How do people go from normal social interaction to kissing?
It seems like such a hard transition. No normalfag ever enters the details.
How to go for a kiss
It depends entirely on a situation. There's really nothing that can be said about it, that's why nobody fills in the details. You just "know."
Stop skipping the important details.
>then we went on x place
>we grabbed food, talked, kissed, went on y
>now she's gf (...)
Wait wait wait, wtf? They always sum up an important episode of it in one word, if any. Fucking normalfags!
How did they go from normal interaction to touching other person's mouth with your own?
Well you go on a date and get a feel for what she allows.
If she actively holds your hand throughout the night then you know she is seeking some skinship so you can go for a kiss when you feel the moment is right. IE you two are alone from a group of people, you are about to drop her off from the date location, something really exciting happened, ie if you are at a sporting event and your team scores a point.
You will know when to do it, it's when it feels appropriate for you, it likely isn't the same for everyone but have at very least kissed a few girls so speaking from my little bit of experience.
>Get drunk
>Be sitting
>Touch her thigh
>Go for a kiss
If she lets you touch her it's mostly a sign you are cleared for landing. Also alcohol helps her with making bad decisions, and you with courage.
Godspeed user.
Don't rush it, move closer to her face with your face. If she doesn't recoil in horror you're good to go.
Don't close your eyes prematurely
as said theres no single method of guaranteeing a kiss but i wanted to remind people that kissing and dating isnt like what you see in the movies all the time. people dont always kiss on the first date and they dont always send kiss me signals. if you are new and inexperienced to dating be open about it instead of trying to imitate what youve seen actors do
Pretty much this.
>met a girl last night
>talked about a lot of shit and flirted
>eventually she was leaning against me, caressing my hand and touching me
At some point we just started kissing. It just happened.
You just have to go for it if you feel it's the right time. Sometimes in life you have to take a risk and this is one of those since no girl is going to tell you to kiss. Man up and go for it. The worst she can do is say no.
If I learned anything from the booty warrior its this; be direct. Look her dead in her eyeholes and tell her like this, "I likes you, and I wants you. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way... The choice is yours."
Or do it like rocky, "I'm gonna kiss you now, you ain't gotta kiss me back or nothing"
>no girl is going to tell you to kiss her
the last girl I dated told me that she wants to kiss with me before I kissed her the first time.
When to do it
How to do it (key here is SLOWLY, and read her facial/body language)
Close up the thread boys we're done here
You do it when you feel you can do it.
It's not something easily explainable.
Shit want me to just start recapping all my kisses I remember? Fine if thats what it takes for you to get an idea.
I'd been kissed by girls a few times but first time I was the one who engaged it we were in a church, cleaning some random side room alone.
Another time walking through the park right as we were about the exit the trail and back to civilization we made out.
When we were in bed at her house and everyone was asleep.
When we met up for movies.
When we climbed the top of a hill
When we went skinny dipping
When we had sex
99% of the time just go for it, it won't be like in the movies and trying to explain it to other people will just never work. It just works
There's kind of a moment when you catch eyes for slightly too long. You just know its the right time and your heads move together without thinking about it.
Its one of those metaphysical bonds people share.
If you misread the situation you will find out about it soon enough anyway.
>How did they go from normal interaction to touching other person's mouth with your own?
It just fucking happens you goddamn autist. You actually have to look at the other person in order to acknowledge what they're insisting. Women are weird in how they communicate with someone they like but aren't with. They'll throw every "hint" at you and you can still miss it if you aren't paying attention. Just fucking look at them and you'll see your opening.
Well let me tell you what not to do: do not ask her if you can kiss her. Wow that went poorly. The whole date went spectacularly and then I asked if I could kiss her and suddenly it seemed like she had no attraction to me. I thought she would be flattered and glad I was respecting her boundaries but nope.
That CAN work. You just don't ask it out of the blue. You basically ask it when it's already a given you're gonna kiss.
>do not ask her if you can kiss her.
Same reason why you never ask them on an official date. Women love plausible deniability.
