Be beta orbiter

>be beta orbiter
>clean up duty marriage with a 27 y/o thot who has fucked 500 dudes
>try to fuck her, happy
>claims she isnt a sexual person
>cant even get pity sex
>momentarily grows a spine and cancels the wedding

Lmao the absolute state of men and women.

Eugenics when?

Attached: the memes are real reddit thot.jpg (960x521, 98K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>"how do i deal with an insecure fiance who needs sex to feel loved?"

have sex with him you dumb fucking thot, jesus christ

THIS is exactly why I don't want to have a gf who had more than 2-3 sexual partners.

probably for the best. he knew it and ripped off the bandaid

>2-3 sexual partners is acceptable

lmoa cuck

>how do I deal with a person who needs sex to feel love
I really hope those articles that talk about how women are lonely and single when they're getting older are true man.

Good luck finding a virgin mary gf in 2018 who is over the age of 18.

Holy fucking shit this has to be a troll. No way can a woman be so oblivious that she is completely unaware of her actions.

Obvious fake imo.

If a woman gets married at 30 that's a reasonable n count. You can't wait until marriage realistically if the average age of marriage is so high.

>Obvious fake imo.
Shhhh! It's making the gullible retards a little less butthurt; don't spoil it for them.

link to original? I would love to see the reddit comments in reply to this shit show.

I mean it's literally like that mgtow comic with the shitty art, but it's not wrong, where the girls fuck around hundreds of guys in all imaginable forms of sex even weird and experimental stuff, and then they settle down and refuse sex to their beta provider husbands and claim they're not sexual people and don't do anything more than vanilla.

>I mean it's literally like that mgtow comic with the shitty art
Yea, it's the exact same dog shit that very rarely if ever happens but inceltards convince themselves that that's how most relationships are because it makes their wee-wees less sad about their inability to get girlfriends. It's called cope, and it comes in many forms.

One cuck in the comment section said having sex with 100 partners is the same as having sex with one partner 100 times. How delusional.

I dont understand the point youre trying to make, OP

>man feels inadequate
>man lacks self-esteem
>demands sex to feel better
>woman is not in the mood
>he cancels the wedding
>wont speak to woman
>loses his best chance at sex
>which is what he needs to feel good
>metaphorically shooting his foot
>this is called growing a spine

What did she do wrong? Im honestly confused

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Except situations like the OP pic do happen often, even if the OP pic itself is a fake.


Boy you got me good boy-yo OoooOoOooOOH WEE

oh no... a sperging permavirgin had questioned my masculinity on the internet... how will i ever go on?

is it that difficult to just lie down and spread your legs open? if I had a gf and she wanted sex then even if I wasn't in the mood you bet I'll fuck her.

totally reasonable. these guys need to get over themselves

yeah, that type of thing never happens

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Based and realitypilled

>is it that difficult to just lie down and spread your legs open?
no. this is about power

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R*ddit you must leave. You'll always stand out as retarded r*dditors.

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Is it wrong to have the woman who lost her virginity to you and you plan to marry do ass to mouth? As in fucking her in the ass then having her immediately suck you off? Is it hot or does it destroy purity too much?

Sorry satan, I misquoted. and are the filthy r*ddit cucks.

>someone is expressing an opinion I dont like
The fact that you think Jow Forums is a giant hivemind makes me think youre more familiar with ribbit


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>woman is not in the mood
she said it has been a while
it's obvious that if you aren't fucking like rabbits before you're even married that you're just a fucking provider for the whore
100+ men and not a sexual person... the fucking nerve of this thot
and the idiot that pursued marriage after the most basic of red flags holy shit

No, you shut up. Youre overuse of helper makes you look prepubescent. Get off this website and enjoy your youth

>Marrying a girl with 100+ body count.
This was his first mistake.

Ok.. but do you guys #TerkPost ?

PEPE is so gay... i will destroy it with my gorilla hands..

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Theres more to marriage than fucking three times a day user. Some people have a low sexual libido even IF they have a high partner count. People change throughout their lives

You really need to go back.

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>100+ men
In all fairness, she could have been sleeping around for the validation/attention. Still a major red flag.

>she could have been sleeping around for the validation/attention
implying that's OK........

Alright, so let's assume that she isn't lying and turned from a cum dumpster (20) into a frigid "non sexual person" (27)
She should have seen from the start that her future husband likes sex, and after like half a month without it, she still denies it, implying to him that she doesn't even plan on satisfying him in the least during their marriage.
There is nothing wrong with the call this guy made, she showed how much she cares about him and somehow that was the first time he saw it

Kek, of course she changes. She had high libido and did every sex act imaginable with those 100 club Chads, but she isn't the least bit interested in Billy Betabucks.
Dumb thot could have at least sucked the guy off to keep up the illusion until the marriage was a done deal. He would no longer have been able to walk away without losing half his shit.
On the other hand, that dude really dodged a bullet.

