Muslim tourist here just wondering what the fuck is wrong with your society?

Muslim tourist here just wondering what the fuck is wrong with your society?

>white women are literally so disgusting that men opt out of society or become "traps" and fuck each other

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God bless the United States

Insha'Allah brother.
May the infidels face judgement for their sins

They should have one state in the US that is run with a Muslim govt., and then after a few years everyone will move there because of the lack of moral decadence.

US marine here just wondering what the fuck is wrong with your society?

>muslims are literally so disgusting that they opt out of society or become "jihadists" and blow each other up
>we have to keep the peace

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Reminder that mudslimes are trained to lie and deceive to benefit sharia. Do not trust them, do not listen to them, do not be tolerant of them.

Hi american pig, glad you could join us. If there's any credit you deserve it's the fact that you love your country so much that you'll willingly give away your lives while your wives fuck other people back home.

lmao iran has the highest rate of sex changes on earth

Hey now I'm just trying to learn more about your culture. Like today I learnt about this "sneaky" person that you people lust over.

Fuck you little pussy ass bitch I was deployed for 16 months in shitghanistan, you have
on veterans

Muslims rape babies

I gotta say it was a new experience for me coming across your so-called /d/ board, I never realized that this is the kind of stuff westerners like. Imagine, if it wasn't for the internet, I would've thought you people preferred 3d biological women!

I'm afraid you're confusing this for the catholic thread. But I'm glad we could meet nevertheless, even if it was by accident.

You fuckers literally penetrate a child's penis to circumcise him. Also all four schools of islamic thought allow infant child marriage.

Oh now I get it, you're one of those westerners into so-called toddlercon. I'm sorry to disappoint you but we don't condone raping babies.

Find me a sunni islamic school of thought that doesn't allow baby marriage

I'm trying to keep this thread wholesome, please go discuss your baby rape fantasies somewhere else.

Honestly white people should adopt sharia. It's the only solution to the degeneracy. Fuck the rules about pork and alcohol though, although alcoholics should be stoned.

Half-assing things are what got you into this mess in the first place

church is being/was destroyed. dont worry, they have the same plans for you guys.

Democracy and "freedom" are what got us into this.

Except christianity was always fluid since you allow your priests to change the religion according to your whims, whereas Muslims never had an equivalent. There is no church in Islam that can change the religion. That's why your reformation attempts are futile.

Democracy and freedom is just your new church. The problem is that you keep allowing men to decide what is right and wrong for you, instead of God.

>keeping peace and not supporting terrorist at the behest of (((them)))

Keeping peace just means keeping peace for the chosen people.

More fat pol trash mad at his social ineptitude and small penis syndrome so he takes it out on other people based on their skin color, race, etc

>More fat pol trash mad at his social ineptitude and small penis syndrome so he takes it out on other people based on their skin color, race, etc
t. US army recruiter

We just got some royally fucked peeps here on chan

you sound like a neo con boomer who voted donald trump so he can protect (((the greatest allies)))
go buy a monster energy drink and get the fuck out of here

Muslims are extremely retarded to follow a book which has a documented mathematical error but tell themselves that God meant to include the mathematical error intentionally so that muslim scholars could come up with a patch to fix it after muhammad died.

In quran 4:11-4:12 it gives the instructions for how to divide up a man's estate when he dies.
>Allah instructs you concerning your children: for the male, what is equal to the share of two females. But if there are [only] daughters, two or more, for them is two thirds of one's estate. And if there is only one, for her is half. And for one's parents, to each one of them is a sixth of his estate if he left children. But if he had no children and the parents [alone] inherit from him, then for his mother is one third. And if he had brothers [or sisters], for his mother is a sixth, after any bequest he [may have] made or debt. Your parents or your children - you know not which of them are nearest to you in benefit. [These shares are] an obligation [imposed] by Allah . Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Wise.
>And for you is half of what your wives leave if they have no child. But if they have a child, for you is one fourth of what they leave, after any bequest they [may have] made or debt. And for the wives is one fourth if you leave no child. But if you leave a child, then for them is an eighth of what you leave, after any bequest you [may have] made or debt.

