Bye :)

>Be me
>have a kid at 18yrs old
>at first gfs pregnancy is meh
>she bitch alot
>deal wit it until kid is born
>kid borns, it's the most horrifying event to watch
>kid is all good, be happy :)
>>>fast forward
>now I'm 22, kid is about to turn 5 at this xmas
>me goes to doctors cause bad prolonged headaches...
>get diagnosed with brain cancer
>try to tell 4yr old why dad is not going to be around anymore
>he does not understand
>I make sure that he will be ok
>I love that little mf, he is my life, the only good thing I ever made...
>I only have about 6 to 10month if lucky
>Good Bye greentexts and anons :')

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bye user stream your death pls

Bye user. Hope your kid'll be okay.

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Lucky. You have spawn and an easy way out. Prior should use a shotgun before you're supposed to die and livestream it

See ya space cowboy, say hi to skyking for me

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Spend these last months of your life with your kid, user. Cut back on sugars and try to get some treatment. I hope things work out for you.

spend as much time as possible with ur kid, other than that just enjoy the time u have left, and don't spend it on 4chin like a retard

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For our fate is already decided. Godfathyr Odin will take a brave man to his great hall, so dont be in sadness. Life the rest of your life on this earth in happiness. You have a child, it is all a man can dream for.

Bye normalfag
At least now you won't be shitting up r9k

Firstly, don't believe doctors. They know nothing. And when they tell you you have "X amount of time to live" your subconscious believes it and it becomes a type of curse.

Secondly, read "We Want To Live" by Vonderplanitz. You can reverse your cancer with that book. You only have yourself to blame if you're not even open to believing this.

>you can reverse your cancer with that book

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Try spending time with and imparting lessons onto your kid before he ends up having his life ruined by a single mother.

I mean, i may be bitter guy that doesn't love or is loved by anyone, BUT at least i live. How does that make you feel, you fuckin disgusting normie?

And if you decide not to believe me, at least believe the following so that your negative karma is erased and you escape this multidimensional hell universe. This life is your last chance.

>I tell you the solemn truth, the one who hears my message and believes the one who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned, but has crossed over from death to life (John 5:24)
>And THIS is the will of him that sent me, that every one which sees the Son, and believes on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day (John 6:40)
>All your sins were charged against Jesus Christ as He died on the cross as a ransom for our sins, and when we put our faith in Him for salvation, His righteousness is credited to us - the credit for His sinless, perfect life - when we put our faith in Him for His atoning sacrifice.
>There is only one thing God requires you to do in order to receive the gift of eternal life in heaven: believe in your heart on the Lord Jesus Christ: that He came to save you from sin and give you eternal life by dying on the cross to pay for your sins, later rising from the dead.

You don't even have to read a bible necessarily. Just believe.

Also i hope your get kid gets raped by foster father, piece faggot.

Godspeed OP. Your kid will love you forever regardless if you're not there for the most of it.

Can't say I didn't expect such narrow-mindedness. Keep believing what the Jewish system feeds you.

>t. 2-3 years nutritional research

>calling others jewish
>when you literally worship a dead kike on a stick
Do tell what this research was.

Nice try, but Christians are the real Jews (inwardly). The current day "outward" Jews are the ones that rejected Christ who completed the religion, and they received new and Satanic teachings. Thus, the Jews of today are anti-christs.

>Secondly, read "We Want To Live" by Voldermort. You can reverse your cancer and ride a fucking hippogriff with that book. You only have yourself to blame if you're not even open to believing this.

This isnt harry potter you fucking retard

Damn, I love hearing peoples opinions about things they've done zero research into and therefore know nothing about. You're so smart with all the garbage your overlords feed you that you openly believe.

And no, it's science, biology and chemistry.

>christians are the real jews
You say this like it makes a difference, both are equally big nosed shekel gobblers, one just does a better job of hiding it.
And yet you post no sources or proofs. Science, biology, and chemistry also say that once you get terminal brain cancer your lifespan tends to reduce by quite a bit.

>You say this like it makes a difference, both are equally big nosed shekel gobblers, one just does a better job of hiding it.
Well, I'd say it does make a difference, since today they're two diametrically opposed religions. I don't see Christians destroying the fabric of society.

>And yet you post no sources or proofs. Science, biology, and chemistry also say that once you get terminal brain cancer your lifespan tends to reduce by quite a bit.
That's like asking for evidence I have a degree without being able to show you the certificate. I'm not going to dig up several years of efforts for some narrow-minded smartass. It was for OP.

>I dont see christians destroying the fabric of society
No, just completely sucking the uncut dick of those who do or vehemently supporting the status quo. And if you cannot provide one single piece of evidence for your side then I guess your side has no merit whatsoever. Does OP not also deserve evidence pointing out that what you say is the truth? At first it was 2 or 3 years, now it is several? At least keep up a consistent story.

>No, just completely sucking the uncut dick of those who do or vehemently supporting the status quo
That's because they've been deceived about who the modern day Jews really are. Doesn't say anything about the validity of Christianity. But it's ok, I know you simply want ego gratification through senseless profanity, masked as an """argument"""

>And if you cannot provide one single piece of evidence for your side then I guess your side has no merit whatsoever
I know how the minds of people like you work. Once you get one piece of evidence, you find what you consider a "loophole" in it because of your indoctrination. This would go on for a very long time, and I'd essentially have to spend days or weeks giving you evidence until you started to believe it, but I'm not going to, and you wouldn't believe it anyway, because you'd focus on these "loopholes" and use them as your "argument" because you're not interested in learning, only in being a ruthless bastard onto anything outside your own paradigms so you can feel good about yourself.

