She is crying because i talk to myself all the time. She loved me so much when i was a child and wanted me to be happy and normal. Now i just sit in my room for years. Talk to myself, curse in my dreams. She says i said i want to die in my sleep. Now i feel even worse that begore. She is the only person i love and i hurt her. Should i just kill myself
Mom is crying
Just stop talking to yourself. It's not that hard, shut your mouth.
don't want to be mean but from the soundf it you causing a lot pain and suffering you should just leave find some where else to it would probably be better for both of you
Don't kill yourself, it would be so sad for her.
Scary part most cases i dont even remember doing this. It happens itsrlf. I remember something bad or painful from my past and its like my thoughts burst outside by themselves
You are right. Time heels all wounds. Better than me being there a constant reminder to her.
If he doesn't kill himself it would just make her feel worse. He has to kill himself if she going to get better. She would be sad at first but she'll get better at the end.
Kill yourself OP, make your mother happy for once in your life.
If you're talking to yourself and cannot remember you doing it; maybe visit a doctor? It could help:) and your mother would be thankful for you getting better or trying to
Your mother is a roastie for blaming you for your mental health, kill her and show her who's boss
Literally what type of person would come in this thread and say this? wtf??
I hate psycoterapists. They are all snake oil kikes who only pretend to care for the shekels. When i was in the army they sended me to one. I just sat there staring silently at her. Needless to say i was kicked out the army. Never hurt anybody. Never dissobeyed an order. Just didnt want to talk to some cynical titless bitch
She blames herself. Her only sexual partner was my father
A contrarian edgy redditor.
What do you want me to do, tell user that's his life is going great and that he isn't a fucking burden.
If your mother is upset by you saying you want to die, then obviously she would be upset of you did, user. Don't kill yourself.
Just end it man cut the switch theirs no point of going on.
No user, don't kill yourself. That would devastate her. Have you tried seeking help?
I do this too. Everything will be okay user
You kids are fucked up. Stop trying to be edge lords you faggots
You didn't hurt her. You would hurt her if you killed yourself, though.
There's so much out there user. You could save up and take your mom to some place she's never been before.
You should fucking kill yourself along with OP, since you're both a burden and a disgrace to your mothers.