What's the most painful thing you have went through? I will read every single one

What's the most painful thing you have went through? I will read every single one.

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fucking your mom in the mouth. probably

I wish you did that. My biological mother died when I was 3 years old.

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I admitted my feelings to a girl I've had some pretty strong feelings for. She concluded I was having a bout of mania.

Do you resent her? / Did you resent her ?

A little bit, but not really. I acted like an idiot and was far too intense, I just don't like that she concluded I was crazy.

I broke my heel and back and after surgery I was sitting up all night on shitty painkillers that didn't work. If you gave me a saw and something to bite down on I would have cut my foot off. It was that painful. I also wasn't able to shit for 10 days and had to insert these gelatinous bullet shaped things into my asshole to liquify my shit. Still barely shat. Qt nurse was good at wiping my ass so it wasn't so bad.

Big poo, no wipe.

Most recently had an infection on my middle finger causing it to swell up. Doc was like 'this gonna hurt' and I screamed like a little girl when they cut into it to drain it.

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>senior year of high school
>have no one to go to prom with
>cute girl cuts hair for most of our grade
>have a promposal idea
>ask one of my friends to shave 'Prom?' into my head, so when she is about to cut my hair she sees that
>he does a shit job but wtv
>go to see girl, moment of truth
>She looks at the back of my head and asks if that says 'poo'
>my friend did such a shit job she thought it said poo instead of prom
>explain to her what its supposed to be and ask her to prom still
>she rejects me and tells me shes going with her gay bff instead
>get her to shave that shit out of my head but never talk to her again.

desu i dont even think this is the most embarassing thing to happen to me my lifes been fucking awful

During a flight, an air pocket formed inside a tooth that had recently filled. During descent, the air pocket expanded and it felt like my tooth was continuously being crushed in a vice. So close to throwing myself out the emergency exit.

Breaking up with my hs gf of 5 years. We had the best relationship possible, I felt completely fulfilled. She was entirely perfect and pure, perfect body aswell. She went to college and was bluepilled beyond belief and she began to believe I was a sexual pig and I didn't fight back well enough and lost her. I picked up smoking and drinking and being a shutin.

Had to put down family dog,sister's BF cheated on her,and my grandmother was diagnosised with alzheimers during the same month
While riding a bike another bike hit me sending me nose first into the sidewalk

How would you compare the pain from the embarrassment to the physical one?

I snapped my femur and shin while also spinning my knee cap around to the back of my leg when I was 11. It was from jumping off a swing. A FUCKING PLAYGROUND SWING.

fell into a mirror at a young age and sliced my arm pretty badly

I was prepared to do anything to shit

I know it's a meme but childbirth. Only by comparison though, it wasn't even *that* bad (tho did get an epi) I just haven't been through many really painful things in my life. Thinking on it now the labor was worse.

When I was 8 years old my drunk father murdered my infant brother. The infant had down syndrome. It was the most horrifying thing in my life. It's 14 years later and everything in life feels very easy compared to what happened then. I see a lot of people complain about the difficulty of work or college, but I know they only think it's hard because they never witnessed trauma.

>street skating late at night in the city
>going down a big hill at 20+ mph
>wheel hits big crack in sidewalk
>skateboard stops, I don't
>fly five yards and slide another two
>left shoulder took the brunt of the fall
>dislocated, ball joint is grinding against the hinge
>hurts like hell and every time I try to move it it's completely unbearable
>friend who's dislocated his shoulder before popped it back in for me
>shoulder is sore for three weeks and I barely sleep the first week

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My grandmother died the day before my 21st birthday. I felt guilty because she had dementia and was in a home, but I never visited her. Even worse, I drove past the home she was in just about every day for over a month before she died. About six months later, my father told me that her funeral had been pushed back so that it wouldn't be on my birthday. The guilt kept piling up, and I'm still pretty upset about the whole thing.
Also some lame shit about never seeing some girl again. That sucks.

