>delete my porn folder
>realise no fap is a meme
>realise girls wont magically like me because i deleted my porn folder
>realise deleting my porn folder wont somehow make me more attractive
>realise deleting my porn folder wont make me less lonely
>realise deleting my porn folder wont make my depression go away
welp, i guess i'm going to download all of it again
Delete my porn folder
What a pussy. I mean really dude, so what if girls won't like you for it.
>Get sexually frustrated because of some stupid meme
Same thing I did with my tumblr account. Regretted it the very next night. No Fap is a meme
Better than deleting all the hentai off your phone to make room for Snapchat for a girl who seemed interested in you only to to have her say "your obsession with power is creepy and weird" and cut all contact with you. Never doing anything for a white woman ever again.
It's not a meme if you're a literal faggot that jerks 10 times to loli or traps. Some retards need a break from jerking it 24/7
No fap itself isn't a meme but the benefits, like instantly becoming a Chad are
But I don't jerk off 10 times a day you insecure faggot. Fapping is pleasurable. For everyone. Why deny yourself that?
It's all trial and error, friend. Gotta make some mistakes to figure out what you feel and like. I still suggest having at least some reservation with what you let yourself like, rather than saving everything that's hot, so that you can feel comfier after you cum, but that's up to you to figure out what works for you.
If you really want romantic and sexual attention from other people, that should wait for when you're done sorting through your own stuff more. If you're repressed, sexually frustrated, depressed, anxious and with no self-esteem when a girl decides she's interested, it won't be worth a lot or last long.
If you fap more than 3 times a day you NEED to do a nofap.
List the benefits of NoFap. And 3 times a day is okay? Thought it was strictly no fap
This. Abstaining from porn and limiting your masturbation are probably beneficial to your psychological health, but doing nofap for the purpose of acquiring magical superchad powers is fucking retarded fake news.
Also I think you misunderstood my statement. 3 faps a day is too many faps, and you should take a break from fapping for a bit if you do that many.
>he thinks deleting his porn folder is a magical pill that will transform him into Chad
>he doesn't understand that he is supposed to channel the energy preserved from nofap into his activites such as studying, working, or exercising
never gonna make it
>every mystic, sage and religious scholar advocates celibacy to foster spiritual growth
>18 year olds on Jow Forums: "nofap is a meme, I'm gonna masturbate 3 times a day"
>also 18 year olds on Jow Forums: "Why am I chronically depressed and lack motivation to do anything?"
>channel the energy preserved from nofap into his activites such as studying, working, or exercising
That shit is the meme, right there. nofap doesn't suddenly give you motivation or energy that you didn't have before. You don't have some mystical "life force" that is depleted by fapping. If you want to get off your ass and do shit, then do so, fapping or not fapping has nothing to do with it.
>Delete my 2D boobies folder because I'm 18 and want to move on
>Fuck what did I do
Most of the nofap autists don't have a porn addiction. They have executive function disorder (ADHD) and need to constantly stimulate their brain; whether it be through pornography, food, video games, internet, or whatever quick dopamine fixes.
>you should do nofap to get chicks
I broke my one month of no fap a couple of days ago and it took me 3 whole days to feel semi-normal again.
You're just a shitter with no discipline.
I would be in jail for rape if I didn't fat
you had to bring politics into it you cunt
>>every mystic, sage and religious scholar advocates celibacy to foster spiritual growth
yeah they also thought the earth was flat and demons gave you the shits
I have never fapp'd in my whole life, only have 'wet dreams' once in a while. What is wrong with me?
I think it has less to do with masturbation then it has to do with looking up porn or getting off without some sort of small emotional connection.
No fap is a meme. And this comes from a guy who hasn't masturbated in nearly 2 years
In my personal experience, you are wrong.
>they were wrong about other things therefore they were wrong about all things
that's not how arguments work, kid.
Well then how the fuck is
>every mystic, sage and religious scholar advocates celibacy to foster spiritual growth
supposed to be an argument?
And in my opinion you're misattributing cause and effect. You decided to do nofap for some reason. you wanted to get in shape, or attract women, or improve in some way, and you thought nofap would help you do that. It didn't, you deciding to work out or talk to girls, or whatever else was the key step here. Had you made the same decision that you were going to improve whatever it was you wanted to improve in your life, but without the nofap mysticism, you would have had the same results. But because you chose to do that ritual at the same time, you attribute your success to it.
You changed because you decided to change something. Whether or not you diddle your dong is irrelevant. Conversely if you hadn't decided to change something substantive, if the only thing you did was say "I'm going to stop fapping" without any other drive or attempt to alter your life, you'd have remained pretty much exactly as you were, only you'd do something other than fap in the evenings.
How can anyone be this much of a brainlet? The absolute state of you.
>fix my posture
>realise a good posture won't get me laid
>thus, good posture is a meme
That's what you sound like. Fix one thing and then fix the rest. No it won't be the defining factor but not masturbating three times a day will help set a level of decency for your future self. You're doing the right thing, keep going.
>You don't have some mystical "life force" that is depleted by fapping.
You are a being of limited resources and I think expending them to play with your willy is not the best idea. Is that really such an unreasonable assertion?
Its a meme have fun downloading
>mfw my folder waa called "women sure are neat"
I cant imagine I'll ever get laid again. Part of the problem in fact, self-fulfilling prophecy
Really I wish I'd just been born asexual. Should would have been so cash
>>realise girls wont magically like me because i deleted my porn folder
>>realise deleting my porn folder wont somehow make me more attractive
If you truly believed this,you are a fucking moron
>That shit is the meme, right there. nofap doesn't suddenly give you motivation or energy that you didn't have before. You don't have some mystical "life force" that is depleted by fapping.
The desire for sex is a natural motivator, it's why they use it to sell magazines, movies, games, etc.
Jerking off to porn deprives you of that motivator. Your brain becomes accustomed to getting one of its primary needs fulfilled by a mouseclick. Why do anything when that's the case?