So user, how many girlfriends have you had?

>So user, how many girlfriends have you had?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>None yet, but would you want the honor in being my first?

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Original comment #9001

2. And they both had toned arms.

You would be my first fat-armed girlfriend.

please be bait. please let this not be what you think would work.

1, then destroyed afterwards

Eh about two, even though I act like I'm retarded

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3 but when I was like 13.. single for over 9 years

5, and 3 of them hate my guts.
No regerts.

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2, one of them i ended up falling in love with and thought i would spend the rest of my life with her. that was until i found her bedded with my friend. i miss that goat

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Two kinda, one serious.

never had any girl friends either

Story time please user??+

Holy fucking shit originality

Cyborgs are here to stay, cry harder virgin fag :^))

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You want to know how many girlfriends she's had?

>Well, I havent had any yet. Why are you asking? Would you like to be my first?

This would be my answer.

>How many girlfriends she's had
Youknowwhatimean user

[speech 37/70] uhhh 7 or 8?

1. Was my middle school GF. Puppy love at best. She and I were never official, but we practiced tonsil hockey a lot with each other. Saw her last weekend, she's doing way better than I am so more power to her.

2. Girl I had been friends with since 4th grade. Starting dating senior year of HS. She broke up with me because I "loved her more" than she ever could. Didn't talk for a bit but made up and became friends again. Got drunk NYE 2015 and fooled around a bit but it got awkward and have only talked twice since. She's training to be a EMT with her BF in Portland, OR. Wish her all the best.

3. Uni freshman GF. She was okay but not too much in common. Was really just horny. Broke up with her after a few months because she didn't want to have sex. She would let me finger her all day long but would not reciprocate.

4. Started dating sophomore year through junior year. She and I had fun but I was having a mental breakdown and she didn't have the balls to communicate her issues to me. We lived next door to each other in the Uni apartments that year and it made my life a nightmare for half a year.

5. Met her at my internship junior year, dated till October of senior year. This one could be a post itself, but TL;DR, she broke into my house to steal gifts back while I was gone, denied it, and got the school to take her side. Nearly got me kicked out of school. Sam, you are a total cunt. Hope you rot in hell.

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Zero. I've been on a few dates though. 1 I screwed up afterward. Most of the time the girl had a boyfriend she didn't feel like telling me about so I cut contact. I'm not a second guy am I?

If I've taken a girl on a date before does that count as a gf

>Loved her too much

I know that feel user, my one serious gf broke up with me because I was paying to much attention to her.

Was Sam always psycho?

Also nice get

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leave this board, you dont belong here

I think in number 2's case I was trying to push the romantic stuff that I though bf/gf did with each other and she wasn't ready for it. I was still a kid then, so can't blame her. Sam has always been psycho, according to someone whose little brother dated her in HS. That girl that told me is equally psycho in her own right, so idk. Either way, if I ever see her again, I want to tell her all the nasty shit I wasn't able to this past semester. Still pissed about it.

Make me.

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Double 9's in a row say I stay.

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absolutely none. Come on now I put that on my profile on the dating site we met on what did you not read it?
>implying I am talking to some random female

*run away*

Zero before you I am so thankful that you agreed to go out with me really I have been starving with no woman for years you are my goddess

None yet, wanna change that?

Do I look like the kind of guy who have ever had a girlfriend?

None. I've never really been good with girls.. sorry.

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tf is a girlfriend?is it like a waifu?

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Seven girls and two boys ma'am.

One, left her after 4 years because she kept trying to kill herself and it was too stressful. Turns out she cheated on me anyway and the day after breaking up she fucked someone else.

Fuck you L. i hope your life stays hell you alcoholic roastie.

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Isn't she not allowed by law to eat at a fast food chain that isn't Wendy's?

I dunno what do you want bitch!

More than you.


I have only had one real gf, but I've had countless waifus.

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>28 years old
>no gf
>fat, and ugly

I barely leave my house other than work/groceries. I hate going out in public especially to the mall, I hate walking by group of cute girls, and know they're judging me. Gives me a headache.

>tfw cute girl at work
>she lives with her ex bf/bf
>he gives her ultimatum
>we talk on the regular
>went on doing fuck,marry,kill and would you rather game

>she asked would you rather get head rest of your life, but cant make your gf cum. or would you rather not get head, but make your gf cum?
>mfw I tell her I would rather not get head and make girl cum
>she starts to talk about how she doesn't like giving head, and doesn't like being eaten out

I've been looking for a new place ot stay for 6 months, and almost tempted to ask her if she wants to be roommates, most likely I won't though, just make things awkward.

