Homeless user Update

job has been going well, will most likely be there for a very long time

friend gave me an iphone a few days ago (pic related is where ive been sleeping)

going to ask my boss about if she knows anyone who is renting/subletting

also currently hungry as hell

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good luck user you need it.
also why dont you use tomorrow as the theme.
bright Jow Forums is cancer

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Keep it up user, you're one step closer. :~)

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thanks dude and also youre right this theme is so much better idk what i was thinking

thanks man i kind of want to start documenting the things i see since i have a camera now

oh no a homeless normie

yeah dude i got a hug from a beautiful ass korean lady the other night and she invited me to her bday party tomorrow

You should if you wish to make it an inspiration or to motivate other people who's in the same situation as you. Perhaps you'll find some idea and breakthrough during all of this!

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so how shitty do you feel right now knowing stacie is being rammed by chad right now on their full ride scholarships?

>he doesn't browse Jow Forums in catalog mode
what the fuck user

Have you considered suicide?
Being homeless means you are even worse off than some Africans.

what the fuck, why? you fucking normies

tried it but broken glass isnt as sharp as i thought and veins are also a lot harder to get to than what you would expect

also blackbot

now that you have a job you might be able to get a shotgun i'm not sure if you need a residence for that

wishing nothing but the best for you my guy.

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>has a phone, a laptop, a job
what the fuck lol

Good luck friendo.

Brainlet alert.

lol nah man i was neet before i got evicted at the end of july, didnt get this job until a few weeks ago and someone gave me this phone for free, its not activated ive just been on wifi

This, good for you OP but clearly you just had to try *a little* for once in your life.

Hope you find a place soon user stay strong out there.

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what is this place that you're sleeping at?

what job anun?

I've thought about what I might do if I became homeless. I think it could be quite comfy until winter came and then I wouldn't know what to do.

Pretty fucking shitty now, thanks. I work 60-70 hrs/wk pouring concrete and the only thing stopping me from killing myself is the fact that I save most of my money so I can buy some land and finally fuck off from everyone and everything

i work in a kitchen doing prep/dish ive already done it for years before this so its the easiest thing in the world now

its under some sawhorses with old wood on top of it at an abandoned college facility, thank god i have this mat otherwise i wouldnt have been able to chill under there