What does it mean when a girl does this in front of you?

What does it mean when a girl does this in front of you?

Attached: 1536166013225.gif (179x111, 1.7M)

They find you attractive.

Mating dance.

Casuality is broken; the acceleration of your consciousness has caused a precedeing event horizon to exist far back into your worldline. This event horizon, which should never interact with you by casaulity and definition, in some indeterminate region of space had collided with a reverse event horizon, like a white hole. This event, though seemingly not relevant to your worldline can create a euclidean compression in a Kruskal-Szekeres coordinate plane, an einstein-rosen bridge will be generated to transvert you to a similar positional spacetime in an uncollapsed universal waveform. This breaks casuality as you have technically moved to a new universe/reality, but pays the cosmotic casaulity "debt" in non-relativistic ways that I don't need to go into here. Now you exist in a slightly glitched reality, you will notice some slight tweaks but given the infinite ensemble of parallel world, regression to the mean is nearly asymptotic, though their is no way of knowing if your previous reality was actually the converging waveform for the mean. But as I digress, the new reality will have only very slight variations like this shitty .gif you posted.

I thought males were the ones who initiate that.

Attached: wvhXErX.gif (340x249, 1.92M)

For birds yes. That is no longer true for humans.

I was expecting something lewd...

they're indian

That girl doesn't look indian though.

no shit sherlock, but they could be BORN in india, though. but to a white family.

Straight from Uncanny Valley.

Well, you should have clarified that. I thought you were talking about actual poos.

Severe autism. Avoid her at all costs.

Poor guy, femoid just fucks off.

great post user, i keked

Attached: 1533412871207.gif (500x545, 263K)

I don't get it. He seems like a total stud to me.

Attached: 1533423168395.webm (854x480, 571K)

i want to smash her ugly skull in

She's mute and limbless. That's how she communicates.

Attached: z39cc3f0a19d.gif (347x245, 1.81M)

What is this even from?
A movie?

They are broken and you need to get a support ticket

Where do you get a support ticket?

Why not click your tongue in morse code? Seems like it would he much simpler

it means you're having a good conversation with an hindu gril

>NOT TO----

Why do you think she's mute?

Attached: tongueless.jpg (438x434, 51K)

i wonder what its like living with no tongue

Why just wonder? You can cut your tongue off at any point you choose.

wow good idea user i hadn't considered that!
grabbing scissors, brb

She's showing you her Egyptian roots.

Attached: 1501696320920.gif (244x244, 1.79M)

>I thought males were the ones who initiate that.

It's 2018 user, girls are taking the initiative now.

There should be a toll free number one somewhere depending on the model
try underneath the eye lids or behind the ear

Attached: BBC07428-AFC5-4452-81BC-2A777F03B666.jpg (843x789, 150K)

This looks painful. Is she trying to snap her own neck?

I'll have you know that image is cursed.

Attached: cursed.gif (244x244, 606K)

I don't know but I find it kind of endearing.

endear THIS

Attached: 1522373175885.webm (348x320, 1.85M)

I can't.
The girl in the OP was better looking.

I am pretty sure that one is a man.

oringal dab

get this hag out of my screen.

How about this one then? Is it any better?

Attached: 142301848454.gif (228x303, 1.98M)

This one is fine. The other one wasn't.

I just noticed that right now.
Why did he get rejected then?

There were many other good dabbers.

Who is this old freak?

That's a nice birdo.