Back surgery. Parents neglected the fact that I was complaining about back problems when I was growing up. I finally got them to take me to a doctor when I was 18 and by then it was too late. My upper spine was around 50 degrees curved when I went at 18. Later that year when I went it was almost 70 degrees despite going to physical therapy.
Didn't catch it earlier because my parents just didn't give a fuck and only went after I started complaining multiple times a day and you could see that my back was physically fucked.
Then I got a spinal fusion to correct it. Went to hospital super early in the morning, then they put me under. Woke up super late in the night, puked on myself (long hair so I had vomit in my hair for like 3 days until I able to shower in the hospital). I was on morphine, and I was getting it as often as they would let me (had a little button that gave me morphine and I just pressed it 24/7 while I was awake. It had a cooldown period though), but it was the most excruciating pain I've ever felt.
I also had a catheter for the first 3 days which fucking sucked to get removed. You know how you pull the jagged plastic to launch a Bayblade? Imagine that but its in your dickhole.

Bonus round: I live with pain and discomfort in my back now, which will never go away. The lightest touch on my back hurts because of how sensitive it is because of the metal in my spine. And all of it could've been avoiding if my parents just took me to a doctor earlier instead of ignore me.

Also should add that I could barely walk for a month after surgery. And now almost 2 years after surgery I still have problems sleeping because I can't comfortably lay down.

mine died when I was 19 and I didn't see her because I was in my worst phase of hikikimori NEETdom, like I was in a really bad place, surrounded by piss bottles and trash, wanted to kill myself after every time I fapped, spent all my time in bed with my laptop etc. if she died a few years later when I cleaned it up it might have been different. I just felt too ashamed to see her in that state, having to see her die knowing I never got a girl friend even.

Probably the stages of grief when my mom died, it was when I was 5 and i never comprehended it until 2 years later, but when I understood I started starving myself and self harming at the age of 9 and thinking its my fault guilting myself, but recently I've accepted it but the scars of what I did to myself and people around me remain, still feel some guilt from it

I have exactly same problem. My parents refused the surgery right away. I had 55 degrees. I started to exercise every single day my parents paid for trainers and I exercise to this day. They also locked me in a corset.

The doctors kept goin on and on about the surgery prolly wanted to make some money.

meant to reply to the

This is why you're a betafag posting on r9k. Why in the hell do you think any girl would let a guy who shaved words into his own hair take her to prom? If this was meant as a romantic gesture then you have got to go out into the world and gain some EQ before you start thinking about getting a gf.
This gross lack of ability to look at social cues before doing things is why betafags become incels eventually. if the girl wasn't ready to accept your prom invitation if you asked normally theres no chance she would accept if you performed some extravagant romantic gesture. Those things only work if the girl is attracted to you in the first place.

Fuck your parents desu, shit makes me mad.
If they aren't concerned about their child's wellbeing then they shouldn't have conceived in the first place

My little brother died 2 weeks ago. Fun stuff.

After being kicked out of my parent's house at 17, I went through this rough patch where I was working absolute minimum wage interning at a baker's shop, and living in some old horrible apartment shared with a lot of other people.
It was a horrible period for me. I would get screamed and talked down to at work every single day, and come home to strangers who didn't like me. Living paycheck to paycheck. It was the darkest point of my life.
It's all much better now, though I have trouble forming relationships

What happened to him origigoglo

Most adults today should've been castrated and put in labor camps. They are incapable of raising children and their choices as voters have led us to the worse population pyramid known in mankind's history.

Thanks for sharing that. I honestly feel a bit better knowing people have been through something similar.

Does it really matter? Drowning.

>had a gf for about a year
>honestly felt perfect for eachother
>she's religious so we haven't had sex
>wanted to wait for marriage
>happy anyways, we still fooled around
>she gets offer for year long certification
>Not in the same country though
>we're both sad but know it's good for her
>promise to Skype daily
>gave her a family heirloom
>have a very emotional last day together
>she told me "I know I said I want to wait until marriage, but I already know I'm with my future husband right now"
>she was still nervous about sex but I said we can wait until she's back in 3 months for Christmas
>she leaves
>we Skype daily for maybe a week
>slowly stops responding to texts
>stops answering her phone two weeks in
>no longer on Skype anymore
>she texts me out of the blue a month in
>"we're done, we can still be friends. I really like you!"
>absolutely fucking gutted
>months go by without a word
>she comes back and ghosts me
>eventually have a meet up with "friends"
>she tells them a "funny story"
>after she ran out of monthly allowance, she pawned my family heirloom for cocaine
>goes into details about all the guys she fucked while high
>lots of 3somes/4somes
>tried DP but her ass was too tight, she preferred getting spitroasted etc
>everyone's laughing about it
>Not me, she never even looks at me
>after hearing about the fourth gangbang story I get up and leave
>only one friend comes after me and says he's sorry but I shouldn't leave
>just ignore him and leave
>haven't seen any of them in years
>can't remember being happy
>or having real friends
>not sure why im still here honestly

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It doesn't I am just curious. And I would like to know every detail. You don't have to if you don't want to. I have no power over you.

