Tell me about your day

How has your day been robots?

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Not bad so far, but it's just started. Woke up went downstairs for a coffee, had some breakfast and hit up the chans. Then upstairs for showering and to my room to start wageslaving.


Woke up feeling like shit, went downstairs to eat something. Accidentaly poured hot tea on myself and bunt my dick. Currently lying in bed coughing, enjoying my lungs hurt and trying not to touch my cock. I want to die.

I just woke up and remembered yesterday. It's going to be a really bad day. I'm going to just lay here and hope I disappear from the world.

Another day of feeling empty. I start classes again in a month so atleast that will keep me distracted.

I injured my hand so i can't really do anything, no games or browsing internet, just laying down and doing nothing. I wonder what normies do instead of browsing chans endlessly.

>works from home

Jesus man, you're all set. "Not bad" he says.

I woke up at 3 am, ate shit for the next seven hours, and now hate myself again- it's a cycle

Feeling okay. Have the shorter shift at work today. Right now I'm steaming out and sitting on the toilet in the bathroom. Worried a little because I literally haven't done any of my schoolwork for this semester.

It is nice to have no commute, I'll give you that. I still want to go NEET soon, though, so I'm just stacking my chips at this point.

Woke up thinking about oneitis, intense feelings of anguish flowing inside of not making a move. Flashbacks of previous fuck ups foreshadow another incoming net of regrets.
Couldn't study because of it.
Thinking of going full stalker and trying to meet her "by accident" on the subway station she exits to go to uni.

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I woke up, tried to leave my house but ended up laying on the floor and crying. Then I went sleep and just woke up

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I just got rejected
I shouldnt take it this hard
What the hell did i expect?

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At least you tried man. Thats a win in itself.

>woke up
>making breakfast
That's it so far.

Not him but it's not. It's better to never try and spend your life thinking "if only I tried" than it is to actually try and realize even your very very best isn't enough. At least before you had something to believe in.

Thing is she likes and aproaches me first. I would never have balls to ask a girl out first
She likes me and i still got rejected. What a fucking nightmare

Damn that sucks dude... What did you do to make her reject you?

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You have to try dude, to know where you are, failure is fucking hard to take but that how you growup, so the next time when next opportunity comes, you can take it

Thinking about dropping out of college. I hate this place, it makes me feel stuck, like I'm not making any progress. Been feeling like this for a while now, maybe even a year. My grades suck, and I feel like I'd be better suited away from college life/culture. Everything here feels like bullshit; like these people my age are posers, gluing into a culture and way of life that isn't a way of living at all. Anymore, school just feels like a long string of intellectual masturbation. Doing assignments I don't give a shit about anymore, analyzing texts to come to conclusions that the professors want me to come to rather than conclusions of my own. I feel almost certain that I would be doing better for myself just working a job, making money, developing hobbies, and investing in said hobbies than being here flushing cash that isn't mine down the shitter.

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not OP here, will you drop out to be a NEET?

No. I said I'd look for work.

Woke up at 2.15am after 1 hour sleep to get a 4 hour flight to Lanzarote and now sat in the sun reading and shitposting in the late afternoon.

Nothing i guess, she just got bored of me after awhile
It's expected from the beginning because i have shitty personality and i'm not talkative. I tried to push her away first bc i knew that things will not end well for me. She just keep texting and flirt with me, and when i start to obsess her, she rejected me. And not to mention that i have my Chad cousin help me all the time and i still fail it.
She ways ways of my leaugh anyway so what the hell?

And you know what make it even worse? She's literally the onetis waifu material in most of guys wetdream
>9/10, qt3.14, not in thot ways
>very kind to people, doing charity regularly
>only have 2 bf so far, last one 6 years ago, prob a virgin even though shes 29
>born in a rich ass family but still own up mutilple business of her own and making lots of money out of it
>very thoughful
And at this point, you start to ask, why would she even like someone like me? I just dont fucking know.
It's like the universe gave me the lottery ticket and somehow i just still managed to fuck it up

Well I got fired from a job I've been at for a month, so I may actually kill myself.

I've organised a date with a girl. I'm pretty happy about it, but I'm also confused and worried about it.

Just don't, think about everyone that close to you, dont make everyone who loves you miserable bc of you

I did further research into the black race and Jews and found out they're taking white women to lower the amount of white males meaning the amount of white men I appease with my asshole is lowered. Fucking niggers and kikes.