Christ-cuucks have overtaken Jow Forums

>Christ-cuucks have overtaken Jow Forums

Sad state of affairs. This used to be the one place on the internet where people believed in truth.There is no god and you all need to understand that. Religion is just an tool to control people that enables pedos to molest children. You know I'm right. You cannot prove the existence of the God of tradition.

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Awww mommy still forcing you to go to church?

>no argument

as expected from a Christ-cuck. Don't you have some kids to diddle?

Jow Forums always had the odd shilling christcuck, i think maybe it feels different now because the site traffic is mostly normie tourism and normies are all more prone to being religious since it appeals to the low iq and the overtly narcissistic.

>no master
lmao you blindly follow (((mass media))) and (((science)))

Or ideology ;^)

>normies are all more prone to being religious
Yup degenerate YOLO normies devoting their lives to hedonism and consumerism are soooo religious. Get your head out of your ass.

>calling the religious narcissists
>Feels superior to the religious just because he isn't
You sure did get those stupid religious folks with those hard hitting insults.

Cringe and bluepilled. You can't disprove God(s) either. Religion is not about proving, but believing. I understand some people are put off by that (myself included), but to pass it off just because you can't prove it is stupid.

I'm more annoyed that Christcucks refuse to accept the existence of any other beneficial religion than their blind hatred of atheists. You can't talk about the glory of worshiping God anymore without someone assuming you're talking about YHWH on here.

im not religious but i don't make an ass of myself blindly stepping over all good thing to come out of it
>soi-ence boys

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This. You hate christianity because jews told you to.

>good things

the bad vastly outweights the good.

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for once OP wasnt a faggot and realised the biggest problem

christians are the biggest supporters of the jewish agenda.

Here's a nice redpill. Religion is designed to keep women in line. A god-fearing woman is loyal and faithful to the end. Men have no need for religion, but that doesn't mean you should pursue godless thots. Even if you don't like christianity, you should still respect it for what value it brings to societal order.

christianity is jewish to the core you dumb mutt

Jews and Muslims are just as bad as Christians. They don't overrun Jow Forums like Christians.

You seem a bit angry. Tell me why you don't like sunday school.

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I don't have a problem with people belibing in God and being religious but I can't take seriously a christian in Jow Forums. Let me explain. You are in a board full of degeneracy, mental illness and shitpost. How can you proclaim being a christian while browsing such a impure place like this? It doesn't have sense. It's like being a nationalsocialist or a conservative, it's fine if you follow an ideology and you are a productive member of society, but you can't be a conservative if you are loosing your time on an anonymous web made for mentally ill people.

It's more of a greco-roman cult. The "christ"ians slaughtered the jews who followed Jesus' actual teachings.

religion especially christianity was to keep the dumbed down serfs in line. thats it. women were always whores througout history. its in their nature even religion cannot stop them.

t. enlightened atheist consumerist drone

edgy autistic retard you are probably too young to be on this board if you believe communist shit like ''a tool to control people''.Either you are an edgy adolescent or a low IQ Commie

just because they killed x amount of jewish followers that doesnt change anything. the founders of the religion were jews and it is built upon the old testament has lots of abrahamic stuff.

So you're admitting atheism is for degenerates

glad we cleared that up

insults are not arguments

Religion can stop at least some of them. The faithful woman exists, user. They're not all sluts believe it or not. I can't speak for serfdom, but the modern practically of religion I believe is rooted in keeping women and weak males in line. I mean, just look at Saudi Arabia. They don't have roasties.

>Jow Forums is le edgy contrarians
>fedora tier atheism is the new mainstream
>4channers revert to theism to keep the power struggle in balance

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The first thing the predecessors to the modern "christ"ians did was abrogate the entire OT even though Jesus did the opposite.

An edgy e-atheit seeking attention. You where born in the 21st century, where people where already somewhat not so religious. So you actually believe that you abolished something that you never got originally. So yeah, give us your arguments on that and then go on ranting about the existence of god, faith, the meaning of the holy scripts etc. I want a god damn list.

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Do you have any clue about how Christ lived? He would preach to the poor, to the sick and to prostitutes as long as they were open to listen to the Message.

Actually they are if they apply to you (Which is obvious)

>they dont have roasties
oh you naive fool. they do they just dont show themselves proudly in the streets.

Cope harder, roastie.

Yes. I'm not an atheist, btw. I can't deny God because we as a primitive conciencious beings can't see reality without any limitation so it's posible there is something more, maybe a God. So it's fine following a religion and being a normal person who belibes in something more, it's okay being a conservative and all but here we are social outcast so, how does it has any sense? We aren't accepted by this progresive society but there is no chance we could be accepted by a conservative one. So for me, I can't take seriously anything related to morals or religion IF it comes from a Jow Forums user. Because I know the type of prople who posts here. Otcast and beta virgins, maybe with a mental illness, because I'm exactly this and this is exactly the type of persone Jow Forums was created for.

you clearly dont know shit about the islamic world. but you want to keep them in line? then apply fgm you dumb cuck

Oh wow another fagnostic who thinks what he is saying is so eye revealing

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still being assmad and childish i see but hey atleast you literally stated that i am superiour

The next step is for paganfags to start appearing

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I know more than you. There's no widespread roastie problem in Saudi Arabia, that's just wishful thinking from jealous westerners.

You don't even read my post.

What reasoning has led you to believe in God, Christcucks?

