No porn ads on r9k or outside of /b. Now porn ads in all nsfw boards. What went wrong?
No porn ads on r9k or outside of /b. Now porn ads in all nsfw boards. What went wrong?
It's quite annoying, I could deal with /b/ having them but now they're everywhere and it's bothering me.
fucking gook, that's what went wrong
I sometimes browse pol with my daughter, now all these porn ads around it's fucking disgusting.
This. Some people will claim that its a normalfag dilter but I liked it better than seeing the TF2 scout fingering someone
Hiroshima's need for more sheckles is pissing me off. We need to drop another to stop these ads
oh no
/nsfw/ banner ads on my wholesome christian imageboard
how terrible and oppressive
I'll start complaining when actually annoying ads are implemented like keyword links, pop up windows that need more than 1 click to be closed, while beeping on full blast and telling you you have a virus or pop up porn ads for cam girls that also have ungodly loud moans
No fap is now impossible for all robots
Ads? What ads? Jow Forums has ads?
Based ad block user
>Adblock user
Enjoy your spyware provided by google to track what you're up to
literally who cares lmao
Thanks for reminding me to put my adblocker back on
This is the problems with zoomers these days, no respect for privacy and gladly shares it with everyone to the point where they can profile you and know where you are before you do yourself to make you consume more and take more loans until they eventually own you and can ask you to do anything without you having any say in it.
Its only a matter of time till hiroshima sells us out for those too at this rate
Windwos 10 already spies on you, so...
Also, uBlock is better.
Click her for hot 18+ girl porn my guy
Who uses windows 10 unironically? Will never infect my hardware with that trash and yeah ublock is better
Im pretty sure all that is happening whether you use adblock or not.
If you have any apps on your phone its already happening.
It doesn't matter this board is trash anyway. Off to Wizardchan I go for real robots
It might not be flawless but I do use vpn and blocker on my phone too.
Also using your phone to any greater extend is also bad, it's an emergency tool and nothing more.
>fourth thread today full of newfags bitching about ads
Please kill yourselves.