Please someone play divinity original sin 2 with me tonight. I'm sure one of you here have it. On steam OFC
Please someone play divinity original sin 2 with me tonight. I'm sure one of you here have it. On steam OFC
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That game any good? I dont trust reviews or most people when it comes to matters of taste, but i might be more inclined to trust the opinion of a fellow robot.
I would but I'm a poor fag who had to pirate it so no online for me.
If you like role playing games that let you pick from a massive amount of roles to play and let you skip content, kill any character you see, etc. then you will love it. It's similar to New Vegas and old school computer games in that regard. It's very nonrestrictive.
The only downside is that the writing can be pretty cringe inducing at times.
I enjoy it a lot but I've had a D&D itch to scratch for a long time so maybe I'm bias. It's a slow burn and a long game and a fuck load to do. The characters are well written and the side story quests have as much punch as the main ones if you ask me. Combat is fun and actually makes you use your brain and only dick hard if you crank up the difficulty.
If you like turned based stuff as well as D&D I think you'd like this game.
It's only $40 and has 100s of hours worth of shit in it. I think it's a lot better when you have people to play with because a lot of fun things can happen when you have other people doing whatever they want.
damn that art is fucking sick.
maybe im gonna give it a shot hang on
>The only downside is that the writing can be pretty cringe inducing at times
Hmm the rest makes it sound tempting but i am very picky about my character/story writing, guess if it goes cheap enough on sale i still might give it a shot.
Eh take that with a grain of salt it's still one of the best RPGS out there honestly. You ever play Baldurs Gate? If yeah and you enjoyed it you'll love this game.
>I think it's a lot better when you have people to play with because a lot of fun things can happen when you have other people doing whatever they want.
Sadly that is not a option for me, faaar to many social related anxieties to play with someone in that kind of way.
I hated baldurs gate,but to be fair I was 13 when that game came out. Loved divinity 2 though. Usually I skip through story and cutscenes but I enjoyed it, especially the random sideplots . Great combat too.
Are you retarded or something buddy?
Alright dudes I'm home who is ready to play
Hmm well i LOVE Baldurs Gate, that and planescape torment are my all time number one rpgs.
I spend my time shitposting on a tibetan basketweaving imageboard so yeah a little.
Yeesh>Usually I skip through story and cutscenes
You make me sad, those are 90% of what make rpgs fun...
Hey, I'm a fembot and would LOVE to play that game again and finish it. Hit me up on steam, the name is "snow nigga" and on disc, cutiebomber#9449
I play in Pacific time zone.
Sorry, I meant that in other games I skipped the story and cutscenes. In Divinity 2 I did not.
not OP or interested in playing this game but would you be interested in talking ??
unironically a 9.5/10 game.
only flaw is some minor plot holes, but for a game this massive, that's no big deal.
well get the game then talk to me
yeah but it's expensive, why can't we talk without the game?
>tfw want to play divinity original sin 2 but too retarted
how can you be too retarded to play this game???
Which origin story is the robot choice? I chose the pompous red king and a bunch of movement spells/magic + warfare.
Fane you retard
fuck I give up, add me on steam so we can play I'm tired of waiting. I JUST WANT TO KILL SHIT FRIENDS