30+ Thread

30+ Thread - One More Roll of the Dice

I know this is Jow Forums, I know we've had an influx of incels, I know there's a bizarre strain of nihilism running through this place now and I know my question has problems in and of itself but like what single women are left at this age (Late 20s, early 30s)?

It feels like all women from 2/10-7/10 have settled down or in relationships and all that's left 7+/10 single women.

Attached: 30+.png (685x689, 8K)

It is grim.

Your option as a 30+ male are used up overweight ugly women who have taken 1000 dicks and are extremely self-entitled and just want you to provide for her, or.... well nothing else really. Any actually attractive women have their choice of Chads any time they like via Tinder.

>1000 dicks

I knew I was going to get this type of answer. Why did I bother asking?

I mean.. sure, the available women are getting older, but so are you. I don't see what the problem is here.

Don't ask teenager virgins about what dating is like in your 30s. The truth is that it's way better and easier in your 30s. Lots of quality girls available, and far more accessible.

Who says you should date that age bracket only?

>tfw no job, education, career, car or home
>tfw actually not better off due to not doing shit with life during earlier years
J u s t

I wish we'd go back to 25+ threads. These almost always die within 20 posts and we start the cycle all over again.

i'm 30 and still look 18, so i get attention from children basically.

it's not great. they're really dumb and don't know anything and jump to conclusions about everything.
young people who haven't attended college are too shy or insecure to stress for the real answers. if they don't get closure on something, they just rationalize.

adults will actually try to get answers if they give a shit and if they don't, you immediately know they don't give a shit.

with young people, it's like everything they do is a phase.

It really depends. If you've spent your 20s building a career, dating in your early 30s will be great. If you spent your 20s watching animu and shitposting here, it might be a tad worse

t. 30yo NEET

>what single women are left at this age (Late 20s, early 30s)?
Bruh, there are shit tons. Don't listen to anyone in here that's telling you they'll have ran through thousands of Chad dicks because that isn't always the case. It's exhausting repeatedly running into this meme when you clearly observe differently on a next to near daily basis.

Most of the girls I know are between late 20s and mid to late 30s. The single ones are typically just off doing their own shit and working. They usually don't do much and stay home, but will get shit faced with their married girlfriends or whatever. You are right about one thing though:
>and all that's left 7+/10 single women
Which is a good thing. Most people just don't want to be settled down anymore. It's a fucking meme.

Most people in this board are from the US where now are working hours, people who are 30+ are probably working - but I also understand if they are not. I'm a 26 jobless robot, never had a job actually.

Attached: 623E3962-A06F-445B-9543-70B643C581DF.jpg (752x752, 153K)

>tfw the only 30 year old woman that posts on r9k is taken by some spic
feels fucking bad man

we are still alive and nothing changes really

>I mean.. sure, the available women are getting older, but so are you.

I didn't say that. I said the available pool of women is getting narrow. Every woman my age worth er weight in salt has probably settled down by now.

>If you spent your 20s watching animu and shitposting here, it might be a tad worse
What happens to us? What do we do?

True. Well, you can still try to pull yourself up.

t. Spent my 20s building my career, now reaping the rewards and enjoying life in my 30s

How? What woman who isn't insane would find a 30yo virgin, only now pulling himself up, attractive?

There's a 5-6/10 that's single in my new job. I'm not sure about her age, I was always bad at judging it from looks alone, but she's certainly above 25 and below 40.

I am officially 32 now.

>NEET (10 years)
>3 times uni dropout
>social recluse
>diagnosed typical mental problems
>live with mother and sister
>no driver's license, no car
>0 skills, 0 hobbies
>weak manlet

My mother still bought a cake for me, I told I don't want one, she never listens anyways.
Really hate it when I am reminded of my age.

Fix your life first before thinking about women.

>My mother still bought a cake for me, I told I don't want one, she never listens anyways.
Come on, you know she does out of love for you.

30yo woman on Jow Forums? Who?

>My mother still bought a cake for me, I told I don't want one, she never listens anyways.
How fucking typical, I bet she gives you the whole "when you'll get married" pep talk once in a while.

Lol i intend to be settling down with a 23 year old when im 30

Idc about love or anything.
My parents should have thought of that when I was a kid and properly nurtured me by sending me various clubs etc., but instead I was home alone most of the time, cooking my own shitty food, watching TV all the time.

Kinda hard to do that when you've never had a women even on a platonic level.

Missing the point. Your life is shit, fix it. Forget about women for now and come back to them once you have fixed it.

Some 30+ anons are cute, just like Hideri. :3

This fucking cunt. Pretty sure she's the croatian with huge tits from awhile back

30+ thread. Fuck off zooomer

>I know this is Jow Forums, I know we've had an influx of incels, I know there's a bizarre strain of nihilism running through this place now and I know my question has problems in and of itself but like what single women are left at this age (

yeah it's some strange thing out of the blue XD what a disingenuous faggot boomer you are

I get it, I get it, I need to work on myself before I burden someone else with it. But it'd nice to have some sort of female presence in my life.

Get off my board zoomer.

>no driver's license, no car
I thought I was the only one.

I failed cos of three "hesitation" minors and no majors.

I knew the examiner was going to be a dickhead.

had license and let expire, didnt like driving