Why do men always take more than 5 minutes to even read your message and start thinking about something to answer, finally answering it 10 mins or more after you sent it?
Why do men always take more than 5 minutes to even read your message and start thinking about something to answer...
Because women will send something we dont know how to fucking respond to so we either dont or say "oof"/"rip"
Guys are reluctant to deal with you
Because you send us stupid shit and we have to figure out how you want us to respond so you don't get upset or misinterpret it.
Maybe he had to go do something, why dont you just ask him?
they wanna play it cool, its a guy thing. They don't wanna seem too interested because that can be unappealing. Sorry bout that, we wanna seem cool.
What's so scary about it
>Because you send us stupid shit
That's the thing, i don't know where this is coming from but i keep conversations simple and normal, i don't know which kind of people you're dealing with.
What is that thing where he's always online in steam/origin/discord etc? (which mark you as idle if you don't interact with the app for 10/15mins)
Is that necessary? If the person is talking with you it's because you're already cool enough
Friend wanted him to play a game with him? Again, why dont you ask him?
Because if a person constantly does the same thing it's annoying to ask it every single time
and no, i'm sure it isn't that
It's not that they're men. It's women that do this too. On a rare occasion you'll find someone you can have a comfortable back and forth with and you don't even care about dumb shit like double texting or how long a reply takes. The fact that people even think about these things just shows how horrible we are at communicating with each other.
so youve asked him before?
Are you ugly?1
Because we either
>have to actually think of a response to the stupid inane shit you said that we honestly have no business caring about
>we have to carefully consider how we will reply to you lest you reject us for saying something in a way that doesn't meet your artificially high standards
In my experiences, about everyone outside of like my parents takes for fucking ever to respond to shit. So annoying. It's like I know you fucks have your phones on you. If you don't want to talk to me, just say so. I'd rather that than you talk to me, but take 10-20+ minutes to fucking respond.
The thing is that people you're comfortable with to back and forth without worrying are people you're not TOO fond of, while a person that gives you this kind of worry is someone you really like
Yes, "i was a bit distracted" or "sleepy"
Not really, i see where you coming from and i agree, but i'm cute both in personality and looks
I seriously don't know what kind of person you guys are dealing with, but i'm sorry if that's the case.
Move foward and look for someone that doesn't says complicated stupid things or have "artificially high standards that will reject you if you step on a mine" lmao, some people just want to know and be amazed at your day even if you just hit your head against a pillow for the last 7 hours.
I feel the same, if you're not interested just say "another time", i'm here giving all the attention and being caring and even stops what i'm doing to reply (or let the person know i'm doing something that's making me busy).
That's really retarded to do and makes conversations hard, where they wouldn't need to exist in the first place.
We all know that if a man were to respond within 5 minutes you roasties would immediately tag him as desperate and ghost him withing a couple days.
>there is no winning
You're either talking to betas who are so incredibly cerebrotonic that they need 1000 years to come up with a witty reply (so they can fuck you) or you are really boring (short messages and not really replying to what they say)
If you don't know why kind of person were taking to you obviously don't have a womb or are actually the odd girl out.
>there is no winning
Only if you keep being insecure of trying
Don't deal with roasties and you'll find someone to reply within 5 minutes, that'll also reply to you and be interesting.
The second case really isn't the case, but i don't think i'm dealing with betas. Maybe people with insecurities and bad past experiences i know about, can it be a problem that affects this?
I know what you're talking about, but not everyone is like this and you should filter better (just as i filter too so i don't end up with retards with inflated egos you call "chads")
>odd girl
I'm on r9k after all.
Then hes making excuses stop talking to him
what's your discord? I'll talk to you and I respond fast
Maybe he doesn't want to look like a desperate beta by always being immediately available to you? Also, Jesus Christ, is 15 minutes that big of a deal? Are you some kind of clingy stalker chick?
To filter better would be to filter out 95% of all women who aren't already taken.
Makes no difference that I'm not actually seeking a relationship since it's automatically assumed that I am since I have penis or she still behaves like she's searching for a man even though she already has one.
Yeah, being a girl on Jow Forums means shit. Most females here are just normal females who found a nice place to whore for attention.
>people that you like make you anxious enough that your conversations become shitty
Sounds like a you problem, and not a him problem.
Because men have things to do other than be constantly ready to give you 100% attention just because you hit send.
Be glad he takes time to look at your insecurity spazing at all when he's busy.
We're not constantly glued to our phones and take a minute to think about how to respond. Show some actual interest to break the ice and it'll be more spontaneous.
Does your name start with H?
