At what age did you grow out of you "alt-right" phase?

At what age did you grow out of you "alt-right" phase?

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Never really, I just stopped being edgy and stopped talking about it to people. Can't say the same as a few people I know.

When I read mein kampth and white power. Realised how fucked we are and have been a ticking time bomb since.

just at the very same time I grew up from my leftie phase

When I learned that the "alt right" isn't real and is just a term for authoritarian leftest's to use as a scapegoat.

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What the fuck. Using a perspective-warped plane as a "censor bar" like that creates the illusion of depth and makes it look like a piece of black cardboard glued on her face. Absolute fucking cringe. If you want to have a snowflake meta fetish at least put in effort to do it correctly so the immersion does not break.

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Never instead of being altright I wish for this world to get worse and for there to be more problems for humanity.

The true black pill is living to see a world burn in chaos. You are not a robot until you wish suffering upon the rest of the world.

an omega fetish

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when i grew into my mod-right self. (moderate right).

woah almost cut my finger on your edgyness

Now why would I ever be this spooked.

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I was getting out until I saw that you censored the socks, now I'll go full 1488 gas the kikes race war now free helicopter rides on you and everything you love.

When I realized that there are zero effective Alt-Right leaders or organizations. I fundamentally agree with their assessments of problems, but I no longer think they have solutions.

I was only in an alt-right phase during the last election. Late 2015 to very early 2017.

c-censor fetish thread?
I know it's probably ironic when it comes from someone who faps to this shit, but you're just being autistic

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I never had an alt-right phase because I'm not a moron that's easily influenced by nobodies on the internet.

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>Having right wing politics

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20, although significant damage has been done. I'm still trying to stop obsessing and jerking off to BBC. It's so bad that it isn't even cuckshit, I wish I was the girl or femmy bottom. So far I haven't sought it out in a couple of days. So I'm making progress.

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>"lmao its fine to mass produce below mediocre fetish content, ur just bein autistic shit lol"
I swear people like you are the reason we got a board of half-assed mspaint memes that get stolen by teenage redditors in less than a week.

>right wing
Nice spook my property.

I did when I was like 14 but then I got introduced into philosophy. I then looked into the empirical data and realized lefties were right all along

>left winger

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People old enough to actually legitimately browse this site never had an alt right phase

Is every poltard secretly a cuck with a black dick fetish?

>fapping to BBC

how is this related? sounds more like gay leftist cuck stuff than alt-right

Never. I'm just not open about it with anyone just maybe a few close friends. But besides that I just turned a little less edgy over the years

Yes goy, grow out of your alt-right "phase", be a good goy

They go hand and hand. Self loathing, repression, taboos combined with frequent exposure to certain rhetoric and images eventually takes its toll on you. The latter two especially. I did not have the fetish before 2015 or 2016.I fully believe that if I weren't inundated with posts using "nigger" both frequently and casually, and this whole website's obsession with black men it wouldn't have happened.

It's a well known fact that alt-right faggots are often repressed and self loathing. Hell, not just alt righters but the right in general. How often do you hear on the news of some vehemently anti-gay or Republican politician who is outed as having an affair with another man? Same thing, but different form. So you don't accuse me of being a leftist, the same shit happens there. Feminists and SJWs who hate white men will almost always wind up attracted to them.

I don't consider me myself "alt-right" but I do hate leftist faggots/commies, like you.

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>How often do you hear on the news of some vehemently anti-gay or Republican politician who is outed as having an affair with another man?
never really

>Feminists and SJWs who hate white men will almost always wind up attracted to them.
We all know and been saying this forever they're just retarded hypocrites who boast about how evil white men are while only dating white men

sorry senpai sounds like youre just faggot who identifies/identified alt-right and projects on others

How dare you use Kumiko in a brainlet post.

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>never really
>t-those don't count
That was a 10 second Google search.

I go with Dissident Right. I want to be at John Derbyshire's side. I don't GAF about Richard Spencer and other fake opposition.

Did you actually research empirical data or did you see (insert public speaking figure with "credetials") saying that there is only one race, the human race

Name one piece of evidence that says lefties are right about anything

>roleplaying as alt-right to make them look bad
obvious troll

How would I prove to you that I was alt-right? I no longer am (I'm not a leftist either, centrist currently).

Plz op, nationalism doesnt mean right wing.

>Media starting to target non-white demographics
>Jow Forums complains

I'm right wing too, completely ignore obvious controlled opposition, I guess I'm like you.

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When I realized both left and right are just a normies entertainment. Politics have been a sold cultural entertainment product since 2001.