So for a man who dies and leaves behind 2 daughters, a wife , a mother and a father the quran instructs
>2/3 to the daughters
>1/6 to the mother
>1/6 to the father
at this point 100% of the estate has been given away. there is nothing more that can be given away. Yet the quran instructs, impossibly, to also give
>1/8 to the wife
and thus tells you to give away 9/8 or 112.5% of the estate away. Which is as impossible as having a pizza and giving half the pizza to person A , half the pizza to person B and half the pizza to person C.

What a retarded religion.

christians follow a book by a "god" that couldn't even count to 4

>How many women went to the sephulchre after Jesus' "cruci-fiction" on the first day of the week. Whatever your answer is , guess what youre correct!

>Was it one (John 20:1) Or was it two (Matthew 28:1) or wait a minute was it three??(Mark 16:1) NAH, he was a popular guy must be more than three (Luke 24:10)

>following books

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Anything beyond the twitter word limit is too much for you to read huh?

Muslims are so stupid that they literally believe in a book that claims that shooting stars are heavenly missiles shot at djinni trying to eavesdrop on heaven even though this is proven totally wrong by science and is clearly just bullshit made up by a man seeking to explain phenomena he didn't understand by making up fairy stories, same with every other religion.

quran 67:5
>And We have certainly beautified the nearest heaven with stars and have made [from] them what is thrown at the devils and have prepared for them the punishment of the Blaze.

Quran 37:6-10
>Indeed, We have adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment of stars
>And as protection against every rebellious devil
>[So] they may not listen to the exalted assembly [of angels] and are pelted from every side,
>Repelled; and for them is a constant punishment,
>Except one who snatches [some words] by theft, but they are pursued by a burning flame, piercing [in brightness].
quran 15:16-18
>And We have placed within the heaven great stars and have beautified it for the observers.
>And We have protected it from every devil expelled [from the mercy of Allah ]
>Except one who steals a hearing and is pursued by a clear burning flame.

quran 72:8
>And we have sought [to reach] the heaven but found it filled with powerful guards and burning flames.
>And we used to sit therein in positions for hearing, but whoever listens now will find a burning flame lying in wait for him.

sahih muslim 26:5538
> In this process of transmission (the jinn snatches) what he manages to overhear and he carries it to his friends. And when the Angels see the jinn they attack them with meteors.

Muslims are genuinely so primitive , unthinking , retarded and superstitious that they believe in a book containing made up , fairytale nonsense like this and consider it more trustworthy than all the scientific evidence of astrophysics.

Jews. Jews have weakened the traditional christian way of life - they will do the same to you muslims.

Go fuck a goat Muhammed

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Go fuck a knotted pig-roastie

Biblical absurdities:

>Proverbs 6:6-8, ants have no commander, no ruler and no overseer! This is absurdly false, because ants live in colonies and ranks of rulership and authority. And they have a queen.

>Revelations 12:1-9, the dragon will enter heaven and wage war with the angels! It is a classic fairy tale from a magical world.

>Judges 9:7-16, trees voted for their own King. Judges 9:8 "The trees went forth on a time to anoint a king over them."

>The earth is flat, has four corners, is standing on pillars that prevent it from shaking, and is immovable. (1 Samuel 2:8, Job 9:6, Job 38:4, Isaiah 11:12, Revelation 7:1, Job 38:13, Jeremiah 16:19, Daniel 4:11, Psalm 93:1-3, Psalm 96:10, Psalm 104:5, 1 Chronicles 16:30, Matthew 4:8)

>Daniel 4:10-11 declares the earth is flat, "10 These are the visions I saw while lying in my bed: I looked, and there before me stood a tree in the middle of the land. Its height was enormous. 11 The tree grew large and strong and its top touched the sky; it was visible to the ends of the earth."

>John 12:24 "I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." That is scientifically false. The dead seed does not produce new seeds.

