How do you wear your NEET/robot identity? Do you hide it or are you proud of it?

How do you wear your NEET/robot identity? Do you hide it or are you proud of it?

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Game of Thrones is a shit show for easily impressed teenagers and vegetable brain adults.
Please use a better image next time OP.

Hey, eat my shorts

What do you watch, faggot?

Well for me, becoming NEET was a huge win, so I'm proud of that accomplishment.

Anything that I find to be more desirable, you cockmunching faggot

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it's a secret to nobody but i don't particularly revel in the fact either

I dont really care. yesterday my girl roommate teased me for not having a girlfriend, I told her all I care about is my internet. kek

I wear it proudly because I know that if I do one day succeed, I'll be able to make a lot of normalfags butthurt by beating them at their own game while remaining a loser by their standards.

>Do you hide it
it's obvious to everyone how much of a loser i am

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Regardless, that quote from it is exceptionally good advice.

This. The whole fucking point of being a robot is you can't hide it. If you could you wouldn't be a robot.
OP should seppuku


is she single?
if yes, you should have said, well would you change that

not reallyproud of it, but not really hiding hiding it either
sometimes, I get nervous, cause of it, but then I say "screw that", and don't give a fuck about it anymore

Ive already decided id settle down as a neet and show my son all the wonders that await

which son, your imaginery one?

Pretty much. I don't see how I could hide being a sperg.

No, I never share my full identity with everyone. Life is an asymmetric information game, why would I disclose such information?

I used to be able to hide it as shyness or retardation, but now they can smell the absolute degenerate

I OwO and UwU it.

manbaby, the media

no it isnt, its some meaningless vomited up gibberish platitude, i literally cannot even decipher the meaning behind it and ive read hegel before, so i know some shit about deciphering meaningless drivel

GoT is dumb shitty boring normie crap, just like Star Wars and all that other bugman shit

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Between those 4 walls he'll be bred to embody the ideals of neet life. He'll trust his waifu and protect her valiantly.

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