I wish short guys were more friendly. I'd really like one

I wish short guys were more friendly. I'd really like one...

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Don't tease us with false hope it's cruel

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I'm 5'6 is that short enough? I swear I have a good personality.

i saw a tall girl with a short bf and it made me crave a smaller bf

It's okay I wish I had a taller gf, but being on here it's not likely to happen anytime soon

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How friendly?

>be 5'4"

is it too much to ask for a gf that is exactly the same height as me?

>image of a girl attempting to eat a short person
Begone succubus, our kind will no longer be meals to yours.

This What even is short at this point? I'm 5'8" and I'm dwarfed by family and friends, it's gay.

you can start by not being a bitch ass piece of trash roast and treat them with a little more dignity and less disrespect... but we all know thats impossible for normalfag roasts

bump for a answer

Same. Shortest man in the family. And its a big family

the girl in this doujin is some magic concotion of perfection in every way its lidicrous even for 2D. Okay she doesnt have a dick but still

the quality of this board would quadruple if these larp threads would be bannable

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Which doujin is it?
Please, and thank you kindly user

>tfw 6'7 but straight shota and mommy fetish
>play short boys in every rpg to deal with my sexual desires

>man being 5'8" suck I wish I was shor--
fuck, that's got to feel bad. I also like /ss/ and some mommy stuff

look up meme50

I wish i was taller and better looking so women would see me as a man and not a genetic failure

Fuck off cunt fag bitch

The worst part is that almost nothing else gets me off or gives me flowery feelings. I have been trying to replace it with working out and other masculine activities and it never disappears. Doomed for eternity.

>Be 5'4 as well
I just want a girl who is like a head taller than me or more. Hell id settle for a couple inches

>that spoiler
I know that feel, I just want to give up control let someone else comfort me for a little bit. Just to feel secure in a nurturing woman's arms

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