Post your r9k discord experiences here

Post your r9k discord experiences here.

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Discord is trash stay user

>Some nigger with a pop reference avatar types in
>Talks about stupid show they saw
>2 users reply
>Chat goes into silence
>Quiet quiet
>Occasionally some nigger will type but will never publish message
>Quiet quiet

>join server
>go into voice chat
>insult everyone, if there are any women with orbiters I call them out on attention whoring
>because normalfaggots arent used to confrontation they ban me

get fucked

>add someone from here
>we talk for a few days or weeks
>we gradually stop talking
>i ghost them or they ghost me

I'm blue, she's black
not really sure what happened

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>going on discord servers where women aren't automatically repelled by the abhorrent personalities of the people who use that particular server

Holy shit cringed so hard KYS

Call her mommy you fucking moron!

This comment is original.

Orngial commendment
Are you fucking retarded. Gimme the deets i will call her mommy

You are gay as fuck desu and should consider leaving or necking yourself. I suggest the latter as a total cure of your faggotry.

>be robot
>see social media platform "discord"
>don't do anything with it because i'm a robot
>that's it
Enjoy your stay normalfags.

Pretty much this every time, I gave up on making discord friends forever ago.

It goes on, she won't answer to anything but mommy
What should I do lads, I'm not good at this

>Early Summer last year
>Join Youth
>Amazing experience, the host is this autustic freak who's always monitoring the server, it's a very comfy and supportive place that actually helped robots
>Host deletes it 4norasin
>Youthv2 pops up immediately afterward, hosted by an underage retard
>Promptly becomes a cliquish groupchat, doesn't advertise at all, bullies and targets users until there's maybe 5 people left
>Dies off
>Apparently Youthv3 is up and running and back to former glory, but the new host is really stingy about invites and doesn't hesitate to ban people
>Always miss their advertisement threads and the links are always expired
If anyone has a Youth invite please gib

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A lot of the r9k girls seem pretty normal but bitter after having 100 orbiters constantly dming and being pervy/mean and manipulative to them overtime.

You people just post about wanting gfs but then the girls you can talk to you tard rage at.


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I haven't been in the previous ones, but the host is nice. Honestly just don't come in reeeeing about girls being on the server or being 25 and he'll be chill. He's kinda a narcissist though

>wanting le Jow Forums gf

roastie whores know what they're getting into by posting their discord here. you both deserve to suffer.

>get banned instantly because I helped ruin the last server
>join again on my alt.
>get banned again because they have a list of shitlers and their alts.
>join on a brand new account
>post for about a week
>Prince Royal recognizes my writing style, calls me out over PMs, and bans me
From what I saw it's comfy as fuck again, but from what I can tell Royal is definitely trying to keep it safe and secure, which is admirable, I guess
I just miss Love, Goblin, Great Ego Death, Kali, and all the other grilles

How does this shit work? I downloaded it just to talk to people but I am unable to find contacts because I don't know anybody. Besides, it is fucking awkward to ask a stranger for a personal contact info just to talk.

Literally the only server I've joined on a chan that isn't just edgetards or 100 posts per second. Pretty noice

pls friends i need

FPBP, go back to ******, most discordniggers are underage.

>tfw lmaoing @ you're lifes with my comfy ~20 member private server with zero drama, spam, or attentionwhoring, and hardly any vc at all

>join server from some discord thread
>everyone in the server is like 15 years old (and proudly admitting it every 15 seconds)
>theres some cringelord called "Fashy Trap" who never shuts the fuck up about politics
>all of the normalfags are talking about fornite
>all the real robots don't say anything in the server probably because they can't stand hearing this bullshit

yup, never again

not on an r9k server but
>tfw you join a server and are mostly regarded as a weird fuck but an underaged girl (i heard her in VC) found you endearing
>didn't know this until i returned to the server after withdrawing into my shell
>search my username and find a post by her saying she missed me
>had a DM from her too asking if I was still alive
Weird as fuck, considering if she knew I was a shut in NEET adult, she probably would have been creeped out and stopped talking to me immediately. I know this sounds like LARPing but whatever. Have you ever had someone with a far different background/age take a liking to you on discord?

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awh so cutesie and quirky and FUCKING GAY

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>because normalfaggots arent used to confrontation they ban me
This is so very true, the next generation will be degenerate because they can stop being criticized with a press of a button. Unaware of how retarded they are. Hell, they lack the critical thinking or attention span for an actual talk. Let alone an argument.

Classic aeromatic moments.