On side note, might take craigslist offers of being "bottom" to a gay guy to get reduced rent. I have nothing else going for me.

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I dated this women on tindr who told me she doesnt count relationships as relationships if they don't last more then 6 months. Most of mine are like a month. So I was sitting there thinking she was showing her female privilege.

I guess about as many as you

she's pretty cute .-.

6. None of them lasting more than a month either because they got bored of me or leaving me for another guy.

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cyborgs had to be virgins too, shows how far we've fallen

Do waifus count at all?

1, but i broke up with her after like 10 hours

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2 and they both told me I was boring when they broke up with me

5 girlfriends

Have slept with 13 women

Kissed probably 20-25

Been on Jow Forums since it's inception and I really don't belong here anymore.

But hey, I'm proof that a robot can get laid, right?

I've had two boyfriends and I haven't been in a Hardee's/Carl's Jr since the 90s.


I haven't had a crush on anyone since middle school. Im not sure if something is wrong with me other than just general social anxiety taking me here.

Had to shitily slap this together just for you, bud

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Two. Married the second one but I've fucked 17 womenz

One official one, but it was an LDR I met online. We never met IRL.

i always say that i had a gf in middle school so i don't look like a complete virgin, but still excusable for having no experience

not enough


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When I was a virgin this was one of those things I was really horrified of thanks to this website. But after getting a gf I learn that girls think less of guys who've had too many gfs than virgins

your gf's just being nice to you, normie

The lord is my gf

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zero, why?

have had this exact situation happen to me and that was my answer.

Biggest Chad I know (roommate from college) ended up marrying a smoking hot virgin from church after fucking over a hundred girls.

I've only had three including the one im with right now. Other one I have to see around my fucking school all the time stupid cunt ruined my life.

not him but i don't think it's all that bad. that's probably why i'm stuck on this board though lol

You're the first.


none. I'm kind of impressed by how many people in this thread have had multiple relationships. I guess you guys are doing better. I hope to be like all of you someday

A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell...


... m'lady

you forgot your pic desu-kun

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Exactly one, though this was a decade ago and it was very limited.
Honestly I'd have been better adapted and socialized if I'd have never met her and had that experience.

I've had 13 girlfriends and I'm getting tired of it. I don't want to go through the whole process again. But I'm a poorfag and not ready to actually get married yet, so I want to just fuck sluts until I'm read y to be a husband/dad

3 that mattered.
Like 5-6 that were thots.
Kinda depends on what you mean by date.
I've had some I've gone on dates and chatted with about dating and i decided it wasn't going to work that way. So we because fwb because the sex is good.
Also you're not a real redhead.
Fuck out of here imposter.

>How many breads have you eaten in your life?

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0, i know she will look me weird now stop bringing the pain

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4. All except one damaged me emotionally, the last one hurt me so bad that I have trouble trusting women at all anymore and never want to be in a relationship again.

This thread is amazing top tier bait for a ban wave to purge the normies right?

Take out the word "honor" and it MIGHT be able to come off as funny and work.
With "honor" you're cringelord supreme.

>Been on Jow Forums since it's inception and I really don't belong here anymore
Literally every fucking normie says that I can't believe you faggots.

1 i think that i will always love her

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Basil Oregano

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So what's best in this situation, to lie and say 1 or 2, or to say the truth and say you never had one.

Shit, I almost fucked it up with a crush recently for the same reason, I guess I went too far that time..
Will keep in mind from now on

One plus two minus two

4, going to marry my current gal

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This is about you. This is how normal people view pathetic incels like you.

1 at teh age of 16. Lasted 3 weeks and for the latter two of those I was looking for excuses to break up. Horrible experience. Seems like I prefer to die alone. 27 now.

0. W-why do you wanna know?

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never held hands
It'll come one day right?

Just one GF for three years
She's gone now and I feel it will never happen again. Where I live standarts are too high.
Still love her but she moved like it was nothing, woman definitely don't love.

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2. One last for 2 days and the other for 15 years. And we are still together. I'll never marry her.

jesus christ you're FAT! how many big macs have you had?!? eh? UHN?

Bro same but 3 and 2 hate my guts no regrets

i some how stumbled upon a gf of my own
i literally prayed and asked lord kami-sama to let me meet someone who i could make happy and make me happy (im not even religious, but im starting to look into it now!)
but i dont feel like a changed man, super happy etc, and the autism doesn't go away so im scared
pls halp

7 or 8 i think?

20 i think, wbu