
Play nicely with the toys edition

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So I did it robots, I got a date with a girl on sunday, meeting in spoons, wish me luck

Yeah Jewish conspiracy and "water turning you gay" conspiracy aside: there really is oestrogen in your drinking water. It's definitely not gonna "turn you gay", but it might still have a negative impact on you.


4th for hcs fat lil tummy

Not using the official september 2018 edition

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If people don't mind be feminised against their will then that's just fine, but I think it's pretty concerning.


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Saw your post in the last one. While this is a more balanced post, it still is missing any study into if the amounts of this stuff is a significant factor in any of the health issues is mentions. Ultimately we don't know, but we can speculate that the accumulated hormones ingested this way probably won't effect most people in any real way. If you have a study that shows otherwise I'd read it of course.
I think stuff like micro-plastics are probably a contributing factor to lowered sperm rates, for example, but the article you posted seems to push the idea it is just these trace oestrogen particles

gf slapped her sister in front of me, lads

Have you got any evidence at all that it might have effect people that way?

i blame slack jew faggots who take pills

Pipe down and drink your tap water you mental case

stay hydrated lasses ;)

i meant jaw but whatever trevor

poo butt

does britain even have rainbows?

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lads theres an ad at the bottom of the page where marge's sisters are giving sideshow bob a blow job

Alright you get a pass this time but I'm watching you lad
*throws smokebomb and disappears*

Yer'v got tah talk to Big Dave, Kev. He's goon fookin teetotal the daft bastid. He ain't 'ad a Carlin' in six months. Since he's been drinkin warta the daft twat has gone on all funny on us.
He thinks he sum bint called Darcy, his wife is fookin livid, ya gotta 'elp us mate.

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bored of this gimmick now

Shady jew trying police the goyim
Yeah but we get pots of scatchcards instead of gold at the end of them

Birmingham not too long ago

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>shitting on original content

I'm just trying to make sure you keep well behaved
now what's say we put our differences aside and enjoy a nice glass of tepid water lad

very unbiased source you have there lad

is it original content when it's the same thing posted multiple times?

im so jealous of the amount of space americans have
britain is so claustrophobic

bored of this gimmick too

anyone can spot this a mile away


Sorry you unable to.

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creator of goalposting is an obvious portherner though
read between the lines

That's it mate I've had enough of you
*pulls up sleeves*
you're fucking barred mate get the fuck out of here before I get are Sheila down here to deal with you

>check archives
>image has been posted 3 times

top kek

the bitter cunts on here

Oi laddy. Is your bully licence even up to date. Hand it over, let me have a look.

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wow, blast from the past lad

Remember this cracker?

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> Mould Boy

Mercian Supremacy should happen again

Here you are officer all above board I'm sure you'll agree
*sweats profusely*

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i'd like to build a chicken coop in my backyard
or maybe a house for bunnies

wahey lads

played valkyria chronicles for a couple hours, just went and got myself some cereal and a glass of apple juice before bed

Hmm, got any ID to go with this licence lad?

Policy and what not.

I left it in my other trousers mate honestly give me 5
no give me 10 minutes and I'll go get it

>he dont poop in the potty like a big bog
haha tellin'

As if you even have the credentials to back this up.
It's over lad.
You need to pay up to the jar.

why are you snitching ya ratty cunt? fucking get out me face before i knock you out

bunnies dont lay eggs

>hard knock

best meme of all time tbqhwy

What's that user? You can't pay? Well we'll take it away.

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guess you havent heard of easter eggs then

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Any of you lads ever done 2CB? I want to do it instead of MDMA because that really fucks you up if you do it too much. I hear 2CB is a lot safer and like MDMA with more psychadelic properties. How true is this? Is it a good party drug?

Sorry I was just looking for it honestly
I'm sure this will cover any 'admin fees' this whole thing might have incurred if you get me
theres a good lad

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easter eggs arent real you twot

he best of brought your hazmat suits lads, because i've got 3 full demijohns of piss here


i didnt like it personally
2ci is much nicer imo

Eggs from a chocolate bird you dum dum

We're taking control of that TV. You say it's not yours? Can you prove that by digging out a 10 year old Argos receipt with the purchasers name on it?

