for the last few months i have been going to little girl's alcoholics anonymous meetings.
Last night I was at one and when I was getting ready to hand out chips one of the sponsors came over and asked me who I was there to see. I told him I could not say because I was Anonymous and I was just there to help little girls get sober and work their 4th steps. She asked me to leave and not come back.
It kinda is if it was private property. But if it's public like you say it is. You can go if she talks with you again sue the bitch
Jason Stewart
That is actually illegal, AA is open to everyone
Blake Cooper
For fuck's sake you retards, stop replying to pasta.
Aaron Bell
>For fuck's sake you retards, stop replying to pasta. We don't have pasta on Jow Forums, on this section of Jow Forums there is a robot that prevents copy and pasting text
Christian Mitchell
I knew we had an addiction problem in the USA but i didn't know lolis were involved.
Matthew Bailey
Oh realIy?
Dominic Wood
The dude is a retard. It isn't a pasta but its the same fucking poster constantly making these threads. In the last thread, he was going to little girl's bee keeping competitions and was asked to leave. It had the same format as the opening post.
It's frowned upon for men to sponsor women. And nobody likes a 13th stepper.
And if it's a closed meeting and you're not an alcoholic, you're most likely going to be asked to leave.
AA is founded on the principle of alcoholics helping other alcoholics to achieve long term sobriety.
Michael Martin
what's wrong with sponsoring?
Jaxon Russell
Ah right, I saw one about going to a martial arts tournament before.
Jeremiah Rivera
Sponsorship involves a lot of vulnerability. A man sponsoring a woman or vice versa is in a position to exploit the situation because of the nature of working a rigorous and honest fourth and fifth step.
Sponsors are not supposed to be your therapist or even necessarily your friend, let alone someone who becomes intimately attracted to you. They're taking you through the steps and mentoring you as you need it.
Julian Nelson
But as an adult I have a lot of wisdom for a little girl
Jose Howard
You lack experience, strength, and hope.
It's also standard that, in order to sponsor someone, you have worked the twelve steps yourself. Sponsorship functions in a family style. Every sponsor has their own sponsor.
Samuel Scott
sounds like a pyramid scheme desu
Benjamin Gomez
I can see that. But there's no financial component, it's just about accountability.
Charles Morris
they always pass around a basket at the end
Xavier Jones
That pays for coffee, rent, snacks, and literature. Nobody is pressured to donate.