So does chaotic still post on here haven't been on r9k for a while

So does chaotic still post on here haven't been on r9k for a while

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>namefag circlejerk

I don't know if it's the real him but someone is at least posting for him

It's neither of those, newfag.

P sure he hasn't posted since April if not just a handful of times.

Lots of newfags, drama, and discord normie shit and clone posting has flooded in, same as always.

identityfag circlejerk, who cares?

not him but i happen to think it's equally retarded either way. orbiting females is one thing but orbiting some random identityfag dude is another. its really fucking suspicious and makes me think that there is something else going on. males dont get orbited like that. all his orbiters actually think they're some degree of friend too, fans aren't friends. they're being used

anyone who has """social anxiety""" and makes a coherent identity for themselves on the internet and is comfortable with being semi well-known is a faggot and a liar

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tomoki is whoring himself to sand niggers again

>being this much of a paranoid contrarian newfag ignorant to board culture

>people call him by name
this is namefaggotry the last time i checked
>only few people care about him in the first place
yep, obviosuly circlejerk

>newfag ignorant to board culture
nice retarded projection. try again.

steamfags were just as bad as discordfags, it wasn't as clique-y but at the same time anyone comfortable sharing their steam on a personal level definitely did not suffer the degree of social anxiety that they often claimed to have

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He's rich now and spends his days alone in his house

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>you're p-projecting
>I'm not a newfag I know about steam threads
>doesn't even know chaotic
post discarded

he's /ourguy/ silly newfag

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>being this brainwashed

>"y-y-you don't even know chaotic! he is a good guy!"


>newshits not knowing how chaotic started

you can't be this popular and not have orbiters
it's the tomokofag tradition

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>being this new
not knowing who he is is the easiest newfag indicator of modern times

>chaotic is now considered board culture
The absolute state of r9k in the year of our lord 2018. I didn't think it was this bad, jesus. Mildly irritated sage for namefaggotry and standard faggotry.

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Chaotic was ruined by edgy newshit zoomers and orbiters who overshadow the oldfags and people who actually know or care, as you can see ITT.

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so who is chaotic

A faggot who was orbited by a bunch of faggots. It was never board culture because only a small circle of faggots cared about this shit, it's like saying the trap shills are board culture.

>a thread is posted multiple times a day for years on Jow Forums while still being popular to this day after peaking in 2011 2015 and again in 2017
>not board culture

>not newfag btw

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redpilled salt distributor v3.0 femboy edition

that's the fucking problem retard. why you fags won't shut up about him after so long is beyond me, isn't it obvious that there is something going on?

you don't get popular that fast unless you are really good at manipulating people. there's literally no redeeming qualities about chaotic other than the fact that he's (supposedly) a genuine robot.

if you can explain to me why he got so fucking popular on an anonymous imageboard i'll shut up. but the fact that you chaoticfags so readily jump on his cock to defend him isnt helping your case

He left a comment on my steam in August, no idea why though. He's probably still on Jow Forums if he did that.

You mean having 30 replies instead of 10? Nigger, show me the archives. I was there but I might have filtered them. I want to see how hard you faggots masturbated to a literal namefag.

Everyone knows the name and hundreds of people follow him

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>posts with only 100+ replies

lazy ass newfag nigger

So you're admitting you're a fucking twatter-tier normalfag? I'm glad.

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So you're admitting you're a fucking readit-tier normalfag? I'm glad.

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You understand there are more than 100 people on this board and not everyone was following your fantastic namefag cock gobbling adventures, right? God fucking damn, literally

There's a reason why every Tomoko thread on Jow Forums started getting deleted with 30 day bans even though they weren't Chaotic, there's a reason why certain text in the 3rd field gave an insta range-ban. Not to mention cebruz /v/ shit, if you post Tomoko on there 90% of the replies with be about cebruz after 3+ years of him being gone. He repopularized a genre that was dead and only kept alive by Tomoki's orbiting habits.

Absolutely god damn >>>/new/

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that doesn't even include cebruz shit

ITT: Newfags and Chaotic infamy

how can /ourguy/ have orbiters

why am i in an avatar fag thread

Whatever happened to that jackfag (the one that isn't tomoki)

I think he got tired of being bullied and just left

People only say that because he's charismatic and red pilled but he's too successful for /ourguy/.

Tomoki is our guy

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he's misanthrope and socially autistic and hates normies and sluts

>socially autistic
Any proofs? He's never made a fool out of himself.

Yeah but does he hate women??

if you stay home and never go anywhere no one is around to see you spill your spagett

A moment of silence for ones whove fallen

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brunoposter and him were normie but i miss their shitposts

>no one is around to see you spill your spagett
Yeah but all his interactions online go perfectly for him. He probably isn't an involuntary shut in with his social skills.

in my experience he's very awkward and observant in instant messaging (but idc because it's cute)

someone else might say something different though

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why are we stiIl here
just to suffer
every night i can feel my leg

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chaotic protec but he alsoatac

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tfw removed by cebruz 558 times

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oh fuc- UGH

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removed by chaotic 199381972360284 times

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