> go to bookstore
> sees this qt browsing obscure topic you're also interested in
what's the winning move here?
go to bookstore
This is a trick question, there is no winning move, unless you count not making a move.
Asl about something pleb-tier. Gauge her reaction, if she is disgusted then you know she is patrician, and if she is excited then you know she is plebeian. Of course, you lose either way but at least you know.
1. tell her that you're gay and looking for gay related books
2. spend time with her and slowly get closer to her
3. tell her that you're no longer sure if you're gay and wanna try new things
4. fuck her
Go to a different aisle until she goes away. I don't speak to women in public unless spoken to.
Avoid. Go somewhere else until she's done. In every aspect of life I will avoid attractive women whenever possible.
Hey, you're such a cutie I kan't control it. I wanna ask you out.
Do you wanna discuss over Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit later? I read it in the original german.
just be attractive and not awkward
>talk to her
>accused of rape
The winning move is to not play the game.
I wanna make sweet love to you
I guess treat her as if she was a dude.
Thats always a great move.
You are annyoed that just when you come in somebody blocks that area that nobody checks out all day.
>be white male from r9k
>go to library
>look like nerd/shut in
>get no pussy and get avoided like a disease by smart stacie
>watch porn on library computer and i think nobody can see me but they do
girls don't read anything other than romance novels
>what's the winning move here?
Prepare the vanguard charge
I can't falter your logic, we know their nature and what they desire.
> so I see you're running GNOME...
> I'm on KDE myself
You know I would respect your post and opinions much more if you didn't post with a trip.
You don't make a move thus not starting a game which you can lose
i never met a woman into quant finance or military aircraft
the trick is, you know deep down whether there could be a winning move before you approach.
The girl will notice your presence once you get this close. She will look at you, and if you're attractive will smile, smirk, or generally act friendly and forthcoming. If you're unattractive, her facial expression won't change, or perhaps grows cold, and her body language will shift to indicate that she's moving out of your way.
If you notice the latter, it really doesn't matter what you say or try and "do" to assuage your approach. She's not attracted and not interested. If you are socially aware and unattractive, then you probably know what I'm talking about and usually never even bother to make moves in public.
thata because there arent any. all women are into are steamy romance novels about chad
>what's the winning move here?
being attractive
>be me in store
>looking for stuf
>some fuckighing faggot starts talking to me
>look at him until the shuts up
>keep staring until he leaves
>continue browsing
Ask her who her favorite Naruto character is
You have risky public sex in the aisle, obviously. Come on guys. Get it together.
>Think about how cute she is
That's about it. Talking to strangers is not normal in my country, pretty much impossible to win in this situation.
>hey i see that you are interested in Gayniggers from Outer Space aswell, it's cool to find someone with similar hobbies
getting people to talk about their interests and themselves is the easiest shit evar. after a quick or not so quick convo pull her number and bust some moves at a date. it's as easy as apple pie.
>make eye contact
>get the book you want and go home imagine getting married and having kids with her
the winning move is to not play
>walk up to her
>wait till she looks at me
>kick her in her stomach
>tell her to unequip rags god she must be already level 20 and wearing that shit?
>tell her to never hit random on face generator ever again
>tell her to download beauty mods
I wish someone admired me the way tyrell admires Elliot.
Tyrell before he JUSTs himself up is a lifegoal though.
>Nice job
>pretty wife
>Gets to use Linux on his work machine
>/VIP/ lifestyle and business trips in data centers
So you like revisionist WW2 history as well.
Why do you think i watch so many JAVs with library theme?
I already have a oneitis, I'd just awkwardly try to get past and grab my book.
Not that I go to bookstores when I can have anything they stock probably sent to my home.
Buy a fucking book and move on.
Quads of expertise
It's to not bother her and waste her time, she deserves better then someone like me.
Maybe smile at her when she squeezes passed you between the bookshelves, at this moment you get to smell her scent and picture what your like might be like to with her together.
That's what I would realistically do.
none. even the ugliest women get approached dozen times a day because of their puss
I'm not gonna add to her long list of ego fuel
These scenarios are so mind-bogglingly confusing to me. I spend hours per week in the normie-proof sections of my uni library and not once have I ever noticed a person, let alone a pretty girl, in these sections. Hell, I never notice people in the library AT ALL except for the study areas while they cram for an exam/essay/whatever.
Note: I'm currently a PhD student and this was the case at the uni I did my BA at and the uni I did my MA at. Fucking no one goes to the library to browse the books anymore.
go home and order books online
>Are you reading the Culture of Critique?
>Are you reading the Turner Diaries?
I would just say hello and smile. If shes interested she'll be receptive and want to make conversation. If she isn't it'll be obvious
>reading hegel
peak pretentiousness
>realize I'm in the same aisle as an attractive girl
>immediately go into panic mode
>walk manually, try to act as natural as possible, and get the fuck out of there asap without making eye contact
>go home and feel like shit for a while
>watch anime and shitpost and eventually the pain goes away
Works every time
but wouldn't that just put her off, knowing you're a plebian? you could say "oh, that was just a test", but that will only reveal your autism and fuck up your chances completely
well realistically this qt is gonna browse some bullshit chick topic like books on communism or romance novels, so let's just pretend I ran into her there
I'd probably hang around her and see if she smiles at me, then ask her what's up
>make eye contact
>attempt to smile and give her some pained grimace
>go home and chug liquor and imagine how life could be if I wasn't how I am
That's usually how these kinds of situations go
the only winning move is to do a 360 and keep walking