Going to Germany to study, I've learned the language over the course of 2 years, and I've been accepted into ludwig maxmillian university of munich. I come as an immigrant, not as a refugee. I'll drink german beer and eat amazing bratwursts during my stay since I'm non muslim. Will I still be hated by the community?
>pic related is where my parents are from, and Iraq isn't situated underneath the Mediterranean so I think i'm still considered human
Going to Germany to study, I've learned the language over the course of 2 years...
Other urls found in this thread:
You're not going to be straight up hated as long as you speak the language well and aren't leeching off of anyone.
There might be initial bias, but as long as you're chill, they'll get over it.
Stay the fuck out shitskin
>i'm not muslim
>i'll drink german beer
kek what do you mean with this implying not all 'immigrants' are alchohol and drug addicts
also niq yemmek
fuck off cumskin
>fuck off cumskin
Kill yourself or I'll do it for you
Fuck off you dog. Germany has suffered enough.
Filthy nigger.
>i'll do it for you
kek shut up cum negro we got tones of german tourists here and i never saw people that ugly maybe literal negros or asian insects or poos
They'll be wary until they hear you speak German. Brush up on the language and be very polite, and they will do a double take. The language is your ticket to avoid a ton of racial bias, I promise. So long as you take that seriously and practice it, you will be accepted.
Armes Deutschland
Tone in the immigration question is shifting faster and faster, people are getting pissed with middle-eastern/african "refugees" killing people and terrorising communities and the state and lefties defending them. You're almost guaranteed be (very) fine around university students though. You might even score some decent amount of pussy unless you're a total omega.
How do you plan to live in Munich? Living costs are unbelievably high there.
Why are sandnigger immigrants so obsessed with Germany? Why pick this country over any other European country?
Munich is number 2 most livable city in the world
so why are you trying to change that?
Just don't be a fucking asshole and be nice in general and the almost everyone will be nice to you too. The news you see about german nazis are overdone.
As a muslim myself, I rather be avoiding shitskin shithole. Germany is fucked up. Sandniggers are whiny and stupid in my experience with them. Better study in Singapore, Taiwan or S. Korea
Yes, yes, come to Germany and please fuck our women. Very progressive, yes.
Fuck we are full.
>underneath the Mediterranean
You are a scum, a shitskin deadbeat stay in your obliterated shithole. Don't dare to step your dirty feet on our soil.
Now you only make me want to come to germany and taint your women even more. See what you did?
Youre fucking weak if you are provocated that easy don't come here
If you come to germany be like this or stay where you are
Why don't you repeat those exact words to the moroccan drug dealer a block away from your house user?
Oh wait you won't, you don't have the balls to, that's why you do it to someone who's simply coming to your country to get an education. I will only respect one of you Jow Forumstards the moment you take out your rage on the people who actually deserve it, not good dudes who happen to be nonwhite.
I'm german, you'll mostly be fine if you integrate.
Bonus point for becoming a christian in Bayern.
I tried to dissuade you but if you bring your greasy shitskin here you will face some devastating repercussions.
Idiot troll. Singapore has way more muslims than any European country. Germany doesn't even have so many muslims, it's only Jow Forumstards who believe it in their gay wank fantasies.
I buy everything from tchibo, clothes, utensils, everything that isn't furniture. I adore german beer and love german sausage. im also fluent in the language. is this what you mean by integrate
This. Arabs were even more degenerate before islam.
im about to start studying german, any specific tips?
Youre a disgrace to your homecountry and will never fit in with the people you are trying to bootlick. Always remember. You are black they are not. You can treat eachother justly, but never equally.
>afraid to confront a 5'7 moroccan french speaking arab
I mean maybe that user is given that he's german, as most german men are actually females, but I sure wouldn't be.
You could've came up with something that sounded stronger than that
That moroccan drug dealer was probably born in europe, so there's a difference
not black tho, im light brown
that guy is most likely a larper. he certainly is not a refugee his german is way too good
that guy is a larper from a far right party. if you take videos like these as truth then youre better off in Jow Forums
have a nice stay in germany, and remember to respect their customs.
what fucking difference? 2nd generation immigrants are worse than 1st gen in my experience. and i can assure you none of you would confront an actual brown / black criminal irl, you'd be too scared so you take your anger out on the quiet ones instead since you know they won't stick a knife in your guts or at best beat you to a pulp.
right-wingers are really fucking retarded
stop calling yourself a shitskin to please kuffar
>>Iraq isn't situated underneath the Mediterranean so I think i'm still considered human
Not even the Turks are considered humans,
you barbarian, and they are trying to join the E.U. Go choke on hummus and die, faggot.
Turkey's EU application died with the coup.
>pic related is where my parents are from
So where are you from?
Stay out of Europe! We have enough non-whites.
nein. muenchen ist von den grossen staedten wahrscheinlich die am ehesten rechts lehnende, allerdings ist
1. rassismus selten
2. besonders in grossen staedten
3. besonders in universitaeten
Muenchen ist nicht mehr Deutsch.
Hab in keiner deutschen Stadt je so viele Bukas und Niqabs gesehen, wie in Muenchen.
Selbst Berlin, Hamburg und Koeln sind nicht so schlimm.
You will be always a shitskin you buttraped iraqi.
Iraq still exists lmao ?
this is in summer when all the rich gulf arabs go there for vacation, munich and london especially
Apostates receive the worst punishment in Jahannam.
I despise you. Go away fucking larping shitskin, you're not fucking white no matter how hard you try and German women will infinitely prefer Germans over your shitskin ass.