But the book itself (alongside his other book) is evidence. And several means a number more than two.

Godspeed user, godspeed.
Make the most of the time you have left

>I am not going to post evidence of what I say because you will be skeptical and scrutinize said evidence
I guess 2 and 2 make 5 because I said it does then, and if you say otherwise you are just a big dumb meanie.

It's okay, Mr. Bogdanov.
I'll take care of him.

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Of course, you would dismiss what I said and substituted it with something you made up. I'm not surprised though, because as I said, your mindset is to focus on your own paradigms and ideas because you're merely talking to me to profit off of ego gratification.

The book is for open-minded people, and not for people like you, simply because you'll never read it since you mentally masturbate to the thought of being right about everything and how you act like a little god, demanding people to go to a library and bring out the SPECIFIC PAGE REFERENCE YOU REUQEST and THE CITATIONS and spoonfeed it to you. Think I'll pass on that.

Is it really so hard to just post a link or anything? So much of a chore you just cant do it? Are you not also doing the same exact thing in regards to focusing on your own paradigms and ideas? My bad that I am not a gullible idiot to whatever garbage anyone spews out, god forbid I ask for some validity to things.

You were never the part of us.
You were never belonged to us.
I don't even understand why you type this here...

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If terminal cancer really was reversible then one would think it was all on the news. Especially if it was only by reading a book, opening your mind to spirituality and heal yourself. That'd be a miracle basically which are not proven to exist

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I'm not biting your bait. I stand by what I said. Your negative and demanding attitude is obvious in that you're not interested in learning, but in destroying. Thought you could wrap your ego's tentacles around me huh? Not today.

>and then he'll get in the last word so as to not leave the argument with a bruised ego

Good talk.

You don't realise who owns the news, nor who steers the wheel of the medical industry. If you did know, then you would begin to understand.

>being THIS brainwashed


Hey guys, I have cancer too.
Bone cancer.
I've heard that's actually more painful than brain cancer because of not having nerve endings in your brain.
I have 3 kids under 10 too.
Only have 3 months to figure out how to tell them.
Not trying to compare my situation to OP's or anything.
Just sayin.
It hurts so much.

See origgys

you have 3 months to live origini?

T. Vonderplanitz

t. Vonderplanitz died (potentially assassinated)

be sure to make the most of it, dont waste it here.
say hi to the big man from me but i still hope you won't be able to just yet user

same for you lad

>tell everyone you died.
>no one suspects you now when you shill your book.
Ingenious. I might have been impressed enough to read your work had you not been so subversive.

you got what was coming normie

I hope your brain rots from the inside out. I hope your whore girlfriend gets beat to death by some nigger while working the streets to raise that bastard kid of yours. I hope your bastard kid kills himself because his parents couldn't bother with a thin piece of latex.

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should of read more user heh a sharp mind never die

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Because this shit worked so well for Steve Jobs and any other holistic healing retards.
>lol, why dont you just not have cancer bro xdxdxd

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Based Apu poster.
>its fine bro just drink this raw water
>dies of cholera

i heard if you drink the blood from an innocent child cancer heals

>>Be me
>>have a kid at 18yrs old
Cya norman :)

You wouldn't get your gf pregnant at
18 you wouldn't probably even have a house or apartment, let alone get your probably 18 year old gf (how do you even get one?) Pregnant
>Guys I got brain cancer pls pay attention to me
>Guys for real I only have a few months to live
If you were really dying, you wouldn't post to Jow Forums about how dying you are

>if you were really dying,you wouldn't post to Jow Forums about how dying you are

lmao retard people live stream themselves and upload it on Jow Forums so its not that bigtime

is there still a way to cure it, or has the cancer grown to big?

Maybe God's punishing you for being a normalfag?

user give me your girl adress. I will be a good father and lover

A sad story and situation, but at least you got to have a kid and pass something on, leave something good in the world so you're not just going with nothing to show for it.

crazy i am listening to dust in the wind by kansas when i read your post.
All we are is dust in the wind op.

It sucks OP has to die. It should clearly be you instead.

shit, that actually made me chuckle

Nope, not fake... living in one of the Scandinavian countries, almost everyone has their own place at 18 like I have... don't have crippling debts and we even got a package for the kid.

Sad to hear it man, make the best of what you have. Thats for everyone here life is short go out, have fun. Meet people, Hang out with friends, but do something to make yourself happy activly.

The BasedBoys over on Reddit are rackin up big shekels off of your post lol. Fucking Reddit...

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>t. redditor
You're part of the problem

this OP, you better be dropping the biggest redpills and quick onto that mofo, or he's going to grow up a sad bitter robot.

totally happened lmao

go back to jacking off to mlp loli you fucking chink

Please don't be true
But if it is, I will see you on the other side user

good I hope you die painfully fucking normalfag

Good night, sweet prince.

Say hi to skyking and rodgers for me

please remove you're self from this earthly realm

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>read "We Want To Live" by Vonderplanitz. You can reverse your cancer with that book.
Or, if you want an even quicker way, just forward me your life savings. You have only yourself to blame if you die without doing this, you narrow minded naysayer.

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Sorry m8. Hope you do some cool shit before you die.

You completed your genetic mission, user. Take peace in knowing you will soon have finished the job. Your existence will live on past your passing in the life of your son, and his children to be.

All that is left for you to do is to be a good father, and prepare your son for greatness. Think of ways to contact him and assist his needs past your death, as well as prepare him to grow in the coming future. If he is prepared for the future, then he will always carry you with him.

Spend your time wisely, user. I hope you find a good waifu in the skies, brother.

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