog poster
yeah man well I wish you would go away, you know how fucked we are?
yet you keep hurting us.
we try to get away from meanposters IRL and you follow us here.
we all are bro

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What about...
>the attempted normie
I grew up as a loser, tried to turn my life around in high school, but I could never uphold the illusion for more than a few months before descending back into pure autism.

I missed out on a ton of types of losers...
sorry man.

i'm an overachiever who thought he could get happy by proving to everyone he was capable of becoming a scientist.
Now that i'm nearly there (masterstudent microbiology), I feel like I'm unsure if this kind of life would provide me happiness. I'm extremely introverted, while the classes i'm currently taking are only like 24 people, which means i can't be semi-anonymous anymore and actually have to interact with other students, all who are likely smarter than i am, which just further tires me.
And the worst thing is that i know the outcome would be good, but i can't be happy for myself because i feel i don't deserve it, that i am still that little kid that nearly went to special education because of my problems. Fuck me, i thought growing up would mean i became mentally stronger, why am i not stronger?

hikki of 2 years, id like to be normal but cannot think of what normal people do outside or even force myself to leave. My day is easier just watching anime or playing wow compared to planning stuff and making friends

>, i thought growing up would mean i became mentally stronger, why am i not stronger?
we only get weaker and colder.
>My day is easier just watching anime
im hikki too man, tell me some good anime

jojo, monogatari and index if you like good long series

Tried jojo and wasnt a fan.
I loved HxH though...

Ill look into how to start the index series then.
also monogatari I have DL but fucked if I know where to start guess ill google it again

You forgot
>the normie

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The entire site has been killed by gays and trannies. Purge when?

I meant people who belong.......

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for both index and monogatari look up chronological watch orders, airing watch orders or fan recommended watch orders and choose from one. Monogatari has a sense of mystery and reveal to it but can be really confusing if watched in airing order (more specifically the movies, which happen before season 1 but were not actually released until a few years ago). I would recommend airing order but watch Kizu after bake so you know the characters and can really enjoy the movies. For index chronological would be best but its a lot of overlapping between 2 different shows (1-4 of railgun then 1-6 of index, then back to 5-10 of railgun and such)

>the gay OP
-likes to put everything in categories so he knows what dicks to suck.
-starts gay threads about fuck all so he can get drilled in the ass like a faggot.
-was molested by his dad's boyfriend while growing up which explains why hes such a MASSIVE FAGGOT!!!

You forgot about this one.^

>is often a virgin and socially retarded and incapable of having sex or getting a mate BUT they dont make it their entire personality.
I guess this is me but I'm also a hikki.

You forgot the normalfag who comes here to shit on all of the above to feel better about himself and his slightly less shitty life

fuck, ill watch index then, sounds too complicated!
I am noit virgin but wish I was.
im all of the above but im not virgin...

yeah man normalfags are cancer

Mentally ill. Diagnosed schizoaffective. I never thought about getting a gf because at this stage affection, respect, encouragement etc are so foreign to me I don't really know how to react properly to it.

You forgot one more

>The outcast

Not a normie or will ever truly be a robot but a wildcard. What seperates the outcast from a cyborg is that the outcast doesn't have a social life. He has been an outcast since birth but is content to being alone to the point where he pushes people away intentionally. Might currently be focused on life goals or getting drunk on philosophy to cope with existential crisis. Rarely speaks at all. Feels like he doesn't fit on r9k.

>the loser
>bit of hikki nowadays
>some "the mentally ill"

fucked up

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>>bit of hikki nowadays
how are you a bit hikki, hikki is a yes or no thing :(