How do you even know if the poster is a guy or girl
Because men rarely talk in a manner like OP does.
Unless you live under a pretty sizeable rock it's easy to tell the gender of who you're taking to with an accuracy of around 80-90%
I don't talk to anyone on my phone so I'm usually reading or watching videos on my pc
if someone messages me it usually takes hours until I notice or I just answer the next day
people who have lots of contacts spend more time on their phones, hence why they usually respond faster when they are home (it happens the same as I do when they are outside tho)
It's hard to accept that but it can be... Should i confront him to try to fix things, instead of cutting contact? I know it's a bad thing to confront and i can be in the wrong but i wouldn't want to ghost either especially if i'm in the wrong.
It'd be ok to carry the weight of messing up if it's my fault, but if it's not it's hard to keep dealing with such a thing.
>To filter better would be to filter out 95% of all women who aren't already taken.
So? Will you instead settle for someone you're not comfortable it, or even give up completely?
>Most females here are just normal females who found a nice place to whore for attention.
Yes i saw this happening often, i imagine it's annoying but idk, just ignore them.
>Sounds like a you problem, and not a him problem.
It'd be nice if it was, because i'd be aware and could work on the problem. The thing is, i don't make the conversations shitty, i don't push anything, i try to make things simple and always nice, and conversations runs as nice and interesting as they always were. I just get annoyed when the person says "I want to talk with you, but i'll go do x, but as soon as i'm back we talk and i'll call you", goes away and idle, comes back and online, is obviously there doing things on other apps (not even playing, just god knows what) but takes 4 hours to say something.
It's not a problem with friendships user, i had friends that we'd talk only when the other was offline (due to timezones). It's when there's more to it that it becomes annoying. Maybe i just invest too much and expect people to do at least half of it back.
>Be glad he takes time to look at your insecurity spazing at all when he's busy.
Not really, i don't get annoying or clingy like some people.
He uses his notebook and is pretty much always there except for very specific times.
can you post more cute anime pics OP
>WAAAA he's not at my immidiate bec and call 24/7!!!
>i don't get annoying or clingy like some people.
>So? Will you instead settle for someone you're not comfortable it, or even give up completely?
Gave up completely.
Very very few (western) women can meet my standards, which aren't even very high. The few who do would hardly even look my direction.
I hardly wanted to play that game when I was young and horny. Now that I'm older, fuck the game.
>sounds like a you problem, and not a him problem
except that's not what I said at all, read my post again you fucking retard
Sure! Also yours was really cute, thank you for it!
At least say "i'll do x and other things, i call you later" or "i'm here but i have to do other things, so i will delay the talk we had to have for a bit"
Again, i never made a pressure about anything and treat him (or mostly anyone) very politely regardless of feelings.
That person from the OP is "old", I may have terrible flaws that everyone can see from my posts, but people that know me better say i'm very nice so, i don't know if he wants to stick with me, but he found me despite his age. I knew just too many actual nice people to know they're out there and are more common than you can think, i'm sure many would meet your standards.
I think it's a matter of knowing where to look and it may be hard, but you shouldn't lose hope. Just go at your pace and don't stress about that, but be open and present in places where you may meet someone.
Yes then i couldn't get it, sorry.
1 - we're trying to decide if something you've asked is a shit test or if you're really interested in our lives
2 - You probably ask the most boring and redundant shit and people cant even stand the thought of talking to you until they wanna get their rocks off
3 - we were high as shit and playing with our cat.
Why do I suspect that "old" isn't actually old.
So he found you. It must not have been very long ago and you're already posting what ammounts as a complaint about it online. I would have to wonder how long any of it would last.
>lessons in futility
As it is I have no desire to bring kids into this world and as such romantic relationships are logically irrelevant.
I'm not going to be alive much longer so fuck it anyway
I like responding fast but people find it weird and I don't want too seem to eager so I ussually wait sometime
6 months to be more specific, so yes not that long, my point was finding someone nice isn't impossible and doable at all ages (specially if you, or specially both, are older and mature, set, tired of dealing with the bullshit) Not everyone complains about you online.
How old would "actually old" be?
There is little which is impossible but often the odds are poor enough to be effectively impossible
>welcome to my world
Sure, finding nice women who are willing is easy, but at my age nearly every single one of those women come with at leat 1 kid (and so aren't up to my standards)
It's called thinking before you talk, you ever try it before?
you are not a woman. You all fell for bait.
