Your opinion on Hegel
Your opinion on Hegel
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I've heard he's the good guy
I got 1p0 page into phenomenology of spirit and it was so insufferably hard and boring to read I changed books.
>he thinks people on Jow Forums know who hegel is or have the mental capacity to process hegel
This site is 60% mouth breathing americans, get a grip user
*sniff* He's already eating from the trash kan all of the time...
>I got 1p0 page into phenomenology of spirit and it was so insufferably hard and boring to read I changed books.
Are you a brainlet, user?
>This site is 60% mouth breathing americans, get a grip user
Yeah, but there has got to be at least 5% that do understand Hegel.
Inspired some good anime. The idea that people only exist in relation to others is stuid though
>Yeah, but there has got to be at least 5% that do understand Hegel.
nigga some 3% of people who graduate philosophy in uni understand hegel, what makes you think that 5% of people who frequent an imageboard for with nazi larper KVs do? I'd say 5% might have at best heard of hegel
God he was a fucking pain in the ass to read, one of the most dense philosophers I've ever had the displeasure to try and parse
He makes good points if you can get through his bullshit but still, holy fuck
nigga ask /lit/ not /b/ 2.0
>Are you a brainlet, user?
No, it's just a lot of Germans writing styles are confusing when translated. I was reading a whole 1000+ word page and forgetting what I just read. I didn't think I was taking something valuable from it. I read all sorts of philosophers, but the way Hegel and Heidogger are translated is difficult for me. I'm good with ideas, but not words.
>God he was a fucking pain in the ass to read, one of the most dense philosophers I've ever had the displeasure to try and parse
Is Hegel just a pseud?
I watched like 15 Half Hour Hegel videos and i have trouble understand it still. Hegel wrote dense and ambiguous on purpose.
I've heard that you really can't understand fully unless you read it in german.
It's hard to tell with philosophers because, like scientists, they have to put a specificity into what they're writing in order for them to be accurate.
I think Karl Marx and Bertrand Russell did good jobs of distilling his ideas and presenting counterpoints, so I would start there, though I guess you could just use a wiki article or some shit if you wanted to but that'll leave out a lot of nuance and I'm all about "discovering the truth on my own", y'know?
So I dunno if he's a pseud but he's definitely on the border
>I've heard that you really can't understand fully unless you read it in german.
And what the fuck do you think that he has to say?
He couldn't complete the system of German Idealism.
I dont know him is xd
It's that nigga on the dollar bills.
He like wrote that 1984 book, Hegel vs Orwell, unowa'msaying? "Man is man's wolf" or some shit.
He's pretty based
you need to start with the greeks if you want to get hegel
you don't, maybe heraclitus. kant is a good starting point
I agree with you. Who the fuck would in his right mind read Hegel before Kant?