An online acquaintance implied that a thing bothering me must have been the worst thing that ever happened to me, belittling my worries and the complicated factors led to where I was. I've never recovered from this.

Sorry, not gonna dox myself :^)

So you were in news?

i am sorry man, but fuck these worthless people, find a new group there are good ones out there!

fake news
originale of course

I donated Bone Marrow. In the lead up to the procedure, I had to be injected with mediation that would make me overproduce marrow. This caused my skeleton to swell up. I'd lay in a hot tub and just have a deep painful ache. Every touch, every bit of pressure just hurt so bad.

>depressed for most of my early youth, decide that love is what my life is missing and i'll be happy once I find True Love
>briefly date older girl in hs
>think i'm in love (i wasn't)
>have sex
>she cuts off all contact with me afterwards
>find out from her roommate (boarding school) that she has a fetish for fucking virgins, doesn't care about me now that i'm not a virgin
>pretty shitty for a while

>talk to her roommate a lot, she feels bad about how i was treated
>start dating the roommate
>happiest i'd ever been
>now, in my mid-thirties, that period is still by fat the happiest i've ever been, pure joy that nothing else has ever come remotely close to
>young love cliches right and left, sent each other handwritten letters all the time, she regularly talks about how we're going to spend the rest of our lives together
>believe this 100%
>couple years go by
>17 or 18 years old now, find out she cheated on me
>tells me she's leaving me for the other guy
>completely stunned, don't understand how this can be happening
>read some of her letters to her, stuff about being together forever and so on
>she says, "That's just the kind of thing people say when they're dating. You're not supposed to take it seriously."
And that was the point where I permanently lost all my optimism and hope for the future. I spent the next decade in a deep depression and I truly feel that something in me broke at that moment and left me permanently unable to attain that same level of love and trust in another person.

I've dated other girls since, girls who were nicer and prettier than her, but I have never felt anything close to what she made me feel. Turning 34 in a couple months and it sucks to know that the high point of your life was age 15 and nothing you do will ever make you feel that same level of pure, unfettered joy again.

Dating and breaking up with a BPD girl

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I was at beer festival and there were pretty cool Japanese guys that came from Tokyo to present their beer, I was talking with that one guy so long he came to some young Japanese girls that was handing out pamplets, took her by arm and tried to get her to us and told me I should talk to her instead because she needs to practice her english.
She laughed and ran away, that made me feel like subhuman, I still continued to talk with that guy about various stuff but my self esteem never recovered to this day.

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one tiem when i was 12 i tried to buy hentai at FYE in the mall but i didn't know they plastic wrapped the 18+ stuff and i got carded and cried at the desk and my older brother watched the whole thing and made fun of me

this one time i coughed so much i couldn't speak for weeks. then i cracked my ribs by accident since i never moved during this time where my lungs already constantly hurted and it was very painful.

I stepped on a lego in the night.

my life
>central sleep apnea (presumably)
>Vascular Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
>severely deficient autobiographical memory(SDAM for short)
>average life expectancy is late forties, usually considerably compromised quality of existence by then though

but at least I'm hot, right?

Getting MRSA under my armpit. I had to have in-office awake surgery on it at least once a week for a couple months. The doc would give me topical anesthetic, but told me it was likely a waste of time, since the pocket of pus/bacteria was so deep it would not numb anything. She was right.

Next to that is getting 3 cavities filled without anesthetic. I was in an indescribable amount of pain, I was shaking and fucked up for a while after that. They had given me the option to not use anesthetic because they thought the cavities were shallow enough. Nope. The fucked up thing is, I remember them mocking me, saying they've seen kids do it no problem.

dunno, are you?
Autistic kids are usually ugly as fuck with distorted faces due to their inability to form normal facial expressions (a form of communication basically)

tell us your pain here: 6QvVSs

>finally get a gf
>weve been together for a month
>its something special for me cause shes my first
>one hour before I wanted to pick her up she asks if she should really come
>of course, why wouldnt you?
>she never responded

