
Have you ever done anything sexual with a family member?

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Me and my older sister had a developing sexual relationship starting when I was 10 until she left for college when I was 16.

Details on a green text,please

Do you mean details on what greentexts are? Hopefully that's as funny as I thought it was.

She used me to "experiment" with when I was younger, once I could respond and act on it we started masturbating together. Then we started pleasuring each other, then oral, then sex. Most of it was really unexciting and not worth going into detail over. A lot of us hanging out together, one of us gets horny and starts rubbing the other one or touching them and eventually the other person gets horny enough to reciprocate.

When me and my cousin (girl) were both about ten she made me suck her toes once. No I don't have a foot fetish and we still get along pretty well.

I groped my niece few times out of boredom it isn't anything more then this, also she likes it.

>Hopefully that's as funny as I thought it was.
It really isn't
But I liked the digits

A few years after I started my transition, my dad and I started having sex with each other. He let me start when I was 13 and after I became pretty enough, he started plowing me lovingly.

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Had a similar experience like this but with a babysitter so not incest I guess.

My brother jerked off on me as a joke. Nothing super sexual though.

My cousin would have me give her massages (Feeling up her body) while sitting straddling her butt with a big erection she could certainly feel.

I don't know why but I feel like my sister sucked my cock when I was 4 years old. She was 5. Were kids exploring our bodies. Memory is a bit blurry on that.
Can't really bring up that topic now.

I'm not that white, so no

*cums on baby brother*
it's just a prank bro! xD

White people can't be robots since they can just fuck their sister whenever they want.

It was. He was in the bathroom and I knew he was jerking off so I barged in and asked hin what he was doing. He told me to fuck off and I wouldn't. I thought stopping hik from fapping would be really funny. He said ok, stood up and jacked off onto me. He ended up getting the last laugh.

I molested my sister for several years.

Incest is and always will be an incel cope.

With my younger cousin. Nothing crazy, a few kisses and cuddlin. Boring as hell.

She was cute as hell tho, I still wonder what would have happened if I had went a little further (maybe I wouldnt be incest weirdo instead of a v-card weirdo).

No my cousin is a huge Chad and I have a crush on him... But I don't think he likes me. We're in the same college and naturally he's a jock whereas I've always been "that weird girl"

fatty origi