Be khv skelly 19 yo robot

>be khv skelly 19 yo robot
>decide to join a gym bc maybe then some girl might want to hold my hand
>fight through my fears and just go to the gym with my head down to do the work and leave
>be 9 months later
>gained 12 lbs and feeling p good about myself even tho still no friends or gf
>p much my first accomplishment in life
>see this
>tfw some roastie is better than me at what I'm supposed to be good at by nature

I feel worthless and I want to kill myself

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>not wanting a stronger muslce waifu to bully and tease you with love
That's just hot my dude. Don't worry about it she has 3 years under her belt.

>tfw some roastie is better than me at what I'm supposed to be good at by nature
9 mo. vs 3 years. Yeah, man. I can't figure this one out.

but wheyfus are the best motivation

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>Before: 3 years of natty lifting, 123lbs. After: 10 weeks on 20mg Anavar, 140lbs

She's on steroids

>tfw this one is smaller than op girl but even her arms are bigger than mine

Not fair

It's called steroids you faggot.
The amount of testosterone she injects into her body or swallows makes her 80% of the way to becoming a dude.

>muscular girls

Into the trash. Whatever happened to females being feminine?

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You were built to be bullied and watch your gf grow and grow make bigger gains each day. Like the muscle goddess she is.

Her clit is bigger than your dick

>be trap
>have biceps
He's doing it wrong.

it's a girl

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>9 months lifting
>gained 12 pounds

that doesn't sound like a lot user

Eat more and if you want to put on mass, take 85% of your max and do 6 sets of 6 reps for all exercises with 1 or 2 supersets of 10 reps if you can. You should then put on weight and improve your max quite quickly, trust me her numbers are shit you'll do better in no time

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>numbers are shit
Not OP but I can't bench 150.

I mean it's a decent working weight considering that she's really light but as a max its really not great

12 pounds in 9 months does not sound like a lot but at least you gained weight user. I am 110lbs at 5 foot 7. This morning I looked at myself in the mirror and decided that I have had enough. Making a diet plan and starting training and eating better tomorrow. Going to be working out at home though. Got a pull up bar and a barbell. Wish me luck

If you were on the same stack as her you'd look like Conan.

Thats anabolics so stop comparing. That shit turns you superhuman strength wise. Dont let fake natty tales deceive you.

>tfw grill benches more than you

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>getting jelly over some roast who literally admits to being on steroids
if you want it so bad then go buy some anavar for yourself you insecure little faggot

>be me
>get sick
>afraid to go back to working out until I 100% recover because I really don't want to get pneumonia ever again
what's two weeks missed progress

Don't feel bad for not being as bloated as a roidlet, user. Their bodies are gonna pay the price for it eventually.

Well, pretty much everyone who posts on this board is absolute genetic trash. At least life doesn't last forever.

I was 109 at 5'7 and now I'm up to 125. It's tough but I believe in you user

If a girl wants to get muscular it means she has penis envy


>swn give you a pecjob

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Don't let him keep you down, OP. Literally get over it.

>qt face
>bulging biceps
How is this even possible?

Meh it's halfway okay

That "roastie" was doing it for 3 years faggot. And she was already pretty fit before
Quit being a faggot and keep at it

t. can't read

>can't read
he wants to kill himself because he couldnt' get fit fast enough? By all means then

I can fap to this