I'm on the high functioning end and my disease makes it so I don't physically age to the extent that everyone else does since stretchy skin is a symptom, I get compliments a lot from girls on my appearance

Breakups for me.
Tried to kill myself after the first one.
The most recent one I've lost all hope and spiralled into a pit of degeneracy

>Go to dentist to remove a tooth
>Dentist apply too little anesthesia
>he could't remove the tooth in time
>anesthesia starts to go away
>30 minutes of pure silent agony

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>stood up a girl I loved because I am a coward
we didn't spoke eversince

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Thank you very much for sharing guys. I read every single one.
I am going to sleep. I will read the new ones when I wake up.
I will read them.
I will read them.
I will read them.
I shall stand on the same ground with you by sharing my suffering as well.

I suffer from emotional detachment.
It's even worse in public. I learned to get to the point of detachment without having panic attack. It's not bad. It's not nice. It's just empty.
Good night.

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Sinus infection, hands down.
The suffering was unimaginable.

>dislocate knee by knocking it to my TV table when turning around
>dislocate elbow because I slipped on my side when walking on mirror finish ice on my way to work

>take quite ill aunt I've been caring for atleast weekly for over two years to the doctors for a physical stress test to gauge her progress after a month of treatment
>she has multiple brain aneurysms the next night and dies in 2 days
Too soon :/

>gf of 5 years
>treats me like shit all of a sudden
>spiral in to depression
>stop going to school
>for a year
>drop out
>40kg overweight by now
>she keeps going out "with just friends" more and more
>treats me more and more like shit, always mad at something, everything seems to be my fault
>doesn't come home from the club some times
>find condom in club purse, we never used any since she was on the pill when we met
>dump her
>she confesses to only going out for coffee with some guys she's sent nudes to just to see who was behind the nickname
>her ex friend tells a story of a girl, who HAD to have cock from the club, literally wouldn't leave unless she dragged someone with her from the arm, to a hotel, the guys place, her friend's place, and once they even fucked the same guy, this ex friedn in the evening and my ex in the next morning.

What hurts even more the past 3 years after I told her to move out she's tried to be on the best of terms with me and makes this victim case of me not wanting to be with her anymore and constantly saying we should be together while I can never again get a gf because I'm a hideous obese blob of jabba the hut.

>fuck these worthless people, find a new group there are good ones out there!

C'mon, no there isn't

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It was just an oatmeal brained downey. Probably for the best.

Watch the girl I love slowly lose interest in me over time, seek out other people for entertainment then eventually break up with me. God I wish I wasn't so boring dude.

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Are you me?
Like I don't know what else to do, I like what I like and have my mannerisms but most people consider what I do boring. I can always attract a mate but nothing I get can last long term once they see this is all there is to me.

Yeah, I know how that is, it's like the engines got enough gas to get goin, but there isn't enough in the tank for the long haul. That relationship burned cause it was a qt femanon we met up for a week after months of talking, we had had a wonderful time but a week after I got home she said that she no longer felt the same about me after nd that was that. I've been drinking every other night since. Livin the life.

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Did you at least get to bone her?
Cause you are what I'm afraid my future will be here soon. Got a date with a super qt 10/10 femanon and she wants to head back to her place after the fact but I'm feel like once the deed is done I'm just gonna be ignored or she will quickly lose interest.

Got really close, but anxiety and prolonged blue balls really got the best of me and we just went with the succ.

I preferred the cuddling and kissing a lot more to be honest, but lord knows if that'll ever happen again.

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I'd say losing my grandpa but getting friendzoned by a girl who was basically tailor-made for me is up there too.

Being laughed on by strangers in my teens.

I wasn't doing anything. Just walking down the street normally. There were two girls standing on a doorway, a small one and the other one that I assume was the older sister.

The older one says "Hey you, this girl here wants to say hi". Immediately the girl looked at me and said "Eeww no! He's too ugly, he looks like Donkey from Shrek"

All the people within earshot looked at me, analized my face and laughed after. It was so hurtful that I summed in depression for the following two days and I cried a lot.

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Falling 18 feet and breaking both my ankles.

I had gyno (man tits) and had them operated on, they basically chopped my tits off and holy fuck it was painkillers every 12 hours for this motherfucker. Just moving made me AHH

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There's a good pick-up line hidden in there somewhere

not sure if painful is the right word but my mom locked herself up in the basement for a few years when i was a child.

