I have been going to the ocean a lot lately

I have been going to the ocean a lot lately.

Today I was at the ocean on a pubic beach taking pics of all the grown up men, and grown up women and little girls. I am practicing for photography class. The lifeguard told me to leave and not come back.

This was the public beach, can the life guard do that? Does she own the ocean and all the light reflecting off everything lithe and nubile around?

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you can take pics at the ocean user, you could sue that bitch

post pics OP

orig picx

I think they can kick you out of PE the government and the ocean

>I think they can kick you out of PE the government and the ocean

Post those little girls



I go to the beach and take pictures of girls' titles and asses, and I've never gotten in trouble for it. Maybe it's because I'm a chad.

Fuck the police and fuck the life guard. Go back to the beach and tell them to eat a dick

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thiss is now a eliza thread

ITT: Newfaggot detector overheating

ss is now a eliza thread

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Eliza is best grill jay is too old and gross for her

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for real though why is she dating a 30yo guy?

because he gives her money and keeps her off drugs most likely. BPD whores are wild. eventually someone younger and richer will give her attention and she will leave Jay

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Why give this dumb bitch attention at all?

>Why give this dumb bitch attention at all?
for teen sex pussy user

for teen sex ass too

how come when i see pics of eliza i just want to beat the shit out of her? i don't get this kind of urge with any other girl

I've seen all Eliza's holes
not impressed

The part that was impressive was that she was the kind of girl who would produce and distribute her own home made Child Porn to Jow Forums

shes so beautifull

>The part that was impressive was that she was the kind of girl who would produce and distribute her own home made Child Porn to Jow Forums

are the eliza nudes? what are the exact words i have to type to get them please

>requesting cp on Jow Forums

>Why give this dumb bitch attention at all?

1. Beautiful Angel
2. Wonderful personality
3. Genius tier IQ.
4. Excellent singing voice.
5. Mastery of the Spanish language.
6. Skilled in negotiations and bargaining
7. Clever, and resourceful
8. Comedian on par with Norm Macdonald
9. Irish lass

Most beautiful angel ever.

This faggot gets kicked from everywhere for taking pics. *Insert bait meme*