Whats up Jow Forums. Real Taylor Swift here. I know you would never believe it but i do browse this board. Say anything you want to me.
Whats up Jow Forums. Real Taylor Swift here. I know you would never believe it but i do browse this board...
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post feets
what happened between you and Karlie?
You're a whore and I hope you get raped, tortured, and murdered you stupid fucking slut, your orbiters are faggots and your music is garbage
teach me how to dougie
Why is your music pure garbage and why are you such a whore?
Also fuck off my board.
Don't be such insensitive bullies guys. What if it's the real Taylor Swift?
Then I hope she gets raped, tortured, and murdered
>TaySwift will never personally teach me how to dougie
feels bad man
Disregard that, I suck cocks.
Be nice. She might allow us to penetrate her virgin pussy
The only reason people listen to your shitty generic music is because youre young and hot. Once youre old nobody will bother to listen to it anymore. Then you wont be so swift anymore! Now fuck right off
I've read a lot of theories that you're a MtF, is this true? There seems to be a lot of evidence to support this claim.
i want to troll
do you really think a woman who owns a private jet would be reading Jow Forums ?
Tzuyu is prettier than you.
If it is you post a picture of you holding a mug with a pencil in it to prove it.
why are you racist?
never relax around niggers
Halle Berry once said in an interview that she used to troll AOL chatrooms around the time that she won her oscar
there's always something awful
I want to buy pinups of you but there are so few to choose from.
You are primo and so is delevigne, watson hit the wall she be looking like shit these days
If you're the girl from the 73q video sorry i came to your house tripping
You know there are lots of guys currently infatuated with you? Hard not to be when you're as pretty as you are. Dozens, hundreds even. You are a big celebrity these days a household name.
god that's weird
My psychiatrist keeps asking if I'm thinking about you last time I was in
He won't shut the fuck up about it
One asked me to describe any interactions I ever had with you and tbqh I lied.. iirc I wanted to smash and you gave me head
how hard did you jam out to this song when it came out?
love you Tay Tay
kill yourself you shit tier singer you aren't even relevant in the music industry anymore
I want you to mention the word "Blueberry" in your next public appearance. Then we'll know it's you.
There's plenty of reason to believe Taylor browses Jow Forums. Pic related.
i remember her naming thread on b
I do too. I actually didn't know that it was Taylor's cat till years later.
TayTay, how do you stay so pure?
Hey Tay Tay it's your real soulmate here, I don't even know if you would be interested in me anymore as you're so successful and nobodies heard about me. I'm working on making myself known, I know you have posted on this website but I doubt it was you who made this thread but it would be funny if you did.
I hope the best for you, maybe one day we can actually met but until then keep up the good work (I don't really listen to pop music but your music is great).
do you miss moot? shoulda taken his virginity
Taylor definitely would.
Taylor pls allow your soul to merge with the universal consciousness
by getting dirty sometimes
timestamped face or gtfo
Newfags actually believe this. /b/ trolled her into put on a music concert for a school for deaf children. Now she just hired someone to read /b/ and tell her about it and post silly pictures like that one.
she's got a nice face and all but that's not how that works
I thought you browsed /b/
>Whats up Jow Forums. Real Taylor Swift here.
I think I'm going to faint.
You seem like a decent person but your music sucks in my humble opinion. Also why did you cry when Kanye interrupted you? I get being upset but crying? Seriously?
i hated kanye ever since that moment
Taylor -
Will you FaceTime with me tonight? I'm very very sad and emotionally vulnerable due to the recent loss (death) of one of my most beloved cats. Her name was Krinckles. Will you please take about 10 minutes and just talk to me? You're my favorite artist in the world and it would mean so so much to me and really help me when I'm at my lowest.
Your music fuckin sucks
i was there when /b/ named her cat
blank space is really good
thanks for being our white goddess
Unfortunately she was blacked recently, time to cast to the side
What made you ditch your old country music style n favor for a more modern pop genre? I really liked the old taytay songs.