Most guys go for the shotgun approach, they reply quickly and don't care about failure. When you have fewer choices or are more interested in 1 girl, the replies are slower. I have done it. Me be really nervous and trying to keep the conversation alive. You only get 1 shot at the message, if you get it wrong she will ignore you. If you try redeem the conversation with a followup message(after the fail one), you look desperate. Getting it right on the first or second message is how you have to communicate with the opposite sex. It sucks but the market created this. She has so many guys to choose from, you are nothing but a number on her cock menu.
>tfw your number is 0 on her cock menu
Better than giving one word answers after 3 days or just literally never responding like a certain gender does.
thanks OP. can I have more cute girls user?
>literally never responding like a certain gender does.
certain people user. boring ass men do it too.
Because when we reply quickly or immediately we get called creepy and/or desperate.
Its called not being a butthurt incel, ever tried it before?
I'm actually all out so I'll just start over
No woman hate in my thread incel
Ugh there's a balance though, you don't only reply back immediatly or only take 10 mins, you do both in equal measures, hope this helps :)
The way you described your thought process makes you sound like an objectifying creep, but thanks for sharing.
you're already out of ammo? smfh.
>normalfag meme insult of the month
based aqua poster
Why do women take so long to reply to a long ass paragraph with k
Just a reminder that this isn't OP, just some random person. I'm sorry if anything i said triggered you.
I don't think the odds are poor enough user, as long as you're set and in peace. Do you look exclusively for people your exact age? I'm not telling you to go too low on age, but some girls in their twenties (if you're on 30s, or girls at their 30s if you're in your 40s) are willing to see how things go
Maybe i think pretty fast, not for 40minutes.
Or like the other user said, like certain people do. It comes from both genders and some men are as superficial as women.
I don't think he'd worry about that at this point, but maybe it was how he was treated all his life and now remains with that "trauma"? I don't know.
Sorry for the delay user, i've been laying down on bed and thinking a bit.
Again, it's a problem about superficial people, from both genders.
>The way you described your thought process makes you sound like an objectifying creep, but thanks for sharing.
care to elaborate? or you only here to insult
I fail to see the creep part.
>ask community for feedback
>get suggested the shotgun approach
>not my thing, but they claim it works
>mention it in my post
>send a quick message
>no reply
>put more effort into message
>takes longer to send
>get reply(positive feedback)
>keep sending slow messages
equals creep?
oh okay, thanks for the cute gif user. been looking for that one for a while.
Well the fact that you can't let it go and have to demand some sort of correction basically confirms it, no?
You're welcome, you can stop thanking me for evry post I make now you seem kinda pathetic
you'd be correct user! thanks!
He's trolling and isn't op lol
It's alright user i hope they go well with your collection!
Are you an actual angry incel falseflagging?
Maybe he's thinking. I usually debate whether to even say anything or if can just let the other person talk more. The panic begins when I have nothing to say, give them a few minutes to keep going, and realize they're waiting on me to say something. I think this is why most people I talk to online stop talking to me after a while.
Ugh can't I have one thread to bitch about absolutely fucking nothing and enjoy all these pussies lining up to talk to me since I'm a girl without someone trying to ruin it?
Fucking incels.
Maybe you're just making excuses for the guy who's dick I want, do you not understand he's fucking ignoring me? Like That's kinda the whole reason I came here, I knew you desperate betas wouldn't ignore me.
take this scenario
>i say you stole my jacket and raped me
>you deny stealing my jacket and raping me
>describe your day, and are upset of being called a thief and rapist
>i claim you must have stolen and stuck it in my pooper, seeing as you cant let it go
>everyone should agree with me right?
still feeling smug?
Oh, you were LARPing. I'm not sure why I expected anything different from a thread like this. I should probably get more sleep.
When a man takes his time it means he is about to say something that he means to say and he honestly believes.
if a LARP, one of the better ones
I mean, the alternative is that someone is actually this unaware of themselves. While people like that do exist, I wouldn't expect this one to be here.
Braindead zoomers should just shut the fuck up
OP's a larping faggot or a mentally ill whore ugly to the point of being indistinguishable from a botched-surgery transgender neckbeard and all you newfags bit the bait
I hope you fucking die in a shithole howling in tenfold as much excruciating pain as real robots have felt OP. We suffer in abject misery everyday - we've been chewed up and spit out, gutted out and crushed. The world has humiliated us, shamed us, and kicked us out; and now you come far out here, our refuge, our sanctuary, to insult us and bleed our wounds dry? Is destroying everything we cared for and driving us to the edge of the Earth not enough to satisfy your sick appetite?
I'll say this once - get the fuck off my board.
It's because you're an ugly incel robot. Congratulations, you're one of us now.