I'll start
Incels are what's ruining this board, not normies.
I'll start
Incels are what's ruining this board, not normies.
Danganronpa 2 is the only entry worth playing
women are actually decent and okay
I kinda like the trap threads.
That's like going to Europe and saying that the whites are ruining their own country, not immigrants
Newfags are a fucking plague
Chads are good people
>Incels are what's ruining this board, not normies.
taken account all the normies that browse here, that is actully a really popular opinion statistically
Incels are actually failed normies.
>unironically posted by a norman
>norman trying to save face
I am a person totally uninterested in any kind of relationship unless it is a friendship, sex is very far off my "to do" list.
incels ARE a problem
Spending your developmental years here has left you in despair, and any attempt at betterment is met with resistance because you don't want to be too 'normie' and lose the comfortable surroundings of Jow Forums.
Bloodborne is the best From game
Incels aren't robots, and their shilling is fucking annoying. They're basically white ISIS.
fuck you
>this is an original comment user.
>Incels are what's ruining this board, not normies.
I agree,
>t. guy from old Jow Forums
Trump is unironically bottom tier president.
Why, my peenus weanus of course :)
hahahaha :D
it's my weeeeeeeeenus peanus! :) hahaha
ITT: unpopular opinions - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D
this board was better back when it was 30 something alcoholics with actual trauma, and not 16 year old zoomers upset Stacy won't blow them. This board is just a sad fucking shell of what it used to be.
Most of us were underage back then too. It's only now that we're old fucks.
everyday i see many more normie made threads about incels than incel made threads about incels
What's this problem, exactly?
All they do is scream and cry about what they're entitled to, and have nothing to offer the board. They're parasites that ruin every community they're not driven from.
all you do is post about how you hate incels, you have nothing to offer the board.
As a president, George W. Bush was worse than Donald Trump.
That's a popular opinion among the true robots.
The pursuit of happiness is a meme. You can't store up happiness like grain. Even if you have the best day of your life, you won't go to bed with anymore happiness than you started with.
I'm not the guy you replied to. I'm a lurker from the original board who just hates all of you.
This in an incel containment board. Fuck off if you dont like it
You sure? Because when you are romantically and socially unsuccessful, talking to people who have the same problem feels good. I mean, if you want to talk to normies, then there is always /soc/.
That's that they have made of it. Not what it originally was.
>You can't store up happiness like grain
yes you can. everything more you have than others and how much better your thoughts are make you happier and it builds up your happy power levels. we can't all have as much as others so most people turn to optimism in some form to at least try to make up for it in good thoughts but if you're envious enough optimism will eventually give way to being a hateful person because it becomes more fun to revel in your misfortune than put up with it for whatever a smile on your face might get.
Hahahaha! That is a funny meme my friend, may I repost it?
Mentally retarded people with an IQ>70 should be removed from society and possibly killed. They are leeches with no talents, although, they make an opportunity for other people to take care of them, hence creating a job. People should be also IQ tested before marriage/pregnancy. If people score below 85 they are automatically required to off themselves or they will be put into a work camp in North Korea. This will prevent the end of humanity and remove niggers from society leaving the QT3.14 to us
It's mostly the incels that hate normies that fuck up this board. I don't mind them letting of some steam, but 75% of them could get laid if they found value in themselves, invest in themself, and went outside. Girls are a lot more like them than they think. We're all selfish and we become better when we recognize our faults and improve upon then
Being a Virgin is a prerequisite to being a robot. An incel has to be a Virgin by definition, so there's a large overlap between the two. The only people who deny this are tourists trying to fit in
traps are kinda gay
general tso chicken with white rice is better than general tso chicken with fried rice
i saw this shit on another thread
what are you getting at here, user?
>Girls are a lot more like them than they think.
I don't remember refusing a girl because she had small tits. Or laughing at her about this. Or only willing to accept the best of the stacies. Or...
I agree. Fried rice is better alone, white rice is better with anything with sauce.
if you watch porn, you deserve to only date a degenerate girl who has had lots of casual sex
mine is similar to this, there are more good women than good men
also almost all men are "sluts" except the few rare "demisexual" ones. theres no difference between wanting sex with someone you arent in love with (porn or otherwise) and having sex with someone you arent in love with, frequently
The whites were supporting the mass immigration, despite knowing the risks.
Besides this board was way different before the, "stacy wont touch my penis reee" crowd showed up. You fags really fucked shit up
Why is everyone suddenly complaining about incels when it has been a thing since this board became "the socially retarded loser central"?
Or turns out that all those tfw no gf threads, woman hate threads, Elliot Rodgers threads etc were actually "true robots"?
>don't want to be too 'normie'
this is where you lose me. it makes a lot of sense that all normies are just offended at being unaccepted for the first time and that's why you're all nasty about the word. of course i want to be a normie, but i have logically proven that i'm not. if a normie came here and started trying to logically prove that i'm not screwed instead of just calling me stupid for thinking i'm screwed, who knows maybe you might break through to me or something.
is what HAS ruined Jow Forums. it happened long ago and every new wave of normalfaggots just continue it as if it was the The Way Things Are Supposed To Be here
Oh look the truth
This is why sweet and sour chicken is the god tier choice
Scat is cute and innocent and incest/group sex/cheating are harmful fetishes that betray love and romantic idealism. To call the first extreme and degrading and the others nice and hot is illogical, if you're going to try to take a stance of "pure vs degenerate" at all.
incels are not robots, i agree
incels are worse than thots, they would be male thots if given the opportunity
robots are like the autistic, less degenerate version of 'sad boys' and dont crave sex just for sex but want the experience of losing their virginity to their oneitis
incels are fat creeps that wont become attractive but only want the most attractive women to use as mindless sex dolls
>Mentally retarded people with an IQ>70 should be removed from society and possibly killed
not all men are pedos, just the ones who are happen to be insecure enough to spread that as how everyone is
women "peak" around 24-26, and never get less attractive if youre in a successful relationship with them
Unpopular opinion:
You need to have or do something meaningful to have a life worth living.