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>father very close to another man
>they grew up together
>their entire adolescence was experienced together
>they were on the same sports teams
>in the same boy scout troop
>went to school together
>tried drugs together
>their lives were basically intertwined
>after they married their wives they decided to continue their brotherhood
>my family spent more time with that family than I did my grandparents or aunts and uncles
>his daughter, who was the same age as me, was my best friend from birth
>it was likely forced but everything I did was with her
>every first day of school, vacation, sunday morning, day outside, all with her
>as we entered our teenage years our friendship developed into a relationship
>we were both drunk on infatuation
>we took each others' virginities
>we went to every dance and event together
>she helped me face and understand my parents' divorce
>I carried her through the death of her grandmother
>though higher education wasn't something I was interested in she pushed me to apply anyway
>I got into the university she was going to attend
>she started planning out a life for the two of us
>there was no way we wouldn't end up getting married over these next four years
>she was beyond excited for our future
>I could only think about how lucky I was to get to spend my entire life with the greatest woman in the world
>that summer her and her family went to see relatives
>on the way home their car was struck by a drunk driver
>she was the last alive on the scene and died in the hospital without awaking from a coma
After a year that consisted of near suicides I now wander the country traveling back and forth between my father's house and however far I can get on the money in my wallet.

I remember when i was younger i fell over and scraped all the skin off my elbow, couldn't rest it on anything and hurt like hell. My mum did make me a nice cake when i was recovering from it though. Guess i haven't really much proper physical pain

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Fuck man. I am sorry.

Things like this is what makes me think that god hates us. For normal people it would be bad too but they have more options to replace those missed things.

But what about us that have so little? We get attached to the few things we have and still we get that taken away from us.

>Be me
>2014, 17
>Be 5'9, 220 lbs or so
>Senior in HS
>Be an Autist
>Be an incel
>In Dual Enrollment so I take a few college courses before my Freshman year begins
>QT''s at High School and College
>Get butthurt because virgin with rage
>Friend tells me to lower my standards
>Friend who tells me this possesses next to no standards himself
>Lose it
>Create a new .docx file in word
>Make a list of every girl I'm interested in and the reasons why it would never work out.
>Reasons include geographical distance, differing viewpoints, unfavorable first impressions, them being in a relationship already, age difference (3 years seemed like a lot at the time.)
>At the end, the file is about 15 MB''s in size after pictures are added.
>Another friend concludes that I hate myself more than anyone else.
>mfw he was right.

Realize the fact I'm brown, ugly and a third world citizen.

I wouldn't say that I have recovered but I at least can escape feeling lost and don't feel like the reason for my existence is over. My mother hates how much I travel, she constantly tells me that I only do it because I can't handle trying to move on. She's probably right.

woooooah i have the exact same story. I started getting back pain when I was 11 and my mom dismissed it as growing pains. I didn't go to the doctor for a physical until i was 13 and found out I had a 60 degree S curve. I was 14 before I got my spinal fusion. Yeah, recovery was bitch. I'm sorry that you had to go through that, friend ):

>Be like 10-11
>School helds some field day type event on saturday, meant for students and their parents
>Live with mom, she has drinking problem.
>Don't bother telling her that parents are expected to come to the field day event too.
>She spends friday evening drinking
>See her having hangover before I leave for school
>During the field day, see classmates having fun with their parents. I think I was the only one alone.
>Come back home
>Mom is drinking again

Fell in love with a girl and she was super into me. But couldn't talk to her normally because I'm an autistic sperg and put her on a pedestal. Now shes with a chad scooter boy, and I am alone.

>Be born
>Family full of mental health issues
>Be Aspie/ High sensibility to pain and emotional distress
>Mother want to play a twisted fantasy where everything is fine
>Everything is not fine
>Mom uncounciously manipulates me, my brother and my father to be like she wants
>Mother and father argument almost every week
>Be a problem child and scream
>Don't like people nor social situations, speak weirdly, etc
>Parents start hitting me when shit gets out of control
>Still 5-8
>Start hitting little brother as parents do to me
>Confused, shit gets tense, gotta change
>Become no one, only listens and does as people want
>Years pass, be 15
>Depression , want to die
>Parents bring me to therapy
>Start recovering, gain social abilities, mental stability
>Result= Identity crisis, don't know who I am, in exchange I can be whatever I want, be a psychopath, a saint, etc
>Try to Bring myself together, more pain, lots of emotional distress, become nearly insane
>Today still don't know who I am

Breaking my shoulder and being forced to stretch my arm over my head to do X-rays.

