Why do people find white Men attractive?

Sitting at school today with my friends.Just Asian and white guys. Me and all my asian friends are virgins but most of my white friends More like aqantiances but theyre in my group all have non white girlfriends. Theyre all beta af, not really ugly but shy with bad posture. Yet they get to have girlfriends. WTF. What do bitches see in them. Theyre pasty irritating entitled assholes. Massive pussies who talk up a big game but cant back it up. What the fuck do they see In them. Femanons explain yourselves?

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Why are you talking about your "friends" like that?

Theyre not my friends. Theyre just in the same group as me. I dont like them really?

Would you date a woman of color? They are probably scared you will reject them.

NO! She has to be white

my huwhite boyfriend is hot though and lots of girls hit on him before ^.^

I'm very lucky to have him.

Finish that stem degree I guess.

>Massive pussies who talk up a big game but cant back it up.

And you are their fucking sidekick.

Picture that. When they stand next to you, they look like the fucking Green Hornet.

being white is awesome. our cocks get worshipped by darkies of all shades. shit is CASH

What race are you femanon. This is an original comment stop it Im getting annoyed

I'm black, but dude, are you new to earth? theyre fucking white. that's all that matters. most non white girls practically worship white men, even though they pretend to hate them for social brownie points. its a great plan, too. once again they get social brownie points for pretending to hate white men, but then ALSO get social brownie points for dating/fucking white men. shits funny.

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>and lots of girls hit on him before
they literally just want chad

women are biggest racists and hypocrites they talk all day about their fuck whitey bullshit and go to their 6ft+ ripped white boyfriends at the end of the day

what do you think lol
not exactly, doesn't everyone want an attractive partner though?

Asian? This is original

yes, pls no bully or memeing on me

Are you Male or female. I dont know if this is true or not. But if so then women are scummy creatures.

Good question user. Might have something to do with the laws of nature and how some species are superior to other sub species.

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That explains why your jewish overlords are the most sought after men.

I'm a black male. and of course its true. its so obvious. white guys are on a completely different level and live in a completely different world in terms of dating/fucking. ALL races want them. I'm not even mad about it anymore. its like telling me that the earth spins on a fuckin axis. just the way it is.

A lot of white Men on pol push the blacked meme so it cant be so bad for you guys.

White worship is pretty unfair, but all you can do is improve yourself and hope someone will see a good person in you.

not white but jewish men, and they push the meme on pol because pol gets the most upset about it.

I dont think white worship is real.

if you're Asian, some of them probably won't date you, because of the tiny dick thing. not even kidding

back in 2011-2012ish, i dated a korean girl (1st gen Korean murican) who flatly said she couldn't bring herself to date Asian men, because of the small dicks thing she'd heard about

i mean im not a virgin or anything, but I'm just saying, the leverage white guys have is insane, and I'd give my left nut to have it. I cant imagine my skin color being a valuable social currency.

I wrote this on another thread but it might be insightful to you
"Usually 7-8/10 fob asian girls go for the nerdiest, small, glasses wearing dork asian guy because "Chad" doesn't even speak her language."

Youre making me symphatise with you, a nigger. Stop it.
This is race baiting and also a copy pasta. Stop it.

I suppose its hard to see from my perspective but maybe its true. Sucks I guess.

Because money and social status. No one is actually attracted to them, they just want to use them for betabux and to move up the social ladder. Why do you think white men are practically the only ones who constantly whine about being cucked and cheated on?

Fuck you cumskin. This is original.

But they have no money and we are all in high school

That explains why you and your fellow superior white men are on here crying about having no gf and how niggers immigrants bully you and steal your women. I guess being superior means being a beta, autistic, coward, small dick loser.

Their parents have money, which means they have money.

Again thats not how it is here. Were all middle class here.

gook Elliot Rodger 2.0 is getting toasty
Asians might be
superior intellectually bit Asians are either really hot or ugly as shit
and most of them end up being ugly as shit
just find another bucktoothed chubby cheeked squinty eyed gook to marry

nice cope. No one is actually attracted to them

Nigger that is the biggest bullshit I have ever heard. Every single bachelor has been white and women fawn over them

>nobody is actually attracted to them

ethnic cope.

Because of the social status and potential for money.

don't sympathize with me. I'm fucked white women multiple times. you don't like that, eh

Die of aids, nigger.

I miss when this board used to be white no its just a bunch of faggots smelling up this place

I have zero sympathy for non whites literally none. Indian men are literally the most beta men I have every encountered in my entire life. All they do is fucking complain, and act depressed. they are a burdeon to be around.

I once had an indian friend who tried to get with a girl i had just gotten with 2 minutes peior and fail

Get the fuck outta here, your issues arent real issues, get the fuck outta here

Why are bitching, then? It seems to that you Americans should all kill yourselves, regardless of race.

Some white men are handsome

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bro you have absolutely no concept of reality
asian men make over 15 grand then what white men make. you dont see women pulling down asian men's pants.
social status maybe, but fuck you i dont even want to argue with you, go back to japan where women are desperate to get fucked, and quit complaining you dont have it perfect in another country

the cope here is unreal i literally want shitskins to leave this place. your issues dont matter

dudes like you are the reason I go out of my way to fuck white girls
I don't even have a thing for white girls but I get so hard thinking about the fags that bitch about "muh white raze" while I pound the fuck out of some white bit

fuck him dude. I cant stand these cringey men who complain white women dont want them

i thought this was bait? so i ignored it. :x

im just calling out reality lmao
plus the last time I fucked a white woman was like three years ago. I'm not saying its impossible for non white men, im just saying, reality is fucked

>you dont see women pulling down asian men's pants.
actually, those asian men who do make that much money DO end up getting trophy wifes usually

Its not I promise. Original text

I know some white girls that fuck non white men
most of them are fucked up, but some of them arent.
if you did congrats, but if you are doing it out of spite I think you have have inferioty complex that compels you to bang white girls so you can feel just as good as us

cus they cute. cuter than me

I mean why are you here then? This site is filled with white men who have neither money nor status. And who is attracted to them? Literally no one. Take money and status away and white men are nothing.