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no, but this is comfy and wholesome

people care about you user!!!

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>join sever because wanting to waste time
>join vc
>"are you actually a girl"
>play roblox anime high school
>good times

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Shitpost and mess with an unironically retarded 29 year old making him do stupid stuff like dancing naked singing "let the bodies hit the floor" or we'll go to his mom's house and throw rocks at it

>try out a server
>they only accepted 2 people, pruned over a dozen and I was left
>stayed in server for a month, talking more than anyone else
>one guy is really edgy, always talks about wanting to die
>I tell him if he wants to die then do it, but it's obvious that he's afraid to and pretending to be suicidal
>admin tells me to apologize or be kicked
>leave server voluntarily
>quit shitcord except dms

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wait to find a decent server to join, connect with people from there. you're right that just trading PM contacts is weird and desperate

Fuck discord I have yet to find an enjoyable server that isn't with my friends I met years ago. All of them are just circle jerks and attention whoring, are there any GOOD servers out there ?

>Server is just me and my normalfag friend I play videogames with

Let us see
>create discord account to contact person who wants to be friend
>person ghosts me the next day

>join Jow Forums discord
>everyone is Chad and begins mocking my autism
>I am gullible enough to believe most things, they use this to mock me constantly and treat me like a lower life form
>Eventually have enough and leave

>Someone asks for Discord, give it to them
>They talk to me for three days before telling me they need to distance themselves as I am just a replacement for their past
>They then get angry at me for being self-centered due to only being able to talk about myself due to autism

>Find autismo
>Talk to them, hope things are comfy
>They end up telling me they need to distance themselves as I sound suicidal and I pushed them to try to kill themselves a few times out of empathy

>Find a person who wants to be my friend
>I harbor pain due to past experiences with friends and have biases to certain people
>They demand evidence that a certain person is a liar, I provide it
>They fly off the handle, calling me a tyrannical overlord who is just too retarded to gain power but would otherwise cause the death of millions.

>Try to join discord community for game
>Autism, find nothing to talk about that isn't myself or some passion that angers people
>Get told I am not really welcome outside of a designated box
>Decide to leave, some people follow out of pity
>Make a server for me as a "help user get mental help project"
>one gives up quickly when they realize how they have run out of options
>another persists out of determination before blowing up out of anger due to my severe level of autism
>unironically for similar reasons as the past, people snap when you tell them you question if reality is real and while you accept that following rules is necessary, there may lie the possibility that it is all an illusion.
>was told I was entirely worthless and deserve no respect

Essentially, I am destined to be hated.

This. I have OCD autism that prevents me from handling video game talk at all unless it is a game I touch (all I touch is Quake due to autism). When this is all normies talk about, it gets lonely. Being reminded constantly that I am nothing like anyone else here is misery.

I realllly hope this is satire
I really, really hope

WHy is this hot wtf lol

I try to help suicidal people by supporting their decision. I feel it is their choice and that their life is probably bad enough that they should kill themselves. I know I would if I could. I can't guarantee them life will get better, so why help them not kill themselves? So I can be a faggot asshole who made them suffer some more?

This is one reason I don't have any friends. People freak out if you don't try to save suicidal people.

No user, and I mostly stopped due to word count. My life is filled with autism and depression resulting in me being a burden for anyone who takes pity on me in the first place. I just want to be treated as an equal and have someone legitimately want to be around me for a change. Of course, then they would ghost me.

give me your discrim

i like how some cunt popped up responding to this saying "ooh i hope this is satire i'm such a normal dull fucking CUNT"

sorry, what i'm trying to say is me too user.

If you're still around I want to talk with you.

yeah but... there's autism and then there's encouraging people to kill themselves
the latter makes you a piece of shit

I can give you the host's Discord tag if you want

I think you have some trouble with reading comprehension you idiot.

I get it a lot user. It feels like most people just cannot believe I am the way I am or that the things that have happened have happened. It is more depressing... I pride myself on being genuine, even on anonymous imageboards...

I am here user. Not sure what there is to say and skeptical about it working out. Bad experiences isn't exactly a good connection and I am not really one who has an interesting life. Trust me, I have had people give up on me because I am too boring and didn't entertain them (their words).

I'm both those posts. I've also experienced people not believing that someone in my position could be a real thing.

If you want, add me on corpse#2987

This is the first time i've done this. I'll reject anyone who isn't you.

I shall try again user, mainly as I have nothing to lose and am used to the curse happening. Look for #0122

Shit man I feel sorry for you. That sounds really harsh.