anyone else play league of legends?
why is it so addicting? i cant stop playing it.
League thread
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>he doesnt play just for fun
>implying I can't play for fun and be good at the same time
ranked is more fun than casuals tho
gays are extremely bad at video games. let him have his "fun" lol
of course this faggot uses overwolf
sauce on wallpaper
League is for beta weeb faggots
real men play DOTA
dota 2 is the worst moba there is
pinoys are not real men
>t. mad brainlets thinking they are better than me just because i only play normals
>they dont realize that normals and ranked is basically the same shit
Yeah dude I hope Cloud9's normals team finally makes worlds this year
I stopped playing for abt 2 years anf when i decided to pick it up again i got yelled at for 3 games in a rwo and reduced to tears
Its not very fun tbqh
grow a pair and /mute all
yep not like people have more fun playing competitively or anything
EUW dogshit region LUL
oce bots where u at
This pls
Original erignal
MOBAs are so fucking boring. I can't even finish one game.
Sauce on desktop pic please, I ask for my uncle
only a boring existence such as a robot still finds entertainment in mobas and other ebic low income pc bro multiplayers
So user, are you going to share that 'Hentai' folder with us or no?
>>they dont realize that normals and ranked is basically the same shit
But what about making normans and normettes rage by subtly fucking around in ranked?
I'm garbage at league and in Bronze 1
how do people even get into bronze. that's honestly harder than getting into plat
>Can go even in my lane
>jungle mid or bot feeds
>ask jungle top to gank
>never does and goes bot instead
When you main top you can't really carry bronze games unless you get a kill or two. I take teleport so i can gank bot but everyone in bronze never buys wards so I can never get a gank.
how can you be so bad you can get in diamond lacking 80% of your brain tissue
Take a look at If you aren't playing mid,jungle,adc you can't carry a game with feeding shitters
Even if we ignore your ranks, you're fucking lvl 41, so you don't really play a lot. In fucking fact, that means that you have played for 2 months at best (unless you play 1 game a day).
Just play wukong dude, almost nobody knows how to play against it in bronze, and you can both push fast and obliterate any enemy in seconds.
Just get Stormrazor and Duskblade, and you will be able to push like a madman AND oneshot anything.
should I build all damage or just tank after stormrazor? Also what runes?
I only play draven and if my support does not help me get a double kill before 6 mins into the game I run it down mid (just once) and disconnect. I have never been banned. D2 EUW
I don't play Squeeg, just came to say nice desktop.
It mostly depends on what your team needs, if there's no tank on the enemy team, you can build a youmuu, if there is a tank, then a black cleaver. You usually end up building both anyways for that sweet sweet 40% cdr.
If you need to live more, then go for a sterak or a GA (or both), Sometimes an hydra is good too.
Now as for the runes, it depends on what you like and how you play, but these are a must imo.
>Sudden Impact
>Eyeball Collection
For the last one you can take ravenous hunter or ultimate hunter.
As for the other ones, you can go with Resolve (Bone plating and Chrysalis) or with Precision (Triumph/Legend: Bloodline and Coup de Grace), some dudes take Sorcery too, but i've never tried that.
As for the skills, always max E first, then Q, then W.
Play it the same way you would play an assassin, but keep in mind that you're a fighter.
Also, keep in mind that your Q damages towers too.
So how would I start fights? Go in with E and instantly hit Q then hit W run around then hit him again?
You mean in 1v1?
Yeah, mostly. You will E + Q + AA, then if you can, another AA and then retreat. Use W to escape and to attack, remember that it makes you invisible, so you can pretty much use it the same way you would use twitch's Q. Also, you can use your clone to stop skillshots (Jayce's Q for example), and you can also make your enemy think that you're using your W to run away/towards him when in fact you're just standing still.
Also, don't think of your ult as only a damage skill, think of it as a CC too.
>Get killed
>WTF that's bullshit, cheap and OP
>Get a kill
>I got mad skillz!!1!
>Lose a game
>WTF my team sucks they keep feeding
>Win a game
>Oh yeah I carried, ok you helped a bit to but no one else
Thats why you cant stop playing. Gives you a false sense of you being in control and skilled the few times you get an even match and if you lose it aint your fault so you try again. It's how most multiplayer games work now a days to keep people who are bad at the game around and half decent players addicted.
Alright I just bought wukong and going into a rank game. I'll let you know how it goes.
I would have recommended for you to try it in a normal first, but you do you.
Keep in mind tho, although kills are nice, always remember that objectives are more important.
Oh, and remember that E gives you Attack speed, that's super important.
Yeah hopefully I get a bot who wards bushes so I can teleport gank. I never see them ward in bronze games though. Literally no one buys wards.
>played casually for 2 years (one of them barely even played, only got lv30 after the first year)
>started liking the game
>kinda into studying how the fuck I should play the game
>watch hundreds and hundreds of replays on opgg
>change over to support from ad (was an ad only before that)
>bronze 1 (maybe lower, can't recall)
>played 110 ranked matches in a month, 60% winrate, got to plat5
>playing with / against plat 3 ~ d5 (actually got a d5 in a game I was gold 1)
>everyone plays like shit then whine and lose purposefully
>everyone gives up winnable games
>everyone tilts just because they don't get to play the game because they sucked at lane badly
>everyone willingly lose games just because
And that's how I dropped this game.
Player base is not mentally prepared for a competitive game. I don't even care about riot's bull shit honestly, it happens. The player base is just...
I'm waiting for the game to become super nichie and then maybe I will play it once more.
Stop complaining about people in this game and the game. If you don't wanna play just quit it. If you do, stick your thumb up your ass and play the fucking game instead of complain or make everything even worse when you are already taking a pounding in lane. I don't know why people care how you play this game, but you should think about people in this game like npcs honestly up to maybe d1 ~ masters. And no, complaining in chat you took a pounding and blaming other people for their shitty pathings in jg, roaming and whatnot is not playing the game, that's exactly the opposite in fact.