W e w lad I hope youre not this autistically specific about irrelevant things in real life lol

I bet there are many reasons why you dont have a gf user dont sell yourself short.

>guy did the right thing
>he dodged a bullet
>will remain sexless and frustrated for the rest of his life
Do not praise false gods. This man completely fucked himself over because he never learned how to masturbate properly

this is clearly written by a man for upvotes but it made me chuckle nonetheless

>marriage is best chance for sex

men fantasize that marriage means the vagina is more accessible. however, i'm fairly certain if polygamy were legal, married men would simply be denied sex twice as often.

dont worry.. be happy.. just be a #TerkPoster AND naynay on libtards? Frfr epic dab

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I am not "praising gods"
The whole point of this is that he would have remained frustrated even if he stayed with the dumb bitch.

>will remain sexless and frustrated for the rest of his life
Well at least he'll be neither married nor divorce raped. He can always pay a hooker with the money he would have otherwise given to this thot.

>this is clearly written by a man for upvotes
And yet this thread is full of gullible tards who believe it's real. Still waiting for some sign of that 'muh superior intellect' I keep hearing about.

This is when you learn to differentiate when a female ''loves'' someone and when a female is ''attracted to'' someone.
You learned it now. I learned it when some whore was lusting over me for my looks, voice, masculinity etc. However was not in love with me. She would have sex with me (unlike guy in OP's post) but she wouldn't give me any affection obviously. (no I didn't fuck with her because she was german and probably a whore that fucked immigrants tbf, or so it seemed. I just don't think she had a clear past)

>And yet this thread is full of gullible tards who believe it's real.
What about everyone in the comment section taking her side, all they all fake accs by MGTOW shills?

He realized that women like you think men only exist to provide them financial security and emotional intimacy at a moments notice and deserve nothing in return.

Females only love themselves and their children.
They will never love a man, but they might love what a man can do for them.

German women generally do not even bother to pretend to have any affection for a man.

>What about everyone in the comment section taking her side, all they all fake accs by MGTOW shills?
I don't know, they might be gullible retards as well; a lot of tumbler feminists are (one of the many ways in which they and incelbots are the same).

>this is all fake
>and even if wasn't fake she did nothing wrong and the man is insecure for getting mad

>women like you
Aw, too bad user. You were doing so good but you just had to go back to the manual like a good little sheepcel.

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I had an argument, you just refused to acknowledge it.

That was an excellent bullet dodge by that guy. Congrats to him.

Fucking sluts. If you are going to whore throughout your early life and finally find a guy willing to accept you after that the least, and I mean the ABSOLUTE FUCKING LEAST you can do is don't freeze him out of sex. You worthless cunts

Robot women cannot come soon enough I swear

They have to exist somewhere.
It's like an easter egg or some secret loot the dev put inside this imo.

My best guess is you have to fulfill some steps in the right order to find them, but I'm not sure. Josef succeeded.

Good man.

Don't ever lower yourself to a woman who sluts about due to self esteem issues. I repeat this - Do Not. Seriously. Y'all are better than that.

Also, as mentioned previously: be aware when affection isn't reciprocal.

>I had an argument, you just refused to acknowledge it.
Because you prefaced your 'argument' by misidentifying me as a woman. Why would I bother to read the rest of your post when you're obviously a butthurt and emotional retard?

I did (at church). She grew up in a very conservative family and was a 5/10 so theres that. Sadly I'm a NEET and she was looking for husband material

If she isn't having sex with him she's getting it elsewhere

Literally LOLing at the state of relationships in 2018. Normalfag life is such a joke.

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He had sex with her though? He already lost that virginity.

>"how do i deal with an insecure fiance who needs sex to feel loved?"

Why the fuck do women do this? This bitch KNOWS that isn't why he's mad but she still acts like a dishonest subhuman

Absolute fucking animal

>doesnt matter had sex
He had sex with her a few times. He couldve had sex with her more frequently if he stayed patient and respected her mood at the time

>sex with a hooker
>sex with your wife
Are you saying these two are interchangeable? Kek

>remain frustrated
Who knows, maybe she was trying to test his resolve? He failed obviously, and will never know what she would have given him had he stayed patient

>Are you saying these two are interchangeable?Kek
Well, sex with a hooker is obviously much better value.

>paying a woman to have sex with you
>having a wife who will have sex with you for free
Youre a virgin wanna know how I can tell

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>marriage is free
Youre a roastie wanna know how I can tell

Well, he wasn't gonna have frequent sex by the looks of it

>2-3 partners
>not absolutely 0
Yep, this one's going in my soi compilation.

>will remain sexless and frustrated for the rest of his life
The rest of his life until he meets a new girl, you mean?

