I dont like vocabulary tests
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I dont like vocabulary tests
>Save your Test ID
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The stops are to hard
I fucking hate maths.
I need to practice it...
Sounds about right. I think I used to be 130 until I started taking these pills.
These scores are inflated so retarded normies will share it on facebook, which increases profits. My cousin runs one of these online iq test websites and he nets well over $5K/month from it.
Take an official mensa test or something if you care about your IQ points.
This, basically.
But whatever. If it makes you people feel better about yourselves then wtf do I care.
Op here, I have. This one is the most "accurate" out of all the meme tests. But in my opinion there is not enough ravens and too much arithmetic. Arithmetic is fine, but it's not the best for measuring abstract reasoning, it can only measure so much.
Ah yes quite in line with my prior presumption of my superior skills as an intellectual titan. Quite droll really. Too bad society will never benefit from my superior benefaction because of my inherent distaste for the dregs of this world (that is most of you, considering my intellect is top 5th percentile). If you have any questions on the nature of the universe please don't hesitate to ask, it's only natural. But do be warned that I will hesitate to answer. Eheh.
Richard and Mortimer would be proud of my performance here today.
I feel like I'm pretty dumb and I got pretty high
Ok, I know we can't trust online IQ tests, but I do believe that these results are at least somewhat correlated with real ones. If this result meant that irl I have an IQ around 120, I'd already be pretty happy about it, since I just want to be a psychiatrist.
Also I'm a huehuefag, so the verbal portions weren't on my side
I hope this was influenced by my lack of sleep, if not then I'm an absolute dumb sausage.
wrong file, dang I'm really a brainlet
>average = dumb
Nigger, I...
I mean average subtracting 15 points and cobsidering it the real score like I did for me, of course
avearge height, face, income, etc. all considered bad, besides being average means being mediocre, barely outside of "badness". I really hope it's the melatonin fucking me up.
What original pills?
i am a nog plz no bully
That's no excuse, nigga. BLACK BULLS must assert dominance not only via their gargantuan penises, but also through their superior intellect.
i did it with 5s for everything and failed
also, fuck you chase. Invite me over for dinner you cunt.
what's up with her head?
What do you mean? It seems normal to me...
Got a 110
feels bad to be a brainlet