Love the characters. Mixed feelings about the game.
sauce on the wallpaper???
If you can't help other lines, that's fine too, you can help by destroying turrets when the enemy team is not defending them, most people panic when they see that while they were attacking, a ravid monkey pushed 2 Turrets and it's going for the third.
Don't overextend tho.
Well I'm forced to fill bot so i'll try next game
someone post the sauce on the wallpaper already
>Haven't played normals since ARAM came out.
Should I try to get back into normals and then ranked? Feels like I forgot the flow of the game.
if any robots want to play add me
Gold V
Super Deluxe
Quick what should I build since we have no tank.
I got banned 3 times so I used to play a lot. Might give it another go but bans are very annoying.
>first ban made me lose an account with 200k ip probably, as well as 10 skins
duskblade ghost blade and meme on the other team
Playing wu tank is fucking stupid imo, just build black cleaver and sterak, the core is still the same tho.
Splitpush like a madman, and if there's a teamfight, delete the source of damage of the enemy team and knockup as many of them as you can with your ult.
OP is a faggot.
Not posting the wallpaper which he obviously used to get replies.
Yes I'm mad.
Fuck you guys wukong is shit you tricked me into losing a game. Everyone knew how to play against him. I'm sticking with my garen top.
Have you ever considered the possibility that you're just shit?
You have to literally be braindead to fuck it up with wu.
I told you I was shit retard I even said I was in Bronze
Then why try a champion that you don't know how to use in a fucking RANKED game.
Did you expect it to be a the equivalent of picking rugal on KoF?
Also, why the fuck did you rush a fucking black cleaver if only the supp had armor, and you were against a fucking riven.
Not to mention that in you pretty much said that you lose so much because of your team.
Go back to normals dude.
banner used to be the trick to getting out of bronze before some fag loving faggot at goyim games got it removed from the game. a solid item that was once niche got removed because some turbofaggot decided to let some retarded brain dead maggot who uses maggots when he does sounding and is a redditor pitched a fit over it after letting his wife cuck him for the 108th time
that cs, mama mia, you definitely belong in bronze
>tfw d1 all year cos only played 51 games this season
2 weeks till holidays and can get challenger :D
finally dipping my toe into the water again after having not played for almost 2 months. playing trynd supp on my smurf, usually starts working pretty well when the adc starts following me in. you'd be surprised how much low elo solo ranked players underestimate trynds ult because they usually play on the other end of the map that he is usually in
Don't worry faggots I uninstalled it right now. I hate this retarded game. I asked early game for 1 fucking gank where I could kill Riven and snowball but jungler never came top.
league is for faggots. real men play dota 2
>just play turn rate simulator
more like 2 digit IQ teenagers finding some excuses not to use some extra brain cells
That it user, give up on this silly game the same way you've given up on everything else in your life, now you just have to find something else to blame for the failure that you're.
But don't worry, i'm pretty sure that you'll find another game. And then another one after that.
I'm confident that you will find the way to repeat the cycle endlessly.
I'm proud of you, user.
>keep losing normal matches
>still get placed with plats, dias, and i shit you not, multiple fucking challengers
Way to project you retard. This game is cancer and everyone knows it.
I'm a gold 3 support / teemo top main, any anons want to play with me?
That's it, i knew that you would be able to make it.
Learn to play the game you fucking diamond trash players.
What region are you on lad
>the madman went dusk first
wu is actually good btw
anyone on na want to play some arams?
Wanna queue fren
post wallpaper league fag
Stopped after they literally murdered my 2 favourite mains and fucked the corpses.
If any robots on EUNE wanna play add "tfw no cute gf"
Normals only, new account
I have an account. Doostmaster. About to fail gold promos 5th time today on NORTH AMERICa.
i'm original and on NA
add me on NA :username: Kayama
>kid can't play wu
just fucking build damage and go all in all the time
Rate my opgg
Tfw only have ezreal/trist and don't want to spend money to get adcs that don't suck
Im originally this guy
I got gold. I can stiop playing now and become aram only now
Add me DoostMaster
Doostmaster here. Real men play pc nethack.
Whats ur summoner on NA? Teach me how to macro and 1v9
Zed needs to be uninstalled from league of legends and the game wasnt the same after katarina got reworked.
Heres more things I wanted to sperg about:
Ap yi
Force of nature mundo
Ap dark harvest rammus
Lethality sniper varus
Full lethality nocturne
Full lethality jarvan
Movespeed hecarim
Cdr morgana
Zzrot banner heimer
Ap on hit amumu
You know what needs to be removed from the game? Half the management at Riot Games and the whole balance team.
Diamond 3 Mordekaiser jungle one-trick here
I haven't played league active in multiple seasons, I'm finally getting back to it a little. I pretty much play only top or jungle... Nice league name and wallpaper. :3
If you truly wanna get better at the game, you'll get out of bronze, it's not hard, but it requires genuine effort.
>When you main top you can't really carry bronze games unless you get a kill or two. I take teleport so i can gank bot but everyone in bronze never buys wards so I can never get a gank.
See, the thing is... If you play with animals, you gotta play like an animal. Fuck teleport, pick a public stomper champ, pick another combat summoner, stomp your lane and if you snowball, just splitpush hard.
For the glory of the S.P.Q.R.
add me on euw: pathetic loser
prefer ranked, plat 4, mid
something something else
not gay here but can you give your wallpaper?
Give us the wallpaper NOW
i only play for Ahri
>he STILL plays league of faggots
>Window is moved to cover the sex part
Put it back you coward