What makes rape so terrifying? For guys you have either torture or death but for women they have a high chance of being raped, which basically is just a small fleshy stick going into a hole. What makes this worse than all the other odds?
What makes rape so terrifying...
It's the complete removal of the victim's self-agency, and the risk of pregnancy,
People still do it anyway, nothing can be done. the reality of it is scary, and its why I can't have sex by even my own choice, since it can do more evil than good.
It's for the people plotting to do it, its to their benefit and they don't think of the reality, its usually raw and primal, and that's not something to be proud of.
It's a fleshy stick attached to an enemy that can impregnate you and pass diseases.
abortions and medicine
Antinatalism is gay.
>It's the complete removal of the victim's self-agency
like torture or murder?
>and the risk of pregnancy
like casual sex?
enjoy taking your aids pill. don't forget the pain killers for the gaping hope in your anus.
My girlfriend, being a rape victim, told me that it was like a total break of trust and security. Its like all your self worth and conscious being ripped from your body, where you have no control and are just an object to someone else. You are powerless, and now have to live thinking youre useless.
If it brings women down to the ground from their pedestals of self conceit, I'd say more and more women a should be raped. The sexual liberation of women has gone too far.
sounds like a nice visit to the shooting range will fix that.
yep, show the power of american steel
that'll get her blood pumping