uncutfags BTFO
uncutfags BTFO
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Thanks for the wake up call OP.
I'm now going to kill myself because this thot wouln't suck me off.
>loser pretends to have a conversation with a woman to prove that being inferior is good and preferable
Nice one
I once saw a guy say that it's good that he doesn't have as many nerve endings because it makes him last longer.
Have fun with your dried up worm OP.
>he's proud to fall for Jewish tricks
Op pathetic cope for having an inferior mutilated dick.
man I'm cut but I'd rather be uncut than have my dick sucked by some random picky whore.
>I have longer and less pleasurable sex haha clearly I am superior xD
>thirsty roasted tells man with mutilated genitals she prefers men who have been permanently scarred by jewish blood sacrifice rituals
normal dicks BTFO
Send her this and ask what she thinks
>congatulations maam its a boy
>omg yahweh almighty thank u im so happy now please take him and mutilate his penis
Get off this site you underage zoomer, no one over the age of 18 actually gives a fuck if your circumcised or not.
If you told her you supported female genital mutilation at birth she would probably freaked out and tell you that your disgusting.
I hate the way she fucking talks. It's a specific breed of roastie I've seen type like that.
>this disgusting bitch actually fucks guys who don't shower
>wanting to fuck a dirty jew
what is the video you sent her, some guy getting sucked off on a bus?
>and fuck whoever calls me a whore bitch
tell her fuck you right back.
why the fuck are you even in contact with a female op you nigger.
reminder that OP is actually having a convo with himself
and can't prove me wrong
Ask her why she prefers mutilated dicks with less sensitivity.
Okay seriously, what the hell
>dirt accumulates under the hood
>more at risk to get infected
The hood literally exists to protect from the dirt from accumulating, as well as bacteria coming in touch with the sensitive mucous membrane. The only case when shit gets under there is when you masturbate multiple times in a row without washing and the semen dries up and collects there in chunks.
>no guarantee that a guy cleans up
Guys get taught from really young age to wash under their foreskin for this exact reason. Does he only date guys who don't shower at least once a day as said?
All baby boys should be circumcised. No health problems can occur from being circumcised, while being uncircumcised makes many health problems possible. Don't even bring up psychological trauma or other nonsense: most men are circumcised and most men are in good mental health.
t. victim of not being circumcised
>comments are disabled for this video
fucking lol
This, I literally don't understand what the fuck she's saying. As someone who likes sucking cock foreskin is a million times better. Nothing is more disgusting than a tried up wrinkly cock head
fuck you cuck all men should have a right to bodily autonomy. there is no reason the can't get circumcised later in life if they so choose, and it's unnessecary and optional. It should not be the choice of somebody else whether anyone's dick gets slashed.
lel this girl is mentally damaged and so are you
S-So where you at?
This cunt is fucking retarded, drop her like a rock.
Uncut is healthy, but as always it's up to the persons hygiene to clean it.
There's been research showing that uncut is better for women, in that
1) It's a self lubricating function
2) The hood prevents it from damaging the cunt (srs)
There's even some reasoning that it retains female fluid for pair bonding purposes.
If you actually side with this girl though you're just as mentally damaged.
>mutilated dicks are nicer than not mutilated ones
The whole female population could literally band together and declare they prefer mutilated dicks unanimously and I still wouldn't give 3 shits. Would you cut a finger or 2 if people told you your hand looks nicer without pinkies? Or do you think the girl would snip her clit if you liked clitless vaginas? Get a grip, stop rationalizing what your parents did to you and don't do this horrible thing to your children.
>science says X might happen
Talking straight out of her ass
>that's most girls' opinion
Sure, show me one who's actually educated (watching two hours of porn a day doesn't make you "educated" on this subject) and thinks this
You should tell her I think vaginas are fucking disgusting and dirty and accumulate dirt and she needs to slice her vagina up to make it perfectly smooth and clean
>women saying they prefer mutilated genitals
>women decide to mutilate their son's genitals without their consent
This is a fucked up society, fuck those cunts
That's women showing power over men, it has been the opposite way for centuries and now's the time the tables are finally turned
I had to double check in which board I was lol, what the fuck
>tfw uncut
>tfw will have a beautiful son and I won't mutilate his dick
Feels good
she didn't ask you to snip your dick but she might snip her son's dick, which is quite barbaric. i'm ok with people preferring this or that, but at least give your kids the option to choose for themselves
And he'll have phimosis or frenulum breve or both thanks to your selfishness.
i had phimosis and treated it with cream and stretching in like 3 weeks. why would you mutilate your genitals over stretching them with some steroid cream for a few weeks?
I don't know what the fuck that is, I never had a single problem with my dick
Drop her like a fucking rock.
>tfw wasn't snipped at birth and have none of that
Maybe it's because I was told how to wash myself properly? Or just because my genes weren't that much of a fuckup.
The possibility of phimosis or frenulum breve is enough to warrant mandatory circumcision.
OP is a closeted circumfetishist like Jake Waskett
Just slowly stretching out the foreskin makes phimosis recoverable
There are multiple surgical options for frenulum breve, with the last resort being circumcision.
why did the janitors delete all my posts with the texts in it... what gives.
>mutilate the cock of every baby boy in my island country, like a deranged tribe
>all of the women are conditioned to like mutilated dick over time
>they have predictably bad reaction to normal humans
>tfw sensitive meatus