>this is your average christcuck brainlet

>i am superior

Superior at sucking DICK

How can you talk about religion in a place like this? Just look that ad.

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who are you replying to you fucking schizo?

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>Jesus totally died and suffered(except he's God and can't die) for your(well actually Adam's) sins *shows gory drawings to scare you* now you have to become a christian and believe in the 3-1 bodywash or you're ungrateful!

>deletes his own reply
what a faggot unironically neck yourself and suck off yahwehs prepuceless dick you cryptojew

>I am superior at sucking dick: the post

yeah you surley are retard

>zero arguments for the existence of the Christian god

as expected from Christ-cucks.

I'm just more confused why a bunch of christians would want to come to a site that's mostly just weebfaggotory and porn

Imagine sperging so hard that you start to misspell words in your post kek

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Arguments? How's this for an argument *burns you on the stake*

Because Christ-cucks are degenerates who like to molest children.

imagine being such a faggot that you can only talk about dicks holy shit ahahahaha

imagine being such a faggot that you claim you are superior at sucking them holy shit ahahahaha

>he admits that hes a dicksucker and he projects his faggotry onto others
lol kys

>no U: the post

get original

It's all the suburban boomers man. Haven't you heard that being a Cuckservative is the new counterculture?

thats literally all of your posts you brainlet faggot go and neck yourself already you weakling

Just admit it you got assblasted so hard that's why you're copying me now ;) Score 1 for Christians 0 for gaytheists

Go back to r/ atheist be with your own kind

Whenever you ask ten christians to explain the trinity you'll get eleven different answers. I think it's safe to say their religion is a sham.

>Religion is just an tool to control people that enables pedos to molest children.
>thinking all religions are like Abrahamic religions

I don't know man I've been here since 2007.

>paying any attention to another religion than Abraham's

>Religion is just an tool to control people that enables pedos to molest children
I was molested as a child and it really fucked me up and I totally believe this about the catholic church in particular. I think it's pretty fucking obvious after what's been coming to light recently in the news about Catholics. I wish those sick pedo fucks could get murdered.

>>paying any attention to another religion than Abraham's
>Following some strangers religion instead of your ancestors
Do you enjoy getting cucked in other aspects of your life as well?

>blindly following your ancestors

>>blindly following your ancestors
>blindly following some strangers
What would you choose?

I choose following guidance from God.

Iktf bro, these jew worshipers come from r/the donald I think.

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>I choose following guidance from God.
That God isn't your people's God, you're following a foreign God, why?

The worst part about the religious is that they believe they're following some supernatural deity, when they're really following whatever a bunch of human child molesters decide

>You HAVE to argue with my bait post!!!

He's the God of all of humanity.

i read this, i don't remember exactly when and where but i copied it. so here you go christfags and athicucks:

Childhood is realizing that religion is made up

Adulthood is realizing that it had undeniable societal utility and we were better off with it

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He is whatever you want to believe he is because he's made up.

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>a bunch of human child molesters decide
That's literally every western government.

People have always gravitated towards religion in times of turmoil and the depressed and hopeless even more so. It's a sign of the times and a reasonable reflection of the demographics here. I'd wager to say the sort of person who can look at a a world seemingly befreit of any inherent meaning and be ok carrying on despite that is probably in a pretty good place in life without much real struggle or emotional issues and is the real normie here.

>it had undeniable societal utility
The religious controlled everything, of course it appeared to get things done.

>we were better off with it
The dumbest thing I've ever heard. How many wars were fought in religion's name? How much tyranny have humans endured because of religion? There's no way you'll ever convince me religion was good for humanity. It was a phase we went through and I'm glad it's over. Fuck Allah, Fuck Jesus, Fuck the Pope, Fuck religiniggers one and all.

A little faith goes a long way towards living a happy life, and especially towards creating healthy communities. Look at this video, this guy is clearly just some sort of high-power schizophrenic, and yet he has created an entire functioning commune based on the belief that his ways and philosophies are divine. Everyone is happy and lives with purpose as part of the community, which is something you basically don't see in the modern western world where everyone is so scattered and individualised. When everyone holds a common sacred belief, there can be a greater community and a lot of peace and happiness.

Spoken like a true fuel for hell

>tfw Atheists are the new normies

Praise jesus

> This used to be the one place on the internet where people believed in truth.

OP must be new, because if anything Jow Forums took an Absurdist slant borne from the cultural milieu of Nihilism which denies all meaning except what the individual ascribes, and Post-Modern Relativism which holds that since there is no objective 'Truth' then even reality is open to interpretation

this counter-cultural posture is evidenced in the early memes of these boards where such events as 9/11 and Columbine which were hailed as tragic by Society, were mocked in the *chans since the users here saw life through the lens of dark humour afforded by Absurdism, where since all intent and action is ultimately futile; then from the very best of human achievement to the very worst of horrors that man can perpetrate upon each other, both were held to be foolish endeavours worth only derision

now of course OP holds to an Atheist posture, and it could be argued that in a Godless cosmos that would by definition lack coherent warrant for 'meaning' or 'objective reality' or such a 'truth' as he claims to own; then he speaks to his self-defeating rationale

but i would argue that he's merely a noob who just got rekt by some random christfag

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>He's the God of all of humanity.
Your God is trash in comparison to my Supreme being.
My one has a goddess wife while yours had to settle for some mortal and cuck her mortal husband.