>Leviticus 12:2-5, a female causes double the pollution when she's born than that of a boy. The mother remains unclean for 66 days after birth of a female instead of 33 days if she gives birth to a male.

Fuck Palestezze pigs

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>samefagging this hard to try to trole le incels


I cum at the sight of dead palestinian children.

I'm the guy who posted why islam is retarded bullshit and yes , christianity and judaism are both made up, retarded bullshit too.

my work here is done


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Yes white women fuck dogs and white men fap to gore.

> cant have doggos as pets because pedofile arab jesus said tho
> cant listes to music because autistic priest say tho
> their woman turn into the biggest whores once their feet touch the west
> your whole culture is now known because of terrorist and immigrants

You cant say shit Mohammad

Who, exactly, do you think you're trolling? Any muslim who would use this site is as aware of these foibles as you are, having spent decades using them to piss off their parents.

No one here is a good "traditional" anything, stop pretending otherwise.

All those supposed "errors" in the Quran are dreamed up by mentally retarded priests whose brains have been fried by the 3-1 bodywash doctrine.

Do all arabs shave their pubes?
Also how common is circumcision?

>ants live in colonies
>ranks, ruler ship and authority
No, an ant takes whatever job is needed. Each ant leaves pheromones as it moves around that correspond to a certain job. It's why forager ants all follow one trail. If an individual ant realizes he hasn't come across ants of a certain job, say, egg caretakers, they will switch to that job and perform those duties. There is no overseer ant or any "Ant Resources department" that says what each ant has to do, each ant just figures it out. It is also due to the lack of any overseer that there are lazy ants, that do fuck all and just wander around aimlessly.
She's not a queen, ants don't have any political system or anything. It's not like they understand concepts of royalty or anything. She's the colony's mother, and that's why the care for her and protect her. She works same as the other ants, just at a different job.

More memory lapses by the author of the bible

2 Samuel 10:18 - David slew 700 and 40,000 horsemen and Shobach the commander.
1 Chronicles 19:18 - David slew 7000 chariots and 40,000 footmen.

2 Chronicles 9:25 - Solomon had 4000 stalls for horses and chariots.
1 Kings 4:26 - Solomon had 40,000 stalls for horses.

Ezra 2:5 - Arah had 775 sons.
Nehemiah 7:10 - Arah had 652 sons.

2 Samuel 24:13 - SEVEN YEARS OF FAMINE.
1 Chronicles 21:11-12 - THREE YEARS OF FAMINE.

How did Judas die?
Matthew 27:5 - Hanged himself.
Acts 1:18 - And falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all of his bowels gushed out.

2 Samuel 6:23 - MICHAL never had a child until she died.
2 Samuel 21:8 - MICHAL had 5 sons.

2 Kings 24:8 - Jehoiachin was 18 years old when he began to reign.
2 Chronicles 36:9 - Jehoiachin was 8 years old when he began to reign.

1 Kings 16:6-8 - 26th year of the reign of Asa, Baasha reigned over Israel.
2 Chronicles 16:1 - 36th year of the reign of Asa, Baasha reigned over Israel.

>claiming that shooting stars are divine missiles shot at djinni isn't an error , it's only a " supposed 'error' "

lmao this is your brain on islam.
look at this actual fucking retard.

lmao why do muslims assume that the people pointing out the obvious , retarded errors and mistakes in their quran are christian?

Except "rujuman" means guesswork, referring to "satans of men" that try to divine the future by looking at star ie astrology. The same word is used meaning guessing in 18:22

Muzzies who circumcise ignore these quranic verses

They call upon instead of Him none but female [deities], and they [actually] call upon none but a rebellious Satan. Whom Allah has cursed. For he had said, "I will surely take from among Your servants a specific portion. And I will mislead them, and I will arouse in them [sinful] desires, and I will command them so they will slit the ears of cattle, and I will command them so they will change the creation of Allah ." And whoever takes Satan as an ally instead of Allah has certainly sustained a clear loss.

>women are literally so disgusting that men opt out of society and fuck each other
literally saudi arabia