What makes rape so terrifying...

What makes rape so terrifying? For guys you have either torture or death but for women they have a high chance of being raped, which basically is just a small fleshy stick going into a hole. What makes this worse than all the other odds?

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It's the complete removal of the victim's self-agency, and the risk of pregnancy,
People still do it anyway, nothing can be done. the reality of it is scary, and its why I can't have sex by even my own choice, since it can do more evil than good.

It's for the people plotting to do it, its to their benefit and they don't think of the reality, its usually raw and primal, and that's not something to be proud of.

It's a fleshy stick attached to an enemy that can impregnate you and pass diseases.

abortions and medicine

Antinatalism is gay.

>It's the complete removal of the victim's self-agency
like torture or murder?
>and the risk of pregnancy
like casual sex?

enjoy taking your aids pill. don't forget the pain killers for the gaping hope in your anus.

My girlfriend, being a rape victim, told me that it was like a total break of trust and security. Its like all your self worth and conscious being ripped from your body, where you have no control and are just an object to someone else. You are powerless, and now have to live thinking youre useless.

If it brings women down to the ground from their pedestals of self conceit, I'd say more and more women a should be raped. The sexual liberation of women has gone too far.

sounds like a nice visit to the shooting range will fix that.
yep, show the power of american steel
that'll get her blood pumping

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Try sticking a dick size rod into your asshole and see how that feels. Without lubrication it's supremely painful which is the same for women.

>women are so fucking spoiled that losing the ability to control their surroundings and what happens to them is their worst nightmare
Holy shit

Did she cum? Sounds like she came.

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I think the main difference between female fear of rape and male fear of torture is that, while for the latter potential torturers would only be a small handful of the population who are sadists, the former is objectively enjoyable by anyone of the opposite sex and can happen more easily since males are physically stronger.

ok so bring lube, its not rape anymore?

but vaginas usually get wet when things are inside them, it helps reduce friction and discomfort.

You must be fun at parties.
[the joke in this instance being that there's no way this guy's any fun at parties]

But in the beginning it will be dry and especially if the rapist has a large dick it will initially hurt quite abit. Try having sex withouy some sort of lube or foreplay someday youll see

If you don't think he's any fun at parties why did you say he was?

Some of the most pain I've ever had has been while pooping. And I imagine my butthole is bigger and less sensitive than a virgin's vagina.

it kind of makes you unlovable for life.
Go make a thread right now asking r9k if they'd love the victim of a rape- they would not.

Wrong. First of all, in that case it would hurt the guy as well, as he would be chafing his dick. Second of all, the girl will start getting wet as soon as she feels threatened or the guy starts being rough with her, grabbing her arms and pinning her down etc. No I'm not joking, that is how women actually are

this is the best answer, bar none

these are sensible answers

HAHA great joke fellow redditor

Have a gold!

>and now have to live thinking you are useless

.........But women ARE useless. Literally nothing more than elaborate cocksleeves at the end of the day

Maybe in the eyes of a few. But being raped actually gives a girl a massive number of "victim points." Most girls bring it up every chance they get in conversation or on social media, because they receive so much attention for it. Just go to college for proof. Girls there will bend over backwards to construe something as a sexual assault or rape, not even naming the guy or trying to get him in trouble. They just do it for social points

it's the threat of completely taking away any self agency and there's nothing that they can do about it
the weird dude on the trade tells me his thoughts about me whipping out my dong and I just tell him to fuck off, but if you're a woman the consequences are much, much worse; mainly because you've just been outed as a tranny

Pretty much this.
It's hard to say if rape (as we understand) even happens irl. As far as college/school goes, it's just a girl regretting having sex or changes mind later on and cries rape, or gets stinking drunk or high and gets laid and regrets it, or is in a relationship and cheats and blames the man, or it's something like her man wanted to do anal but she did not and so he raped me.
I think rape has been given plenty of coverage in media. Sex is something very commonplace for women, so "rape" shouldn't be seen as anything more than a minor inconvenience. Media depiction of rape as something life destroying and the "ptsd" seems cringe worthy.

>mainly because you've just been outed as a tranny


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Because women are so cuddled up inside little safety bubbles and pedestals they don't even realize they could be tortured or murdered, guys and the whole world will just like drool over us and like at most rape us, liek we're undestroyable we're so pretty nobody would kill us LOL

women are stupid

>implying guys don't get raped

>What makes rape so terrifying?
Its not
its hot and women's top fetish even

I don't really think ''''''''rape''''''''' is that big of a deal as it is made to be.

Guys get raped too. Trust me, I experienced it.

>Guys get raped too. Trust me, I experienced it.

Story time

There are several reasons, but they have already been explained in this thread. The most important however has not yet been, so I will do so now.

Just as men, either by penile stimulation or prostate massage, women can be forced to orgasm against their will and due to biological predisposition towards being taken by someone rough and dominant, majority of male on female rape scenarios result in the female victim achieving an orgasm. That creates a sense of worthlessness, self doubt and self derision, as their body had the pleasure forced on them against their desire by someone that was neither welcomed nor accepted. That is perhaps the most traumatic part as it tosses the existential terror right into their face: You're nothing more than a bundle of nerves, flesh and bone attached to a spine, all your chemicals can be altered, forced, extracted or synthesized and all of your pleasures and pains forced in or away from you by someone who can do these things.

>"patriarchy made me feel good physically against my wish"
>"I'm so upset. I want to die. All men are rapists. All men must die"

Make of that what you will, I didn't create human biology.

it's nothing compated to torture or death. Women just lamentate like they always do. They can't even comprehend what real torture or death means because they don't even have to fear and therefore never waste a thought on it. You can get a picture of this when females talk about these topics.

Because femoids would rather die than become impregnated by a low-tier male. It is their nature.



>the former is objectively enjoyable by anyone of the opposite sex
No. Thats wrong. Thats saying, correct me if im wrong, if I were forced to rape some female I would objectively enjoy it because I am of the opposite gender.