Found the incel LOL

you sound like a faggot who discovered Jow Forums and became ironically racist to fit in. now you have a gay fetish involving black penises and you're blaming the alt-right, when really you were just a faggot all along.

I was a faggot all along, but was indifferent to black penises until you retards wouldn't shut the fuck up about black men.

Check em you fucking kike cuckolds.

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It's been way before that. At least since the 1980s
I never had an alt right phase because i'm not a burger and couldn't give two shits about their meme culture war.

Too busy starving to death like a little Latin American monkey or having tea in your Swedish cuckshed while Ahmed and friends declare jihad on your women's asses?
Dude bestiality is fucking hot lol. Just go with it, blacked shit is pretty much just irl orc porn.

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>be high schooler
>W is president
>don't trust Faux News
>get my news from The Daily Show
>I want free health care
>Bush is a Nazi because we're at war with the wrong country for its oil
>embarrassed by all the mispronunciations, stuttering, and sheer idiocy W pulls every single day
>think racism is the biggest problem in America and we'd be better off if all racists were lined up and shot
>think Republicans just want to keep a broken system that only benefits them
>the Patriot Act is genuinely the worst thing that ever happened to America in my lifetime
>genuinely baffled when he wins the re-election
>give up on America
>go to college
>Obama is elected
>Obama continues this war started by a Nazi president
>this is confusing
>Obama doubles down on the Patriot Act with Prism and gives the NSA more power
>wait, what?
>Obama takes away my doctor, takes away my healthcare, jacks up healthcare prices
>now I have to pay for my healthcare and the healthcare of everyone else
>how is this "free?" I've been lied to!
>SJWs start popping up everywhere and say I'm racist, and I need to make sacrifices to end racism
>become marginally successful, have money in the bank, work hard
>realize that under the SJW regime I need to give up all my money, my job, and my success in order to "help" welfare queens who cheat the system for free gibs, because I'm white
>realize liberals my age are all pot heads, minimum wagies, single mothers, criminals, and illegals, just looking for handouts
>handouts from ME
>grow out of liberalism
Now I live in Japan and redpill people about diversity. They're shocked when I tell them California is mostly Mexican, and they can't speak English, or how bad homelessness is.

after trump got elected everything went to shit; alt-right communities either evaporated, collapsed under the weight of their neuroses, or just became insanely faggy
if you're a young conservative in 2018 the best thing you can do is just enjoy having a healthy relationship with God while keeping on eye out for opportunities to found a family

I forgot to add:
>W starts Guantanamo Bay, one of the most egregious betrayals of American law
>Obama keeps the concentration camp open
>conservatives are pro-censorship, censoring newspapers, art, and video games.
>I cannot support any group that promotes censorship
>now liberals are pro-censorship.

I was never in that phase to begin with, alt-right does not exist, only a group of normalfaggots who have discovered Jow Forums and now act edgy for some delusional shit.
I just like unrest. If it was trump doing it, fuck im woth him. If it was hillary, i'd have supported her

I relate to this quite a lot desu. For fucking years and years until I realized what a tool Obongo/liberalism was, I thoughtlessly disregarded all of conservatism because I assumed that it amounted in its entirety to nothing more than Dubya-esque post-Reagan Zionist neocon faggotry.

About 21. I was in college and the whole kekistan thing was becoming a meme, and I met some of these college Republicans and it really put me off. I don't know what it is, but the potheads were beneath me, and the conservatives were like a cuckolded version of me. It just put me off.

Then I read Julius Evola and everything changed.

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I'm in applied ethics right now. Liberals are wrong about most of shit. Conservatives do as well. I'd advise you to read justice by Michael sandel. As well as Nietzsche so you ain't a little bitch

I converted to christianity after getting redpilled in 2014 just out of pure despair
also I'm half jewish so they'd never accept me anyway

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"""The media""" huh?

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grew out of what would now be know as the alt right by age 15
unfortunately went to the complete polar opposite and became a tankie
grew out of communism by age 17
now im a radical centrist

As an Ex satanist and reborn christian that also practices syncretism. I lived a life doing bad things for self gratification and ego feeding. I'd get anything I wanted. I met and lived with traps/trannies I met from /trash/ and lived a life of meaningless self fulfillment. The devil has his grips in every reach of politics. All we can do is stay centristic and use our brains to try and make any difference whatsoever.

>radical centrist
How does it feel being a lil dicked cuck?

I went from an ironic fascist to an unironic fascist. Just this year actually.

I'm still not sure what alt-right is. But if they're about abolishing the age of consent then I will forever be alt-right.

Never had 1 but when i communicated with people i become more moderate .

i never be an "alt-righter"
only really racist
i'm even now

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