Guys, this is how you identify roasties, by the way. They'll instantly go for the, "if he leaves her over not getting laid he's dumb because she's his only chance to ever get laid". They will always put massive effort into maintaining this illusion that they are rare and precious and too valuable to be lost when the reality is that they're INCREDIBLY replaceable. Don't ever let a girl trick you into thinking that you can't replace her.

Classic tactic. Im a man, and I have sex. I would never pay for a hooker when tinder exists. Thats uneconomical. Of course, marriage isnt free but he shouldve considered marrying a girl with a high partner count when he is obviously neurotic about that shit

>not having sex
Of course he wasnt. Its obvious that his insecurity regarding his partners sexual history was seeping into the relationship. Girls dont want to bang insecure guys. Id bet you my bottom dollar that she wouldnt sleep with him anymore because of this

>another robot misidentifying me as a woman
Oh kekkity kek. Guys, take notice. This is how you seem as oblivious as possible on the Internet

God I hope we all die on this fucking planet what a terrible race of beings. Life is fucking awful on every level unless you are gigachad. Fuuuuuuck thiiiiiissss ahhhhhh please

What? So now you're saying that it was inevitable he wouldn't get sex, when before you said he would've gotten more sex if he had stayed?

Good luck even achieving that, desu. All women are total whores now except maybe a dozen across the world and they all belong to Chad.

lol you guys are fucking delusional. This is as real as it gets. It's so real you're trying to convince yourself it's fake. This is the new normal.

>they all belong to Chad
They are part of Muhammad's harem actually.

It was inevitable from the moment he became insecure with her sexual history. If he wouldve fucked her clean without moaning about how many people shes fucked in the past, this fake would have never been writ

I like how they go
>that's so fake, you're so gullible
>even if it's real the guy is at fault for being so neurotic and insecure

>if i lie and tell them i'm a man then they can't call me a girl any more. i'm a genius!
roasties are so fucking stupid i swear to god
do you even have a brain

>fake stories have no bearing on real life lessons
What is the Bible, Alex

Its like your saying he had a choice on whether he felt insecure or not. Emotions aren't so easily controlled, nor can you stop yourself from feeling them.

I wanna see the comments on this. Can't find the thread by googling the title tho

If I posted my penis, youd call me a tranny. Theres no limit to the mental gymnastics a robot will employ when hes been decisively beaten in gentlemanly debate.

Good day, celibate gentlesir

Can't find it either and I don't think it exists. You can see in the picture it has 200 comments and like no likes or whatever

It's reasonable to want sex in a marriage, but the guy handled this in an incredibly immature way.
Screaming at her for having sex with other men in the past? Storming out and not responding to her calls while passive-aggressively calling the venue to cancel?
This is not how adults act. If the lack of sex bothered him this much, he should have brought it up WELL BEFORE the week of the wedding. I think the girl is the one who's dodged a bullet.

>without moaning about how many people shes fucked in the past
the solution to all these problems? - Ignorance. Don't ask. You'll be a happier person.

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I get he should have brought it up earlier and not even got close to marriage but she's a fucking whore and a hypocrite, if she didn't want sex why did she bang 100+ people, that's fucking disgusting. Ironically it seems sex never did matter to her

>insecurity is not a choice
It is a choice. If you feel insecure in your weight, exercise. If you feel insecure with your fiancees sexual history, dont throw a hissyfit the night before the wedding. Wait until you find a unicorn or fuck bitches until the count evens out

Nope, he probably was bring it up all the time, the constant refusals probably caused him to do this.

Agreed girl! +1

>she's a fucking whore and a hypocrite, if she didn't want sex why did she bang 100+ people
Who cares if she had sex with lots of guys? Wouldn't you have sex with lots of girls if you had the opportunity?
People's libidos change over time; with women it varies but often peaks in their 30s.

>Nope, he probably was bring it up all the time, the constant refusals probably caused him to do this.
If he was that unsatisfied with the lack of sex he should have ended the relationship or given an ultimatum. This is on him for not communicating his needs until the last minute.

No, sex matters to me and I like to form an emotional connection with someone when I have sex. Otherwise it's just a fucking rollercoaster of dealing with someone else to just bust a nut and has no meaning at all. If she has sex with lots of guys it shows she has little value for herself as a human and she is most likely easily manipulated because guess what, guys will fuck literally everything, it's not impressive, you were just used over and over.

>he has had insecurity and low self-confidence
>needs sex to feel loved
Sex is pairbonding, it actually brings people to a higher level of intimate bonding. She is much more interested in blaming him or sharing sex with other men. He made the right decision. What a man.

y'all have some shitty google-fu.
It was a real post by a non-throwaway account. The OP has deleted the post and their account, probably out of shame.

>everyone shitting on her saying he did the right thing and she's a slut
When did reddit become so redpilled

>I'm sure hoping the fuck count and wedding attendees numbers are a coincidence.

Some of you Redditors are alright.