>That CAN work.
Has this worked for you? Because I'm telling you that if you're older than 18, this shit does not work whatsoever. You'll visibly see their vagina go barren from their face alone. It's mortifying when you know you you've just fucked up.
I thought it was pretty set in stone, the situation felt all kinds of right but asking seemed to have dried her up worse than the Atacama
Oooooh so this is why asking them to get a drink with you works better than saying the word date
I dated a girl who was in a wheelchair last year. We were both in our early twenties. She'd never had a relationship, so I took things very slow, and asked her anytime I'd hit a 'boundary' (touching, kissing, fondling, etc.)
What happened to that? Pure wheelchair girl seems perfect marriage material.
Y'ever had a fantasy where you were alone with someone and they secretly wanted to have sex with you and you wanted them, and eventually the tension builds so much they just ask, all girl next door style? In any situation it would be awkward but since you want to fuck too its not weird. Same thing with kissing, shes attracted so much that if you go for it she will accept and choose to ignore the embarassment of the situation and the awkwardness of it. So you "know" when to kiss essentually when you can see her figditing in anxiety because she wants it.
>Oooooh so this is why asking them to get a drink with you works better than saying the word date
Yes, especially if you're a stranger. They're not going to just "lemme drop everything to go on this exclusive date with some guy I barely know." It's cringe and makes you look like you drastically lack experience with women.
This is a bitch in a wheel chair. These circumstances do not generally apply to a bitch confined to a chair for her entire life with possible helicopter parents. Of course you're going to treat her differently unless you want to be that absolute bastard that pump and dumped "that handicapped girl."
At first she had trust issues, not being able to believe I actually liked her, let alone love her. After a while, she started to trust me, but realized that she didn't actually feel anything for me (which really bummed her out, it's not like guys are lining up to date a wheelchairbound girl). It stung, but I get it.
Current GF is way more compatible with me anyway, so all is good
why am i reading this thread, i'll never kiss a girl anyway
If you're too autistic to be sure you're reading the signs right, just ask her. Literally say, "Is it ok if I kiss you?"
People will call me a virgin loser for suggesting this but it's always gone well for me. Did it in my last relationship which lasted 6 years and in my current one, with a girl 13 years younger than me. If a girl is already at the point where she wants to kiss you then being a little awkward about asking her isn't going to be enough to turn her off. And if she doesn't want it, you're getting out of a situation that would be much more awkward than if you had just leaned in and had her push you away or something.
>not just going for it and dealing with the backlash of people knowing that you're a sexual bean
This is true although Ive fucked up a few times and gone in for a kiss and she pulled away. There arent many feelings as shitty as that. Once youve put yourself out there like that and been rejected you are pretty much fucked with that girl.
>Once youve put yourself out there like that and been rejected you are pretty much fucked with that girl.
The benefit is that you're experiencing rejection. I've been rejected numerous times. I just generally stopped caring. It's not the end of the world and it's always easier than maintaining some busted ass ""friendship"".
Thats true. I just meant at that moment its a sinking feeling. You build yourself up and go for it to be shot down. Especially if you think the date has been going well up to that point.
>I just generally stopped caring
This is unironically a chad trait. Girls can sense when you are all in for them and they are in a position to hurt you. Its a natural turn off for them. Not caring or giving the appearance of not caring makes them want you more and want to put you in a position where you do care ie kissing and fucking you.
>be me
>just "know" she wants it
>get accused of rape
wtf bro
>Not caring or giving the appearance of not caring makes them want you more and want to put you in a position where you do care ie kissing and fucking you.
This is exactly why it is in every man's best interest to not care. The first and only thing women know to throw at you to get your attention is their holes, yet they'll simultaneously complain that men objectify them when here they are objectifying themselves. Moral of the story: do not apply logic to women and their "reasoning."
>she pulls away or says stop
>wat do
Surely, this is a thinking man's problem.
Almost everytime I watch JAV porn the male performers are always sucking on the girls faces and mouths like a vacuum. Like seriously what the fuck is wrong with them?