Sonic 06 is really fun.
>not all men are pedos
>women "peak" around 24-26
literally all empirical evidence disagrees with that
there should be a parent license like a driver license but with parents, some minimum requierments to be a parent: must have enough income to support the childrens and no mental illnesses.
Suicide Booths (ala Futurama) need to exist and I see no reason why they're a bad idea.
I agree with this
If it wasn't for the fact that its last few chapters are basically sequels to 1, I would agree with you. It's definitely my favorite to play otherwise.
Video games are for boring people without any real personality. The over dependence on them by people is eroding society.
Charisma is much more important than looks, even if you're not chad you can easily get women if you practice speaking to them.
Hookers do count.
All women are whores. Some accept monetary currency while most demand social currency.
If you think otherwise you are a stupid normie.
>I'm not the guy you replied to. I'm a lurker from the original board who just hates all of you.
>Calls other people parasites
What the actual fuck, dude
Here's the real question: even if you're ugly, what's stopping you from just living your life? Sex isn't a requirement. People align themselves as asexual. Just work hard and reap your future rewards.
the funeral industry has government lobbies and would never let this happen.
>general tso chicken with white rice is better than general tso chicken with fried rice
White rice has been proven to be a leading cause diabetes.
here's the real answer: it's okay to complain about something your life is lacking. you're an asshole for coming to a place known for such vents and telling them to get over it.
I used to be an incel. I'm ugly as fuck. I've been called chipmunk because of my prednisone meds, autistic, faggot, etc. Do what you can to make yourself better than everyone else. I'm working hard so I can go to med school and benefit the world. Sex is not required.
>they wouldn't be the industry that funds and services them too
its another revenue stream for them, silly.
>I don't remember refusing a girl because she had small tits. Or laughing at her about this. Or only willing to accept the best of the stacies. Or...
True story. It's not about me, it's about a friend of mine. And not "I have this friend" either, but really - this happened to a different guy than me, but I know him very well.
When he was in 7th grade he wasn't popular and kept to himself. He mostly tried to stay out of everyone's way.
One day one Stacy (Stacy A) in his grade got mad at another Stacy (Stacy B). Stacy A decided it would be funny to start a rumor that my friend had a crush on Stacy B.
Now, not only did my friend not have a crush on Stacy B - even if he had a crush on her, no one would ever have known because he would have buried that secret so deep that a Chink would find it in his swimming pool.
However, Stacy B took the bait and thought that the rumor was true. And to preserve her social standing and out of sheer RAGE at the idea that my friend would DARE like her, she got several other guys to beat the living shit out of my friend at his bus stop. The. Living. Shit. I'm talking a beating so savage that he begged them to stop hurting him. BEGGED them.
But yeah...girls are a lot more like us than we think. Totally.
>inb4 that's just some middle school shit
They don't grow up and they don't change, for the simple reason that NO ONE CHANGES. Even a little. They just become more pragmatic.
sorry for being rude then, but you should be able to understand the frustration even if it's not required.
Unpopular opinion? I deserve to be alive.
No, you're wrong kys and do it now
You're right. I'm sorry. I won't think that again
The average incel (a phrase which here means that they are not significantly overweight, practice proper hygiene, function in their day-to-day lives, etc., basically meaning that you aren't a Quasimodo-tier creature) could get a gf if they really wanted to, but they aren't attracted to and don't want to settle for the 3 or 4/10s that would have them, and I'm not talking about the obnoxious, tattooed, obese goblins who infest dating apps, but the slightly too ugly or fat ones that are probably decent people but you would never want to fuck
Danganronpa is cringe trash with corny plot writing
if you're fat you're a voluntary robot
>the slightly too ugly or fat ones that are probably decent people but you would never want to fuck
I can accommodate myself to the slightly ugly, but I'm just NOT LARGE ENOUGH to date a fat girl. I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do about that.
How can we fuck when we can't even cuddle on the couch? I'm too little and you're too big. It just won't work.
Incel is a fundamentally flawed concept.
An incel is a virgin who doesn't want to be a virgin.
So... every virgin who hasn't gone defeatist.
And yet it's used as this "Double Virgin" insult all over the internet.
People who used to call me a "Nazi" for the past two years are calling me an "Incel" now, even though I'm married to a lump of dead weight five years older than me and we have one kid.
You were talking to a feminist and you backed him into a corner.
He wants you to repeat after him, "Incels are a problem" and "Incels are ruining this board".
He doesn't want you to ask for explanations or reasoning.
He isn't reasonable, he's leftist.
That's called a volcel.
Incel = involuntarily celibate.
If you choose not to have sex then you are a VOLCEL.
>He doesn't want you to ask for explanations or reasoning.
Yeah, but I see that every day, that's nothing new.
This one was kinda worse than usual, though. From a fucking lurker!
>Hey look at me, I'm lurking
>I don't post or contribute anything, ever!
>I just take and take!
>Oh, but those other people actually posting? I don't like the content they post.
>How dare they post content that I don't like?
>Those fucking PARASITES, not contributing to the board the content I want to consume! I, who contribute nothing!
I mean, how fucking oblivious a parasite do you have to be to call out THE HOST as a parasite for not fulfilling your every demand as a lurking consumer?