Why didn't you like it if you don't mind me asking? I have a friends that done it and he said it just made him feel uneasy but he only done 10mg, I heard you're meant to do 20-30mg for a proper trip. Does it give you the europhic feelings MD does at all?

Well lad, your 10 minutes are up. Let me see this ID.

lost my virginity 3 nights ago lads

not trying to boast, make anyone feel bad. I'm 25 and this is the first time ive done anything with a girl. ive been so alone for so long, i dont even know how to feel about this

sorry for blogging

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i didnt have any euphoria and the trip wasnt very pleasant for me, i just remember feeling like a bit of porcelain that shattered into loads of tiny lil pieces. other people seem to like it though so it might just be me.

Err lad I think there's some confusion here I paid your mate the 'official fine' if you understand? It's been settled now yeah? Jog on

who was she and how you meet?

I don't recognize that man. Are you sure he isn't your friend. Cough up the license in that case.

talked on tinder for a while
had a few dates

been using apps like it for 3+ years this is the first time ive met anyone on it

did you use a condom? scared to do anything with a girl in case i knock her up

I've been had here mate there was another guy here a second ago in uniform, he had a clipboard and a jar. I thought we'd sorted this, fuming I am
I don't usually take well to getting shaken down like this, but have this very nice image and we'll both pretend this didn't happen. Vintage square this is, very valuable I assure you

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yes i did


Looks like I'm going to have to get my pals to come have a word with you if you don't hand it over.

You going to see her again and did you tell her you lost your cherry

*puts bookcase across the door*
*fills supersoaker up from the piss demijohn*
just try and take me alive

>mates are unironically wanting to get spice orderd in

fuck that

yes we going for food again soon

No i lied and pretended I was not a virgin. Feel pretty bad about it desu

seems like a 2010 thing, people still do that?

Just finished watching Road Trip (2000). It's not as funny as I remember. Simple as. Might crack open a Monster Energy now.

Do your duty and report them to the police. Spice dealers should be shot on sight.

It's shit mate and it's rough as fuck, don't see it's appeal the high is meh aswell

I really liked that when I saw it. Did it just not age well at all?

Not really. It's very of its era. Tom Green however is hilarious as always. Makes me wanna rewatch freddy got fingered now.

Here you go officer all above board like I said
keep in mind I was only giving a bit of gob, it was are Sheila who was going to do the bullying as always, fully licensed she is

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I'll take it. I suggest you get a more up to date photo though. Others might think you are trying to slip them a fake.

Cheeky little nighttime present for all you lads ;)

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those dont look cooked
eating raw potato is dangerous

I mean thanks, have a good night

This one goes out to the nonce hunters among us.

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>eating raw potato is dangerous
w-what do you mean lad? I've ate raw potato my whole life, like literally just peel a potato and eat it

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if all the posts you ever made on Jow Forums were suddenly made public overnight and everyone you know (family, friends, etc.) saw them, how fucked would you be?

>peeling the potato before eating it raw
that's where all the nutrients are, what I do is I peel the potato then make a tea out of the peelings. Then I dunk the raw potato in the tea

he looks like a norf fc

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They reckon that because Putin constantly changes his position on everything his actual position on anything is hard to comprehend or pin down
like that

when's ceit coming back??

congrats, you're almost def going to get cancer

what should i eat lads, already had 3 eggs today but if i can't think of anything better might just have another

Haven't drank water in about two weeks. All I've been drinking are energy drinks and diet sodas. Wahey.

Have a potato to be safe lad, or some nice health aspic

>he doesn't insert the potato peels directly into his anus to asborb all the nutrients into his bloodstream

Gonna watch some YouTube videos then sleep sleeps. Been a long day.

Imagine a laptop in front of apu in this pic and that's pretty much me right now.

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