>make eye contact with qt
>she blushes
Make eye contact with qt
>make eye contact with qt
>he blushes
>chad makes eye contact with me
>make eye contact with no one
>feel nothing
>make eye contact with qt
>quickly looks away or turns her head
>make eye contact with qt
>she looks disguisted
>make eye contact with myself in the mirror
It was quite the experience.
>make eye contact with myself in the mirror
if only this ever happened
>Make eye contact with qt
>Look at the groung until I go home to avoid sullying this memory
>see qt
>avoid looking at her so I won't seem like a creep
>make eye contact with others
>get jealous
>see nigger
>start a race war
This is common
I never know why would you cry over this. I just feel disgust.
>make eye contact with person shorter than me
>hold eye contact until they look away
intimidated desu
>make eye contact with turbo Stacey
>she almost cries lol
>accidentally look at a girl
>she smiles
>I look away like I'm not interested
>accidentally look at a girl
>she winks at me
>I look away like I'm not interested
>girl approaches
>pretend nobody approached me
Why am I so autistic?
>Notice that women look at me for a second or two when I pass them on the sidewalk
>Ask a normie about it
>"user, girls only look at guys like that when they find them attractive."
>This somehow makes me feel worse about my situation
>cant make eye contact because it's too uncomfortable
>see nigger
>make eye contact with a girl
>are you okay?
>you, I don't know
>look sscar
Oh haha I'm fine. I'm fine. Yeah.
I ask myself do I really look so afraid I thought I was smiling.
People can sence that I'm a virgin it's crazy.
>see girl looking at me
>she is actually looking at the guy next to me
when will I learn? on all levels but physical, I am a manlet
If that ever happened I'd be so happy man
>make eye contact with qt
>she gushes