Can we get a that kid thread going? Ill start
>That autistic kid who rubs his belly button to his own waddle dee from kirby drawings in class
Can we get a that kid thread going? Ill start
>That autistic kid who rubs his belly button to his own waddle dee from kirby drawings in class
>that black kid who dressed up as santa and called himself Saint Niggalas
>that kid who kicked open a bathroom stall and beat up a kid taking a shit
>That fat kid who paid to be a door for kids taking a shit
>that kid that naruto ran to every class
>that retarded black kid under constant wrangler supervision that talked like vegeta and emulated his body language
>that kid that threatened to shoot up the school on the Columbine anniversary
>those kids that got caught sucking each other's dicks in the parking lot
>that chainsmoking metalhead that could somehow beat up the chad bullies and was super nice to the bullied kids
>that kid that fucked a cat
>that new Mexican kid that introduced himself to the class by saying his hobbies were jumping fences
>that unhygenic kid with a 0.0 that would be high on pills when he actually showed up
>that kid who got caught beating off in class and was dubbed "The Classturbator"
>that roid raged Chad that would exclusively beat up freshmen
>that kid that got arrested for getting pulled over with an AK he converted to full auto
>that furfag that went on HRT and grew tiddies
>that black kid who would whisper "I'm going Incognegro" before sneaking out of class
>that hyper kid that had constant outbursts and made gun noises that tried to join the marines
>that kid that everyone made fun of for wanting to become a bodybuilder that became a bodybuilder
>that kid that stabbed another kid
>those normie gamers that had a fucking teenage fight club in a basement
>that kid who suck started a shotgun
>that Chad that was genuinely a great guy but died in a car crash
>that quiet omega kid that passed special forces training after high school
>that kid that did blow in computer class
>that kid that was obsessed with the confederate flag and the second amendment
>that kid that shit himself in class
>that kid that called MLK Jr. a nigger during the civil rights unit
>that kid that got busted for being an actual drug dealer
>that kid that caught a bird in math class and killed it
>that goth kid that let his buddy tattoo a pentagram on him
>that kid that was 19 that got catfished by another kid pretending to be a 12 year old girl
School was fucking weird.
>that emo kid who's parents needed all the sharp objects in his house locked in a safe deep underground
>That kid who got Raped by the janitor
>That kid who ate a live fish
>That girl who shat herself in 1st grade
>That kid who got caught smoking meth
>That kid who cracked a whiteboard
>that 4'9" spic kid who couldn't speak any english who suddenly appeared in classes in the middle of the school year and vanished without a trace before it ended
>>That kid who got caught smoking meth
what kind of ghetto-ass high school did you go to?
at mine we snorted coke like normal people
>that kid who raped a girl for breaking up with him
this was middle school
He was a gross ass exchange student from Romania, stank to high hell, and his parents were meth dealers, he got expelled and never came back.
>that black kid who dressed up as santa and called himself Saint Niggalas
>That kid that we called the hitchhiker for THUMBING a girls pussy.
>We also called him red sea(fucked her on her period) AND he wiped his fingers on grass before putting his gloves back on.
>That kid who got yelled at by the teacher in front of everyone for watching jojos bizzare adventure in class
>in fucking uni
>That kid that got 13 fucking years in prison for murder, WHEN HE WAS 13 HIMSELF.
>That kid who ate a fucking battery from a phone and had to get surgry and almost died
>That kid who was hit in the face with a soccer ball
>That kid who threw sand and passing police cars
>That kid who kicked a girl in the head on accident and broke her nose
>That kid who shattered the award display case
>That kid who died in a helicopter crash
>That kid who got drunk and ripped his shirt off and said "The russians are fuckin gonna rape me"
Don't know why these made me laugh so hard, but they did.
I got more about that one guy!!!
>We called him TGTI because he always said "Thats gay that is"
>Now we call him king incel (Its been 6 years for him)
>That kid who smashed a teachers coffee mug on her head
>That kid who ate out a kindergarten and got juvey time
>That kid who got arrested for smashing a car with his razor scooter
>That girl who's tampon fell out and the janitor put wood chips on
>That kid who watched anime in the back of the class
>That fat mexican kid who played gmod on the school computers
>That kid who brought his ps2 to school
>That kid who stole play money
You ruined it
>that virgin kid who still live with his parents even though he's in his late 20's
>That kid who threw sand and passing police cars
>that kid who threw rocks in the middle of the road during the boy scout trip because he wanted to see cars drive into them and crash (it was me)
>that black kid who was found browsing Jow Forums in class
>That white kid who put a hand on nigganon's shoulder and whispered "WE WUZ KANGZ"
Guess which one was me in that scenario
>that kid who hit a kid in the shoulder with a heavy flashlight and played victim when he got hit back with a pillow
was me, and I don't feel proud
>that kid who would cut his poop with his pee
>That kid who poured hydrogen peroxide on his dick
>That kid who had a necklace with mouthwash on it because his breath stunk so fucking bad
>That kid who smashed a school keyboard of a chads head
>That kid who lost his hearing from fireworks
>That kid who brought his dads weed to school.
>That kid that would practice casting Din's Fire on the playground
No wonder I didn't have any friends
>that kid who tried to be a slav and spoke with a fake russian accent
>Saint Niggalas
Top kek. They sound like some funny ass dudes.
>That kid who was a chad jock in high school who got tons of girls but now he's a scrawny loser who plays in a lame pop punk band
>That based Jewish kid who smoked hella weed and bought moonshine from the KKK.
I really miss that guy.
>That smug liberal douche who never shut up about atheism and sold edibles
I'm pretty sure he was held back a few years because he looked like a grown ass man
>That fat kid who tried to bully a smaller kid, only to find out that the smaller kid was an experienced MMA fighter who beat his ass so bad he had to be taken to the hospital on a stretcher
>That girl you sold a gram of weed to who got caught by her parents and then somehow assumed it was your fault and stopped speaking to you for a year
>That kid who was bullied because he got caught jacking off in the bathrooms once in middleschool and never lived it down
I felt so sorry for that dude
>That pretty, sweet, athletic girl that your friend had a crush on and was probably gonna end up marrying but she fucking died randomly in her sleep one night
I have a lot more, I'll post them in a bit.