Even reviewbrah has taken the /trap/ pill

Even reviewbrah has taken the /trap/ pill.

What's stopping YOU?

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hot dam. hes the next Davey Havok

I still have self respect and the balls to be a man

>what's stopping you from chopping off your dick
I'm not white

He has nice hands

this. can he sing?

That's not reviewbrah, that's clearly Clay Aiken.

Fucking newfags, explain yourselves

is this edward furlong

no. eddy didnt have those long hands

I am not a degenerate. Seriously all men who promote 'traps' are disgusting. 99% chances they are some mentally ill retards who watch anime and masturbate 200 times daily.

in fact!... ed furlong is 5'7 ._.

i don't follow reviewbrah at all but why did he grow his hair out? it doesn't fit his whole 50s image

because he's transitioning


he has very feminine hands and features.


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He looks like a JoJo character

do you faggots even know how he got the name "reviewbrah"

why are 4chanfaggots hopping on bb's dick


This guy is clearly attempting and failing miserably at looking like edward furlong.
Also, I just realised.. if you didn't look kind of like edward at some point when you were younger do you even have a chance in the future?

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>it's been 4 months since the last VORW
I guess the comfy days of regularly hearing his thoughts on life and current events are over. At least I can go back to the old ones and listen to those as much as I like.

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why do you think that? he still does it every week soundcloud.com/vorw_radio_int

Well... What now, Jow Forums?

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its clearly reviewbrah but its just from one of his lighthearted joke tweets, he makes a lot of subtle self depricating jokes on social media. he isnt a trap or a tranny

Do you think girls really want him or are they just saying this because they're memeing ?

so it's not his real hair? i don't know why i'm so invested in this

are you stupid? he's been transitioning for a while now and just came out

why do you think girls don't like him? he's handsome and charming

it's his real hair

but also

he isn't trap you're getting memed

it is his hair it's just wet
do you spergs never shower?

bro thats what his hair looks like when its not slicked back. the OP of this thread is a mentally ill faggot who has been stalking reviewbrah and making tranny fanfiction about him for years

so!!! why did he grow it out then? it doesn't fit his aesthetic


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ooh okay, okay. thanks for explaining i can rest easily now

What? He is clearly smeagle.. dude looks like a fetus.

I'm not a degenerate basedboy.

He just combs it back, he doesn't like to get haircuts because of the stress or somethin' like that.

robots shouldn't have this mindset. it's not good for your own self esteem

His hair has always been this long. It just isn't slicked back. You can't get that same look with short hair.

All of Jow Forumss fanbase turn out to be either secret kike supporters or trannies

More like the animepill.

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Man, he's really given in to the meme status. I guess that's admirable, that he developed his thick skin and accepted what earns him money and all, but I miss when he took himself seriously and resented the viewers who didn't really care about anything he had to say.

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Reminder to anybody not clued in.
this is just his hair when it's not slicked back. He did a video on how he cuts his hair.