This is so unfair, bros, all I want is an Amazon goddess gf

This is so unfair, bros, all I want is an Amazon goddess gf

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Me too user. Standing sex with a girl my height would be heaven.

Me too, desu. How tall are you and how tall do you want them to be?

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>tfw you will never be the amazon goddess gf

Standing sex is overrated. I just want to rassle a big tall bitch into submission.

>"I want the most attractive and rare type of women"
don't we all dude, you and billions of other dudes

All of my friends are humongous faggots that want short girls to make them feel tall.

Figures my favorite zoo animal is the giraffe.

i dont want this feel OP

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>All of my friends are humongous faggots that want short girls to make them feel tall.

I want a short girl so I can sit her on my lap and nuzzle her neck and the skin on the back of her bare arms.

I don't want to have to fucking erect scaffolding to do that, dude.

If I sat OP's pic related on my lap, I would be crushed to death.

>I would be crushed to death

You are a sad excuse for a man.

>those fucking monster feet
ew, no thanks

she has beautiful feet my uncultured friend

damn anyone got a source for that dress?

You just mad she has bigger feet than you.

All the more to lick and sniff, my dear

>All of my friends are humongous faggots that want short girls to make them feel tall.
pathetic, not realizing tall girl short boy relationships are the highest tier.

>If I sat OP's pic related on my lap, I would be crushed to death.
>having weak hips
You don't even deserve an amazon.

but anons, the amazon sits you in her lap.

I would squash her tbqh

how fat are you user?

160 cm and 187
She might as well sit babby elephant on her lap
I have wrestled literal cows tho so I could totes wrestle any Amazon

>look up 160cm in inches
you should not be 187 pounds man, get down to 110 or so. but that's just my opinion.

I actually weighed less before I started working out lmaoo

What breed of manlet

How tall is counted as Amazon gf?

Mexican, only the best in manlet breeds

Amazon cutoff is 5.11

It depends on the guy.
Amazon is defined against the male she's with, so a 5'11 girl with a 6'3" guy doesnt count, but a 5'9" girl with a 5'2" guy counts.

>if she taller than me she Amazon
Literally just raise your standards higher

Amazon as in the women warrior tribe related to the Scythian in Greek mythology not the rainforest, nigger

but in order for her to look like an amazon she needs to tower over the small male.
but I guess if there's an "objective" height, it would be like 6'1". Maybe 5'11 like you said actually.

The funny thing is that she Australian my nihga so she is kinda like a kangaroo it is cute really my dude

It is not about perspective, my dude, it is just that very tall women are not common as if they were not special enough already they are also rare.