Realizing that i will die sad and alone

>bullied through highschool
>eventually my dad puts me in a judo class
>practice for 2 years
>get good at judo
>bullying still continues since im very meek and im an easy target
>gym class one day
>coach gives us a 5 week program with each week a new kind of martial art on the program, first week being judo.
>'okay who of you all has done judo before'
>slightly raise my hand and class notices
>get asked to demonstrate with some of the 'jocks'
>this guy nick, basically the turbo chad gets put in my group and we have to mock fight
>After 30 seconds of him trying to floor me i get him in an armbar and he taps out
>hes mad because he lost to me, I can see it on every emotion on his being, feel slightly elevated
>later on get a second match with him, he punches me in the face, get dizzy for a second but manage to take the fight to the ground where i strangle him, but this time he wont tap out even when he starts to faint.
>have to let him go, he gurgles and gets fucking livid.
>class ended very regularly, found some self respect that day
>bell rings, time to go home
>always take this road home through a park
>all of a sudden get charged from the side, fall of my bike and land in a ditch.
>hands scraped over the gravel and can feel blood running down my arms
>I look up and its Nick
>Gives me a couple of stomps on the shoulder and fractures my collarbone
>Im fucking crying at this point
>he calls his friends that were waiting nearby in the bushes
>after giving me the beating of a lifetime he gives a final blow and stomps on my knees, basically shattering it
>old lady that was walking her dog found me about 15 minutes later
>get brought to hospital, doctor says it doesnt look good
>bonesplinters in my knee, torn ligaments, you name it my knee was done.
>cant walk for another 1,5 year till its healed
>after 1,5 year have to learn to walk all over again
>now walk with a limp

Worst is Nick got away with it with just 3 months of community service

getting this shit tatted on me

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simple solution, break both his legs. Buy a Retractable Baton, And crack both his knees and shins.

you will feel better.

Holy shit user that is so terrible makes me regret drinking and driving the few times i did

Wisdom teeth removal recovery. Next to that is a testicular torsion. Friendly reminder to check your nuts!

It was 10 years ago, I already got my revenge when my dad beat him within an inch of his life. This was because at first we couldn't charge Nick because it was 'his word vs mine' with only his faggot friends who didn't snitch. Later when i got back to school half a year after the incident, the dean wanted me and Nick to shake hands. I refused that shit though. Sometime later down the line my dad ambushed Nick and game him a fucking beating. I still wish it was me sometimes that kicked his ass but can't do much when you spend 80% of your day in a wheelchair.

who is the fine lass in the image???

One time on a family vacation I went to a movie theatre and while I was getting popcorn I saw a film attendant girl and she was one of the qtestbwomen I've ever seen alive and I had an urge to save a photo of her to keep so I tried to sit against a wall and take a picture of her. I forgot to turn the flash off so a really bright light flash happened where she was standing and everyone stopped and kind of looked at me. I didn't know what to say and she initally looked confused but quickly became horrified. I kind of tried to run away but the managment stopped me and demanded I delete the photo from my phone so I had to open my photos and I had saved some d tier stuff earlier which the managment saw. I deleted the picture and he made me tell him my name and took a picture of me and said I'm never aloud back. Luckily it was really far away and I'll never have to go back


Fucking kills me.

Jesus Christ this story pissed me off. As someone who undoubtedly has anger management issues I would have probably killed that kid if he did that to me.

>10 days without shitting

I went a whole month. At least I had enough painkillers and muscle relaxants that I didnt feel my insides getting stuffed and fucked

Watched the only girl I felt in love, the one I thought was the only girl worth something, enter a room with some dude at a party we went (and yes, she got fucked).
I didnt even felt anything, like literally, in a single night all my will to live just kind of disappeared.

I became a mysoginist asshole, and Im dead inside, but at least I inmune to all that bullshit now.

Dislocated my shoulder dumpster diving, had my friend attempt to relocate it in the parking lot, screamed in pain before started nearly passing out.

holy shit. if i were you i would fucking beat him until he passes out and take him somewhere, tie him and torture him or burn him alive when he wakes up.