Thanks for being honest user with your experiences. But banging white chicks to piss off the white man is next tier pathetic user. White Man doesnt care, only white incels care

Please explain. What are you user?

This. White males are the most undesired people on the planet. And it is why only whites can be robots, all niggers and other races need to fuck off.

But nontheless youve managed to pull that off. I sincerely doubt that the majority of the people here can do that. Therefore it is somewhat redundant to post shit like that.

Social status is still there. Despite what you see on the internet, in real life white people naturally have higher social status because they're the majority in the country. Minority groups always have lower social status.

Listen heres the bottom line
I am a white german. I am handsome 6 1, and an actuary making over 85k at 25
White men have significant issues right now. It may feel good having this temporary power, but overall I am scared shitless on how terrible the direction our countries are heading in.

I donnt expect anyone from any race to offer assictance, so it feels like us against the world.
White men are taller, on average better looking, and live in the most wealthy nations, but shit is changing for the worse.
I really hope that we rebell, I think Trump has made me more attractive to women, because he made white men powerful again

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Why not just dress nicer and work out more?

There are outliers in every race though. You can be any race and still be autistic and ugly, it's just that it's much more likely in white men. Statistics m8

no. this thread is shit and negative.

Lol I'm black and Asian girls mire at us. You guys have it rough

Superior Vitamin D production.

yeah you're right. I just haven't fucked in years so I'm a bit frustrated.

you can go to japan or china as a white man and get laid. You dont realize the privledge you have to be white. be grateful

you mean you mire at them.

ugh this thread is beta as shit

do u need daddy? here he is

how do i filter this storm bolt faggot its not working

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why because you wanna sit there and complain? and ruin all the work ive put in.

No I'm not attrwcted to them in anyway.

You can be any other race and be in the place you were born and get laid. White men need to go to sex tourism areas to get laid.

yall are sappy and beta. go on asian masculinity youll fit right in

Your bitterness and Asian beta-ness is the answer. Instead of taking what you want, you post about it on 4 Gook.

>You can be any other race and be in the place you were born and get laid. White men need to go to sex tourism areas to get laid.
youre acting like white men dont get laid. All of my friends are white and they all have banged over 20 gilrs each at 22

Why don't you try sucking a cock instead OP?.

>your partner has to be white
>gets upset when the girls have the same mindset
gg faggot.

The majority of white males do not. And like that other user pointed out you only ever hear white males talking about getting cucked.

>All this projection
Buttmad non-white detected.

ruined. some beta has shit all over my good work.

"White Christian Male" is the most hated and demonized demographic in the entire Western Hemisphere.

OP, please fuck off back to where you belong.

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i have no idea what you are talking about honestly. white men are the most desired on dating apps. i banged a super hot blonde last week. go to the red pill thats amost all white

>i banged a super hot blonde last week
so why are you here?

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>i banged a super hot blonde last week
And the red pill is for larping losers who can't get laid, that is why it's almost all white.

why are you here? i know for a fact the other guy is more fun than you are. did u get bored of the company of your fellow cry babies and seek out the company of bros?

i feel better about myself around losers. Makes me feel better
I think im a sociopath desu

>can't get laid
redpill has plenty of divorced men there.

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supply and demand.
White people are what, 5% globally? If that? Add to that ancient memes of "pale skin = working inside = higher status" and modern memes of "lol dating a black guy who will knock you up and leave you".

Really though, >can't imagine skin being a valuable social currency
The idea that "race is skin deep" is what causes many societal ails. Interracial mixing is bad for the children, causes all sorts of higher problems for them, in the same way that children from older women tend to have more frequently autistic children, or incestuous children have other birth issues. I don't care what race anyone is, when it comes to interracial dating it ultimately harms the eventual children.

oh yeah you must know a lot.

Married =/= Getting laid for white men. Since the women have a bull to get fucked by

Fun fact: It's a kike, married to a rabbi, has 3 children.

All this anti-white shit comes from the media and college professors. Guess which ethnic group the media owners and said college professors most often belong to?

oh yeah youre the expert in this

is more your speed

despite the fag spam, Jow Forums is about finding love. the faggots that bitch about never fucking anyone are newfags that belong on

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bro we were desired when we made up 33 percent of the worlds population. Its not psedoscience just basic human biology to be attracted to white men

Minorities and other white women regularly fantasize about White men and take measures to make themselves look as White as possible (thin, straight noses, skin bleaching, light eye colors, straight hair, lighter hairs etc) because they believe in a White beauty standard and often want to court White men. Money doesn't usually cause this lust and attraction in women. Money is just a caveat and something women rationalize. If this were the case, women would be dreaming about Asians and Jews like they were the fucking messiah and dating them en masse.. yet they don't.

Bud, non-white women love white men. But white women love non-white men. It's just women being whores for their enemies.

why do people expect all racial groups to perform equally in the sexual market place, mother nature never makes equal. I actually staunchly believe that multi-racial societies are contributing enormously to the incel phenomenon because it hyper inflates sexual competetion.

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