Literally too short to go to the university I want ( Criminology, I'm 169 you have to be at least 173 )

Literally too short to go to the university I want ( Criminology, I'm 169 you have to be at least 173 )

Only now in last year of HS I learned this. I have no motivation to finish school now.

What do chan

Attached: r2BiKnR.jpg (699x650, 56K)

>height restriction for university
Is this manlet bait thread?

Not joking, Serbia is a weird place


You're practically not considered a male human lmao

Become a super villain and show those criminology majors who's boss

Could always try to go to college in another country? Dunno if that's feasible for you or not, though. Height restriction is fucking weird lol

The ultimate goal is to make it to US one day but it's not reachable right after HS, thinking about going with psychology because it's close to the stuff I wanna work at. Don't know how much my psychology Serbian major would help me in US though.

Sue your way in not even kidding

Wear platform shoes, fake your way in.

And they say heigthism is not a thing. Even in my country you need to be a certain height to join the popo. And that's for desk jobs too, not just field work kek.

Dunno serbro. Find something else. You really have no choice.

There's no point. The country is really corrupt I didn't even want to work as an investigator here because it's so corrupt, planed on getting the degree and going to US somehow but that dreams is shattered unless I magically gain 4cm in 8 months or so

This ain't the US hombre. You would get laughed out of every court and put on news as the little guy that wanted to sue the university because he was short.

Thinking about psychology because you can land a pretty high job at police with it. Don't know if US for example would let a Serb with a psycho major in.

From what I know, any degree is enough in the US. Getting there is hard. I don't know how visas are for Serbia, but if it's like in my shithole, good luck cause you'll never make it.

My biggest problem would be getting the citizenship, pretty sure you need it to be a cop.

There's always Green Card Lottery ... right user???

You do know what a lottery is, right user? That thing that has a 1 in A LOT chance to win. Even with Trump president, I doubt you have many chances to win as a white cis gender straight male. Like I said, good luck with that.

I'll write a personal letter to the big orange up top if all else fails.


if you get accepted to a US university, you qualify for a student visa
problem is there are only 5 universities that cover all financial need for international students and they have acceptance rates from 4-8% generally.

Will look further into that. There's no way I can pay living in America myself at this point in time I know my family's financial state.

I don't know how Serbian colledge goes, but I know that /sci/ has a lot of knowledge of stuff about college degrees.

Attached: college teir list.jpg (1070x898, 107K)

Study Criminology anyway. Become passionate about it. Become inherently better than most of the people in the class.
Then turn to crime. Use your knowledge of the system to engage your city's detectives in a cat-and-mouse game where clues lead them on your trail but always two steps behind. Make the world fear the manlet. Punish normies for what they did to you. Make damn fucking sure you are the most expensive 4 cm they'll ever regret.

kek fucking gold user

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who here /aerospace engineering/